Toothbrush - Wikimedia Commons

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This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Toothbrush, see Category:Toothbrushes.


oral hygiene instrument used to clean the teeth, gums, and tongue

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Pronunciation audio
Subclass of
  • brush
  • tooth cleaning instrument
Has use
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Wikidata Q134205
GND ID: 4190491-6

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Eesti: Hambahari on hari hammaste puhastamiseks

Español: Un cepillo de dientes es un cepillo con mango alargado utilizado para cepillarse los dientes.

  • Duralon toothbrush

    Duralon toothbrush

  • Pasted toothbrushes

    Pasted toothbrushes

  • Three toothbrushes

    Three toothbrushes

  • Three toothbrushes

    Three toothbrushes

  • Toothbrushes in cup

    Toothbrushes in cup

  • Bristle toothbrush

    Bristle toothbrush

  • Cheap toothbrush

    Cheap toothbrush

  • Electric toothbrush

    Electric toothbrush

  • Discarded toothbrush swallowed and later regurgitated as flotsam by albatross

    Discarded toothbrush swallowed and later regurgitated as flotsam by albatross

  • Child learning to brush teeth

    Child learning to brush teeth

  • Rendered toothbrush

    Rendered toothbrush

  • Applying paste to a toothbrush

    Applying paste to a toothbrush

  • A Norwegian toothbrush vending machine (next to a condom v.m.)

    A Norwegian toothbrush vending machine (next to a condom v.m.)

  • Colgate toothbrush

    Colgate toothbrush