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Deutsch: Die M14 war im Amerikanischen Milirär die Ordonazwaffe von 1957-1966 als sie dann von der M16 ersetzt wurde. Heute wird sie als Markman Rifle verwendet.

English: The M-14 is a 7.62 x 51 mm NATO self-loading rifle. It served as a standard issue rifle between 1957-1966 but has remained in service to present date as a designated marksman weapon within the USMC. The Israeli Defense Forces used it as a sniper rifle from 1973-1997, when it was replaced with the M24 SWS.


Polski: US Rifle 7.62 mm M14 - produkowany w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku amerykański karabin samopowtarzalny kalibru 7,62 x 51 mm.

한국어: M14 소총은 7.62x51mm탄을 사용하는 완전자동, 반자동 선택이 가능한 전투소총이다. M1의 설계를 근간으로 몇 종류의 시험모델을 통해 이를 개량하여 1957년 T44E4가 미군에 M14라는 이름으로 채용, 1959년부터 1964년까지 양산되었다. 1967년 미군에서 M16에게 제식소총의 자리를 내주었지만 이후에도 도태되지 않고 일부에서 현재까지 계속 사용해오고 있으며 아프가니스탄 전쟁, 이라크전쟁을 통해 다시금 일선에서 모습을 보이고 있다.

see also : M21, M25, Designated Marksman Rifle and Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle

  • M14


  • M21


  • M14


  • Springfield Armory M1A National Match Rifle (civilian M14)

    Springfield Armory M1A National Match Rifle (civilian M14)

  • M14 deployed during the Tet Offensive, 1968

    M14 deployed during the Tet Offensive, 1968

  • Mk14 mod 0

    Mk14 mod 0

  • M14. The rifle is equipped with the Sage EBR stock, but the full length barrel and standard front sight/flashhider indicate that it is not a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR.

    M14. The rifle is equipped with the Sage EBR stock, but the full length barrel and standard front sight/flashhider indicate that it is not a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR.

  • A soldier from the 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment with an M14 equipped with a Sage M14ALCS railed chassis.

    A soldier from the 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment with an M14 equipped with a Sage M14ALCS railed chassis.

  • U.S. troops from the 101st division equipped with M14 variants in Baghdad, Iraq.

    U.S. troops from the 101st division equipped with M14 variants in Baghdad, Iraq.

  • A U.S. Navy sailor takes aim with an M14 marksman rifle.

    A U.S. Navy sailor takes aim with an M14 marksman rifle.

  • A sailor fires a M14

    A sailor fires a M14

  • M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle

    M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle

  • A Marksman with a M14 in Afghanistan

    A Marksman with a M14 in Afghanistan

  • In the middle is a T57 rifle, a licenced rifle of the M14 of Republic of China and on the sides are T91 rifles

    In the middle is a T57 rifle, a licenced rifle of the M14 of Republic of China and on the sides are T91 rifles