
Abslom Daak

Abslom Daak is a Blue Blue Balanced companion with a Damage power.

Abslom Daak is a Rare Drop in the level (L50) The 7th Doctor Challenge 2 (Challenge Levels).

Read more about this topic on the Tardis Data Core.


Abslom Daak has the following base attributes:

Level HP Heal ATK ATK2
1 105 4 36
10 228 22 120
20 591 73 369
30 1189 159 779
40 2024 278 1352
41 2121 292 1418 141
50 3095 431 2086 208
60 4402 618 2982 298


Abslom Daak has the following special power at each rank:

Rank Power Cooldown Description
1 Chainsword 8 turns Does 2500 damage split between all enemies.
2 Chainsword 8 turns Does 5000 damage split between all enemies.
3 Chainsword 8 turns Does 10000 damage split between all enemies.
4 Chainsword 8 turns Does 20000 damage split between all enemies.
5 Chainsword 8 turns Does 40000 damage split between all enemies.
6 Chainsword 8 turns Does 80000 damage split between all enemies.


Abslom Daak currently has the following outfits:

(click to enlarge)
Default Gun
Drop Default Christmas 2016 Titan
Appearance Regular Appearance Regular Appearance