Raffaello Sanzio - Wikimedia Commons

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This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Raffaello Sanzio, see Category:Raffaello Sanzio.

Raphael or Raffaello (April 6 1483 – April 6 1520), also called Raffaello Sanzio, Raffaello Santi, Raffaello da Urbino or Rafael Sanzio de Urbino, was a painter and architect of the Florentine school in the Italian High Renaissance.

Portraits of Raffaello


  • Self-portrait circa 1506 date QS:P,+1506-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902 , Uffizi Gallery

  • Probable self-portrait drawing by Raphael in his teens label QS:Len,"Probable self-portrait drawing by Raphael in his teens" label QS:Lpl,"Prawdopodobnie autoportret, narysowany przez Rafaela w młodości"

    Probable self-portrait drawing by Raphael in his teens

  • Self-portrait with a friend 1500-1525. Louvre Museum.

  • (1) Self-portrait? by Raphael, missing since World War II or Francesco Maria della Rovere ?


    Self-portrait? by Raphael, missing since World War II or Francesco Maria della Rovere



  • School of Athens, detail: a self-portrait by Raphael label QS:Lit,"Scuolo di Atena, detaglio: Autoritratto di Raffaello" label QS:Lpl,"Szkoła ateńska, fragment: autoportret Rafaela" label QS:Len,"School of Athens, detail: a self-portrait by Raphael"

    School of Athens, detail: a self-portrait by Raphael

  • Horace Vernet, The pope Iulius II orders the works of Vatican and Saint-Peter basilica label QS:Len,"The pope Iulius II orders the works of Vatican and Saint-Peter basilica" label QS:Lpl,"Papież Juliusz II zleca prace w Watykanie i bazylice św. Piotra" 1827. Louvre Museum

  • Portrait of Pietro Bembo 1504

  • Portrait of Perugino 1504

  • Portrait of Agnolo Doni 1506

  • Portrait of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro 1506

  • Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione 1514-1515

  • Portrait of Bindo Altoviti 1515

  • Portrait of Andrea Navagero and Agostino Beazzano 1516

  • Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino 1516-1519

  • Portrait of a Young Man 1518-1519

Portraits of popes and cardinals


  • Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami, called Fedra 1509

  • Portrait of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese 1509-1511

  • Portrait of a Cardinal 1510-1511

  • Portrait of Pope Julius II 1511-1512

  • Portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena 1516

  • Portrait of Leo X 1518-1520

  • Portrait of Elisabetta Gonzaga label QS:Lpl,"Portret Elżbiety Gonzagi" 1504-1505

  • La donna gravida label QS:Lpl,"Kobieta w ciąży" 1505-1506

  • Young Woman with Unicorn 1505-1506

  • Portrait of Maddalena Doni 1506

  • Portrait of a Young Woman 1507-1508

  • La velata 1512-1515

  • Portrait of a young woman 1515-1520

  • Portrait of Dona Isabel de Requesens circa 1518 date QS:P,+1518-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • La fornarina 1518-1519

  • The Holy Family With a Palm Tree 1506

  • Madonna with Beardless Saint Joseph 1506

  • The Holy Family with a Lamb 1507

  • Canigiani Holy Family label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Canigiani" 1507-1508

  • Madonna of Loreto label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Loretańska" 1511

  • The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist 1513-1514

  • The Holy Family 1518

  • Madonna of the Rose 1518-1520

  • Resurrection of Christ 1499-1502

  • Christ Blessing label QS:Lpl,"Chrystus błogosławiący" 1500-1504

  • Mond Crucifixion 1502-1503

  • Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1503-1505

  • The Deposition 1507

  • Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary label QS:Lpl,"Upadek Jezusa" 1514-1516

  • Transfiguration 1516-1520

  • Solly Madonna label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Solly’ego" 1500-1504

  • Madonna and Child (The Conestabile Madonna) 1502-1504

  • Madonna and Child with the Book circa 1503 date QS:P,+1503-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • Madonna Diotallevi circa 1504 date QS:P,+1504-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • Terranuova Madonna 1504-1505

  • Small Cowper Madonna label QS:Lpl,"Mała Madonna Cowpera" 1504-1505

  • Madonna del Granduca 1505

  • Madonna of the Goldfinch 1505-1506

  • Madonna d'Orleans label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Domu Orleańskiego" 1505-1506

  • Madonna del Prato label QS:Lpl,"Madonna w zieleni" 1506

  • Madonna of the Pinks label QS:Lpl,"Madonna z goździkiem" 1506-1507

  • Colonna Madonna 1507-1508

  • La Belle Jardinière 1507

  • Niccolini-Cowper Madonna label QS:Lpl,"Duża Madonna Cowpera" 1508

  • Tempi Madonna 1508

  • Garvagh Madonna label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Aldobrandini" 1509-1510

  • Madonna with the Blue Diadem label QS:Lpl,"Madonna w błękitnym diademie" 1510-1512

  • Alba Madonna circa 1511 date QS:P,+1511-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • Madonna dell'Impannata 1513-1514

  • Madonna della tenda 1513-1514

  • Sistine Madonna 1513-1514

  • ditto label QS:Len,"ditto" label QS:Lpl,"Madonna Sykstyńska" , detail Putti (cherubs)

  • Madonna and Child and with Saints Jerome and Francis 1502

    Madonna and Child and with Saints Jerome and Francis


  • Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints 1503-1505

  • Madonna of Foligno 1511-1512

  • Madonna with the Fish label QS:Lpl,"Madonna z rybą" label QS:Lnl,"de heilige maagd met vis" 1512-1514

  • Saint Sebastian 1501-1502

  • Saint George and the Dragon label QS:Lpl,"Święty Jerzy walczący ze smokiem" 1503-1505

  • Saint George and the Dragon label QS:Lpl,"Św. Jerzy zabijający smoka" circa 1505 date QS:P,+1505-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • Saint Catherine of Alexandria 1507-1509

  • Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness 1516-1517

  • The Ecstasy of Saint Cecilia label QS:Lpl,"Święta Cecylia ze św. Pawłem, Janem Ewangelistą, Augustynem i Marią Magdaleną" 1516-1517

  • St. Michael Vanquishing Satan 1518

  • Margaret the Virgin 1518

  • Saint Margaret and the Dragon circa 1518 date QS:P,+1518-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

  • Oddi Altarpiece 1502-1504

  • Vision of a Knight 1503-1504

  • Three Graces 1503-1505

  • The Marriage of the Virgin 1504

  • Visitation 1517

  • Ezekiel's Vision label QS:Lpl,"Widzenie Ezechiela" 1518

  • The School of Athens , 1509-1510, East wall

  • Cardinal and Theological Virtues label QS:Lit,"Allegoria della virtù" label QS:Lpl,"Cnoty kardynalne i teologiczne" label QS:Len,"Cardinal and Theological Virtues" , South wall

  • Disputation of the Holy Sacrament , West wall

  • en:The Parnassus label QS:Lit,"Parnasso" label QS:Lpl,"Parnas" label QS:Len,"en:The Parnassus" , 1511, North wall

  • Justice label QS:Lit,"Justizia" label QS:Lpl,"Sprawiedliwość" label QS:Len,"Justice" , Ceiling

  • The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple , 1511-1512, East wall

  • en:The Mass at Bolsena label QS:Len,"en:The Mass at Bolsena" label QS:Lpl,"Msza w Bolsenie" , 1514, South wall

  • The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila]] label QS:Lit,"Leo I. ed Attila" label QS:Len,":en:The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila" label QS:Lpl,"Spotkanie Leona I z Attylą" , West wall

    The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila]]

    , West wall

  • en:Deliverance of Saint Peter label QS:Len,"en:Deliverance of Saint Peter" label QS:Lpl,"Uwolnienie św. Piotra" , 1514 North wall

  • Ceiling


Stanza dell'incendio di Borgo


  • Battle of Ostia label QS:Lit,"La battaglia di Ostia" label QS:Len,"Battle of Ostia" label QS:Lpl,"Bitwa pod Ostią" label QS:Lnl,"slag bij Ostia" , East wall

  • brand in de Borgio label QS:Len,"en:The Fire in the Borgo" label QS:Lpl,"Pożar Borgio" , 1514, painted by the workshop to Raphael's design, South wall

    brand in de Borgio

    , 1514, painted by the workshop to Raphael's design, South wall

  • The Coronation of Charlemagne label QS:Len,"The Coronation of Charlemagne" label QS:Lpl,"Koronacja Karola Wielkiego" label QS:Lnl,"kroning van Karel de Grote" , West wall

  • en:The Oath of Leo III label QS:Len,"en:The Oath of Leo III" label QS:Lpl,"Przysięga Leona III" label QS:Lnl,"de eed van paus Leo III" , North wall

Sala di Constantino


  • workshop Raffaello The Vision of the Cross label QS:Len,"The Vision of the Cross" label QS:Lpl,"Widzenie Krzyża Świętego" , East wall

    workshop Raffaello

    , East wall

  • workshop Raffaello The Battle of the Milvian Bridge label QS:Len,"The Battle of the Milvian Bridge" label QS:Lpl,"Bitwa na moście mulwijskim"

  • The Separation of Land and Water label QS:Len,"The Separation of Land and Water" label QS:Lpl,"Rozdzielenie lądu i wody" label QS:Lnl,"scheiding van land en water"

    The Separation of Land and Water

  • The Creation of the Animals label QS:Lpl,"Stworzenie zwierząt" label QS:Lnl,"de schepping der dieren" label QS:Lde,"Erschaffung der Tiere" label QS:Len,"The Creation of the Animals" label QS:Leo,"Kreo de bestoj" label QS:Lcs,"Stvoření zvířat" label QS:Lmk,"Создавање на животните"

    The Creation of the Animals

  • Jacob's Dream label QS:Len,"Jacob's Dream" label QS:Lpl,"Drabina Jakubowa" label QS:Lnl,"Jacob's droom"

  • Jacob's Encounter with Rachel label QS:Len,"Jacob's Encounter with Rachel" label QS:Lpl,"Spotkanie Jakuba z Rachelą"

    Jacob's Encounter with Rachel

  • Moses Saved from the Water label QS:Len,"Moses Saved from the Water" label QS:Lpl,"Znalezienie Mojżesza" label QS:Lnl,"Mozes gered door het water"

    Moses Saved from the Water

  • Judgment of Solomon

  • Sheba and Solomon label QS:Len,"Sheba and Solomon" label QS:Lpl,"Królowa Saby" label QS:Lnl,"koningin van Sheba en Salomon"

  • Adoration of the Magi

  • The Prophet Isaiah label QS:Len,"The Prophet Isaiah" label QS:Lpl,"Prorok Izajasz" between 1511 and 1512 date QS:P,+1511-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1511-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1512-00-00T00:00:00Z/9 .

  • The Sibyls label QS:Len,"The Sibyls" label QS:Lpl,"Sybille" circa 1514 date QS:P,+1514-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902 .

  • Galatea, his only major mythology, for Chigi's villa label QS:Lit,"Trionfo di Galatea" label QS:Lpl,"Triumf Galatei" label QS:Len,"Galatea, his only major mythology, for Chigi's villa" 1512

    Galatea, his only major mythology, for Chigi's villa


  • Italian: Trionfo di Galatea Polish: Tryumf Galatei label QS:Lit,"Trionfo di Galatea" label QS:Lpl,"Tryumf Galatei" , detail


    Trionfo di Galatea


    Tryumf Galatei

    , detail

  • The Council of Gods label QS:Len,"The Council of Gods" label QS:Lpl,"Zgromadzenie bogów" 1517.

  • Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche label QS:Len,"Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche" label QS:Lpl,"Uczta weselna Amora i Psyche" 1517.

    Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche


  • Mercury label QS:Len,"Mercury" label QS:Lpl,"Merkury"

  • Venus and Jupiter label QS:Len,"Venus and Jupiter" label QS:Lpl,"Wenus i Jowisz"

  • Venus and Cupid label QS:Lit,"Venere ed Amore" label QS:Lfr,"Vénus avec Cupidon" label QS:Lpl,"Wenus i Kupidyn" label QS:Lnl,"Venus en Amor" label QS:Lru,"Венера и Амур" label QS:Lde,"Venus und Cupid" label QS:Len,"Venus and Cupid" label QS:Lsl,"Venera in Kupid" label QS:Lda,"Venus og Cupido"

  • Venus on the Chariot Pulled by Doves label QS:Len,"Venus on the Chariot Pulled by Doves" label QS:Lpl,"Wenus na rydwanie ciągnionym przez gołębie"

    Venus on the Chariot Pulled by Doves

  • Mercury Brings Psyche up to Olympus label QS:Len,"Mercury Brings Psyche up to Olympus" label QS:Lpl,"Merkury zabierający Psyche na Olimp"

    Mercury Brings Psyche up to Olympus

  • Psyche Brings a Vessel up to Venus label QS:Len,"Psyche Brings a Vessel up to Venus" label QS:Lpl,"Psyche przynosi Wenus naczynie"

    Psyche Brings a Vessel up to Venus

  • Psyche Gives Venus the Vessel label QS:Len,"Psyche Gives Venus the Vessel" label QS:Lpl,"Psyche daje Wenus naczynie"

    Psyche Gives Venus the Vessel

  • Cupid and the Three Graces label QS:Len,"Cupid and the Three Graces" label QS:Lpl,"Amor i trzy gracje"

    Cupid and the Three Graces

  • Cupid Pleads with Jupiter for Psyche label QS:Len,"Cupid Pleads with Jupiter for Psyche" label QS:Lpl,"Amor błaga Jowisza za Psyche"

    Cupid Pleads with Jupiter for Psyche

  • The Miraculous Draught of Fishes label QS:Len,"The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" label QS:Lpl,"Cudowny połów ryb" 1515.

    The Miraculous Draught of Fishes


  • Handing-over the Keys label QS:Len,"Handing-over the Keys" label QS:Lpl,"Przekazanie kluczy ("Paś owce moje")" 1515.

  • Death of Ananias label QS:Len,"Death of Ananias" label QS:Lpl,"Śmierć Ananiasza" 1515.

  • The Healing of the Lame Man label QS:Len,"The Healing of the Lame Man" label QS:Lpl,"Uzdrowienie chromego od urodzenia" , 1515.

    The Healing of the Lame Man

    , 1515.

  • St Paul Preaching in Athens label QS:Len,"St Paul Preaching in Athens" label QS:Lpl,"Kazanie św. Pawła do ateńczyków" 1515.

    St Paul Preaching in Athens


  • St Paul before the Proconsul label QS:Len,"St Paul before the Proconsul" label QS:Lpl,"Ukaranie Elimasa" 1515.

    St Paul before the Proconsul


  • The Sacrifice at Lystra label QS:Len,"The Sacrifice at Lystra" label QS:Lpl,"Ofiara w Listrze" 1515.

  • The Last Supper label QS:Les,"La Última Cena" label QS:Lhu,"Az utolsó vacsora" label QS:Lel,"Ο Μυστικός Δείπνος" label QS:Lit,"L’ultima cena" label QS:Lru,"Тайная вечеря" label QS:Lvi,"Bữa tối cuối cùng" label QS:Lde,"Das letzte Abendmahl" label QS:Lpt,"A Última Ceia" label QS:Luk,"Таємна вечеря" label QS:Lhy,"Խորհրդավոր ընթրիք" label QS:Lnl,"Het laatste avondmaal" label QS:Lda,"Den sidste nadver" label QS:Lro,"Cina cea de taină" label QS:Lja,"最後の晩餐" label QS:Lsu,"Viimeinen ehtoollinen" label QS:Lsl,"Zadnja večerja" label QS:Lsv,"Nattvarden" label QS:Lpl,"Ostatnia Wieczerza" label QS:Lhe,"הסעודה האחרונה" label QS:Lla,"Cena Novissima" label QS:Lfr,"La Cène" label QS:Lmk,"Тајната вечера" label QS:Lko,"최후의 만찬" label QS:Len,"The Last Supper" label QS:Lar,"العشاء الأخير" label QS:Lcs,"Poslední večeře" label QS:Leo,"La Lasta Vespermanĝo"

  • Palazzo Branconio Dell'Aquila in Borgo (destroyed)

    Palazzo Branconio Dell'Aquila in Borgo (destroyed)