Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Wikimedia Commons

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Lawrence Alma-Tadema 

Dutch-born British painter (1836–1912)

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Name in native language
  • Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Date of birth8 January 1836
Dronryp (Netherlands)
Lourens Alma Tadema
Date of death25 June 1912
Wiesbaden (Germany)
Place of burial
Work period (start)
  • 1851
Work period (end)
  • 1912
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Member of
Field of work
  • neo-Pompeian
Native language
Notable work
Award received
Authority file

Wikidata Q240526
ISNI: 0000000081483905
VIAF cluster ID: 68986036
GND ID: 119004305
Library of Congress authority ID: n79060123
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 122555383
IdRef ID: 031316999
NDL Authority ID: 00462202
Libraries Australia ID: 35889512
Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID: 05754720
NL CR AUT ID: xx0237867
SELIBR ID: 35106
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000420143
National Library of Spain ID: XX994730
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 070031487
NORAF ID: 90570683
NUKAT ID: n2003042696
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID: 30396
NLP ID (old): a0000001961502
Libris-URI: nl02wh66345k0fx
PLWABN ID: 9810586584705606
J9U ID: 987007279710905171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA06049782
Open Library ID: OL5558878A, OL1780197A
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren author ID: alma001
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500008100
MusicBrainz artist ID: 12b37c03-7333-4cf8-a993-e14b1975d44d
RKDartists ID: 1272
WGA artist id: a/almatade
Europeana entity: agent/base/60264

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Lawrence Alma-Tadema  (1836–1912)  wikidata:Q240526 q:it:Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Alternative names

Lawrence Alma Tadema, Lourens Alma Tadema, Laurens Alma Tadema

Description Dutch-British painter, drawer, etcher and illustrator
Date of birth/death 8 January 1836 Edit this at Wikidata 25 June 1912 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Dronryp Edit this at Wikidata Wiesbaden Edit this at Wikidata
Work period 1851-1912
Work location

Antwerp (1852-1865), Leeuwarden (1855), Cologne (1861), Pompeii (1863-1864), Paris (1864), City of Brussels (1865-1870), London (1868, 1870-1912), Egypt (1902-1903)

Authority file
  • Portrait of Lawrence Alma-Tadema. 1870.

    Portrait of Lawrence Alma-Tadema. 1870.

  • Self-portrait . 1896. oil on canvas medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259 . Florence, Uffizi Gallery.

  • 1905 or later

  • Waterfall nymph label QS:Len,"Waterfall nymph" label QS:Lpl,"Nimfa wodospadu"

  • The death of Hippolytus label QS:Len,"The death of Hippolytus" label QS:Lpl,"Śmierć Hipolita" label QS:Lfr,"La mort d’Hippolyte" . 1860. oil on canvas medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259 . Private collection institution QS:P195,Q768717 .

  • Pandora . 1881. watercolor medium QS:P186,Q22915256 . Private collection institution QS:P195,Q768717 .

Ancient Egypt and Bible


  • Pastime in Ancient Egypt label QS:Len,"Pastime in Ancient Egypt" label QS:Lpl,"Rozrywka w starożytnym Egipcie"

  • Egyptian chess players label QS:Len,"Egyptian chess players" label QS:Lpl,"Egipscy szachiści" , 1879

  • The Egyptian widow label QS:Lfr,"La veuve egyptienne" label QS:Len,"The Egyptian widow" label QS:Lpl,"Egipska wdowa" label QS:Lnl,"De Egyptische weduwe" . April 1872. oil on panel medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q106857709,P518,Q861259 . 74.9 × 99.1 cm (29.4 × 39 in). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

    . April 1872. oil on panel

    . 74.9 × 99.1 cm (29.4 × 39 in). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

  • Joseph Overseer of the Pharoahs Granaries label QS:Len,"Joseph Overseer of the Pharoahs Granaries" label QS:Lpl,"Józef nadzorca spichlerzy faraona"

    Joseph Overseer of the Pharoahs Granaries

  • The Finding of Moses label QS:Len,"The Finding of Moses" label QS:Lpl,"Znalezienie Mojżesza" , 1904

  • Death of the Pharaoh's firstborn son label QS:Len,"Death of the Pharaoh's firstborn son" label QS:Lpl,"Śmierć pierworodnego syna faraona" label QS:Lnl,"De dood van de eerstgeborene van de Farao" . 20 July 1872. oil on canvas medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259 . 77 × 124.5 cm (30.3 × 49 in). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

    Death of the Pharaoh's firstborn son

    . 20 July 1872. oil on canvas

    . 77 × 124.5 cm (30.3 × 49 in). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

  • Cleopatra label QS:Lbn,"ক্লিওপেট্রা" label QS:Lfr,"Cléopâtre" label QS:Lpl,"Kleopatra" label QS:Laz,"Kleopatra" label QS:Lru,"Клеопатра" label QS:Lhi,"क्लियोपाट्रा" label QS:Lde,"Kleopatra" label QS:Lpt,"Cleópatra" label QS:Len,"Cleopatra" label QS:Lja,"クレオパトラ7世" label QS:Lzh,"克娄巴特拉七世" label QS:Lel,"Κλεοπάτρα" . 1875. oil on canvas medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259 . 54.6 × 66.7 cm (21.4 × 26.2 in). Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales.

    . 1875. oil on canvas

    . 54.6 × 66.7 cm (21.4 × 26.2 in). Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales.

  • Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends label QS:Len,"Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends" label QS:Lpl,"Fidiasz pokazujący fryz Partenonu swoim przyjaciołom" , 1868

    Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends

    , 1868

  • Women of Amphiss label QS:Len,"Women of Amphiss" label QS:Lpl,"Kobiety z Amfisy" , 1887

  • Dedication to Bacchus label QS:Len,"Dedication to Bacchus" label QS:Lpl,"Ofiara dla Bachusa"

  • The Vintage Festival label QS:Len,"The Vintage Festival" label QS:Lpl,"Święto winobrania"

  • A Reading from Homer label QS:Len,"A Reading from Homer" label QS:Lpl,"Czytanie z Homera"

  • Greek woman label QS:Len,"Greek woman" label QS:Lpl,"Greczynka"

  • Tarquinius Superbus label QS:Len,"Tarquinius Superbus" label QS:Lpl,"Tarkwiniusz Pyszny"

  • Interior of Caius Martius' House label QS:Len,"Interior of Caius Martius' House" label QS:Lpl,"Wnętrze domu Gnejusza Marcjusza"

    Interior of Caius Martius' House

  • An Audience at Agrippa's label QS:Len,"An Audience at Agrippa's" label QS:Lpl,"Audiencja u Agryppy" , 1876

  • Antony and Cleopatra label QS:Len,"Antony and Cleopatra" label QS:Lpl,"Antoniusz i Kleopatra" , 1885

  • Lesbia and sparrow label QS:Len,"Lesbia and sparrow" label QS:Lpl,"Lesbia i wróbel"

  • Agrippina with the ashes of Germanicus label QS:Len,"Agrippina with the ashes of Germanicus" label QS:Lpl,"Agrypina z prochami Germanika"

    Agrippina with the ashes of Germanicus

  • Ave, Caesar! Io, Saturnalia!

    Ave, Caesar! Io, Saturnalia!

  • A Roman Emperor AD 41 label QS:Len,"A Roman Emperor AD 41" label QS:Lpl,"Rzymski cesarz AD 41"

  • Proclaiming Claudius Emperor label QS:Len,"Proclaiming Claudius Emperor" label QS:Lpl,"Ogłoszenie cesarzem Klaudiusza" , 1867

    Proclaiming Claudius Emperor

    , 1867

  • The Triumph of Titus label QS:Len,"The Triumph of Titus" label QS:Lpl,"Tryumf Tytusa" , 1885

  • Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery label QS:Len,"Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery" label QS:Lpl,"Hadrian odwiedzający rzymsko-brytskiego garncarza"

    Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery

  • Caracalla and Geta , 1907

  • Caracalla label QS:Len,"Caracalla" label QS:Lpl,"Karakalla"

  • Flower Market label QS:Len,"Flower Market" 1868

  • The Roses of Heliogabalus label QS:Len,"The Roses of Heliogabalus" label QS:Lpl,"Róże Heliogabala" , 1888

    The Roses of Heliogabalus

    , 1888

  • The poet Gallus dreaming label QS:Len,"The poet Gallus dreaming" label QS:Lpl,"Zadumany poeta Gallus"

  • Entrance of the theatre label QS:Len,"Entrance of the theatre" label QS:Lpl,"Wejście teatru"

  • Preparations for the festivities label QS:Len,"Preparations for the festivities" label QS:Lpl,"Przygotowanie przed świętem"

    Preparations for the festivities

  • The wine shop label QS:Len,"The wine shop" label QS:Lpl,"Winiarinia"

  • A Roman Amateur label QS:Len,"A Roman Amateur" label QS:Lpl,"Rzymski amator"

  • Between Hope and Fear label QS:Len,"Between Hope and Fear" label QS:Lpl,"Między nadzieją i obawą"

  • Pompeian scene label QS:Len,"Pompeian scene" label QS:Lpl,"Scena pompejańska"

  • A Pyhhric Dance label QS:Len,"A Pyhhric Dance" label QS:Lpl,"Taniec korybantów"

  • Under the Roof of Blue Ionian Weather label QS:Len,"Under the Roof of Blue Ionian Weather" label QS:Lpl,"Pod błękitem jońskiego nieba"

    Under the Roof of Blue Ionian Weather

  • Favourite Poete label QS:Len,"Favourite Poete" label QS:Lpl,"Ulubiony poeta" , 1888

  • Unconscious Rivals label QS:Len,"Unconscious Rivals" label QS:Lpl,"Neświadomi rywale" , 1893

  • The Proposal label QS:Len,"The Proposal" label QS:Lpl,"Propozycja"

  • Ask Me No More label QS:Len,"Ask Me No More" label QS:Lpl,"Nie proś mnie więcej"

  • Amo te, ama me

  • A kiss label QS:Len,"A kiss" label QS:Lpl,"Pocałunek"

  • Motherly love label QS:Len,"Motherly love" label QS:Lpl,"Matczyna miłość"

  • A silent counselor label QS:Len,"A silent counselor" label QS:Lpl,"Milczący doradca"

  • A Solicitation label QS:Len,"A Solicitation" label QS:Lpl,"Napraszanie się"

  • In a rose garden label QS:Len,"In a rose garden" label QS:Lpl,"W różanym ogrodzie"

  • Comparison label QS:Len,"Comparison" label QS:Lpl,"Konfrontacja"

  • In the temple label QS:Len,"In the temple" label QS:Lpl,"W świątyni"

  • Bacchante label QS:Len,"Bacchante" label QS:Lpl,"Bachantka"

  • The benediction label QS:Len,"The benediction" label QS:Lpl,"Błogosławieństwo"

  • A spring festival (On the road to the temple of Ceres) label QS:Len,"A spring festival (On the road to the temple of Ceres)" label QS:Lpl,"Święto wiosny (W drodze do świątyni Ceres)"

    A spring festival (On the road to the temple of Ceres)

  • Fortune´s favourite label QS:Len,"Fortune´s favourite" label QS:Lpl,"Ulubieniec Fortuny"

  • Galanterie, the boat label QS:Len,"Galanterie, the boat" label QS:Lpl,"Galanteria, łódź"

  • An eloquent silence label QS:Len,"An eloquent silence" label QS:Lpl,"Wymowna cisza" , 1890

  • Spring label QS:Len,"Spring" label QS:Lpl,"Wiosna" , 1894

  • Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese label QS:Len,"Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese" label QS:Lpl,"Wiosna w ogrodzie willi Borghese"

    Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese

  • Between Venus and Bacchus label QS:Len,"Between Venus and Bacchus" label QS:Lpl,"Między Wenus a Bachusem"

    Between Venus and Bacchus

  • Silver Favourites label QS:Len,"Silver Favourites" label QS:Lpl,"Srebrzyści ulubieńcy"

  • A coign of vantage label QS:Len,"A coign of vantage" label QS:Lpl,"Spojrzenie z góry" , 1895

  • Watching and waiting label QS:Len,"Watching and waiting" label QS:Lpl,"Patrzenie i czekanie"

  • The Colosseum label QS:Len,"The Colosseum" label QS:Lpl,"Koloseum"

  • Votive label QS:Len,"Votive" label QS:Lpl,"Ofiara"

  • A Crown label QS:Len,"A Crown" label QS:Lpl,"Korona"

  • The Oleander label QS:Len,"The Oleander" label QS:Lpl,"Oleander"

  • Confidences label QS:Len,"Confidences" label QS:Lpl,"Zwierzenia"

  • My Sister Is Not In label QS:Len,"My Sister Is Not In" label QS:Lpl,"Mojej siostry nie ma w domu"

  • Hopeful label QS:Len,"Hopeful" label QS:Lpl,"Pełna nadziei"

  • A Foregone Conclusion label QS:Len,"A Foregone Conclusion" label QS:Lpl,"Przesądzony wniosek"

  • A Juggler label QS:Len,"A Juggler" label QS:Lpl,"Żongler"

  • God Speed! label QS:Len,"God Speed!" label QS:Lpl,"Boska prędkość!"

  • Who is it? (Inquisitive) label QS:Len,"Who is it? (Inquisitive)" label QS:Lpl,"Kto to jest? (Ciekawstwo)"

  • A balneatrix label QS:Len,"A balneatrix" label QS:Lpl,"Łaziebna"

  • Strigils and Sponges label QS:Len,"Strigils and Sponges" label QS:Lpl,"Skrobaczki i gąbki" , 1879

  • The Tepidarium label QS:Len,"The Tepidarium" label QS:Lpl,"Tepidarium" , 1881

  • The Frigidarium label QS:Len,"The Frigidarium" label QS:Lpl,"Frigidarium" , 1890

  • A Favourite Custom label QS:Len,"A Favourite Custom" label QS:Lpl,"Ulubiony nawyk" , 1909

  • The Baths at Caracalla label QS:Len,"The Baths at Caracalla" label QS:Lpl,"Termy Karakalli" , 1899

  • A Sculptors Model label QS:Len,"A Sculptors Model" label QS:Lpl,"Model rzeźbiarza"

  • Roman studio label QS:Len,"Roman studio" label QS:Lpl,"Rzymskie studio"

  • A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus label QS:Len,"A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus" label QS:Lpl,"Kolekcjoner obrazów z czasów Augusta"

    A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus

  • Variation label QS:Len,"Variation" label QS:Lpl,"Wariacja"

  • A Roman studio label QS:Len,"A Roman studio" label QS:Lpl,"Rzymskie studio"

  • A Roman Art Lover label QS:Len,"A Roman Art Lover" label QS:Lpl,"Rzymski miłośnik sztuki"

  • A Sculpture Gallery in Rome at the Time of Agrippa label QS:Len,"A Sculpture Gallery in Rome at the Time of Agrippa" label QS:Lpl,"Galeria rzeźby w Rzymie w czasach Agryppy"

    A Sculpture Gallery in Rome at the Time of Agrippa

  • The Sculpture Gallery label QS:Len,"The Sculpture Gallery" label QS:Lpl,"Galeria rzeźby"

  • Sculptors in Ancient Rome label QS:Len,"Sculptors in Ancient Rome" label QS:Lpl,"Rzeźbiarze w starożytnym Rzymie"

    Sculptors in Ancient Rome

  • Architecture in Ancient Rome label QS:Len,"Architecture in Ancient Rome" label QS:Lpl,"Architektura w starożytnym Rzymie"

    Architecture in Ancient Rome

  • In the Time of Constantine label QS:Len,"In the Time of Constantine" label QS:Lpl,"W czasach Konstantyna"

    In the Time of Constantine

  • The Education of the Children of Clovis label QS:Len,"The Education of the Children of Clovis" label QS:Lpl,"Edukacja dzieci Chlodwiga"

    The Education of the Children of Clovis

  • Fredegund visiting Pretextatius label QS:Len,"Fredegund visiting Pretextatius" label QS:Lpl,"Fredegunda odwiedzająca Pretekstata"

    Fredegund visiting Pretextatius

  • Gunthram Bose and his daughters, AD 572 - the ambuscade label QS:Len,"Gunthram Bose and his daughters, AD 572 - the ambuscade" label QS:Lpl,"Guntram i jego córki, AD 572 - zasadzka"

    Gunthram Bose and his daughters, AD 572 - the ambuscade

  • Clotilde at the Tomb of her Grandchildren label QS:Len,"Clotilde at the Tomb of her Grandchildren" label QS:Lpl,"Klotylda w grobowcu wnuków"

    Clotilde at the Tomb of her Grandchildren

"The poet reading" series


  • Sappho and Alcaeus label QS:Len,"Sappho and Alcaeus" label QS:Lpl,"Safona i Alkajos" , 1881

  • Tibullus at Delia's label QS:Len,"Tibullus at Delia's" label QS:Lpl,"Tibullus u Delii" , 1866

  • Catullus at Lesbia label QS:Len,"Catullus at Lesbia" label QS:Lpl,"Katullus u Lesbii"

  • Venantius Fortunatus Reading His Poems to Radegonda VI label QS:Len,"Venantius Fortunatus Reading His Poems to Radegonda VI" label QS:Lpl,"Wenancjusz Fortunat czytający swój wiersz Radegundzie VI" , 1862

    Venantius Fortunatus Reading His Poems to Radegonda VI

    , 1862

  • Faust and Marguerite label QS:Len,"Faust and Marguerite" label QS:Lpl,"Faust i Małgorzata"

  • Queen Katherine of France (play "Henry V") label QS:Len,"Queen Katherine of France (play "Henry V")" label QS:Lpl,"Królowa Katarzyna de Valois (sztuka "Henryk V)"

    Queen Katherine of France (play "Henry V")

  • Dame Ellen Terry as Imogen label QS:Len,"Dame Ellen Terry as Imogen" label QS:Lpl,"Dama Ellen Terry jako Imogena"

    Dame Ellen Terry as Imogen

  • Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema

    Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema

  • Cherries label QS:Len,"Cherries" label QS:Lpl,"Wiśnie"

  • Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, Duchess of Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, księżna Cleveland label QS:Len,"Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, Duchess of Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, księżna Cleveland"

    Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, Duchess of Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, księżna Cleveland

  • San Clemente

  • he Crossing of the River Berizina - 1812 label QS:Len,"he Crossing of the River Berizina - 1812" label QS:Lpl,"Przeprawa przez Berezynę - 1812"

    he Crossing of the River Berizina - 1812

  • The Blind Beggar label QS:Len,"The Blind Beggar" label QS:Lpl,"Ślepy żebrak"

  • Una carita

  • 94 Degrees in the Shade label QS:Len,"94 Degrees in the Shade" label QS:Lpl,"94 stopnie w cieniu"

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