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מאמר השבוע


כחלק מפלישותיהם הרבות לכדור הארץ ולכוכבים רבים ונוספים, הדאלקים ניסו לתקוף ולכבוש את כדור הארץ במאה ה-22. מאמצים רבים הביאו לקרבות רבים, ובמהלך המלחמה, הדאלקים תקפו לא פחות מעשרים מושבות אנושיות וטבחו בלא פחות ממיליארד איש. האנושות, כרגיל, התנגדה. קבוצות קטנות של לוחמי חופש קמו בכל רחבי הכוכב, ולבסוף, בעזרת הדוקטור הראשון וחבריו, הצליחו להביס את הדאלקים. (עוד...)

ציטוט השבוע


עובדות מהירות

חזרו בשבוע הבא לעוד רשימה של עובדות מהירות!


  • צוות השחקנים המקורי של דוקטור הו עם המפיקה וריטי למברט
  • הדוקטור האחד עשר בוחן את הדשא הירוק
  • אלדרד חייב לחיות
  • ג'ף סטון, לוחם דאלקים
  • The Sixth Doctor: not a fan of carrot juice or exercise

    The Sixth Doctor: not a fan of carrot juice or exercise

  • Harry and Sarah on Voga.
  • Tenth Doctor companion, Majenta Pryce

    Tenth Doctor companion, Majenta Pryce

  • The Second Doctor shows his Scottish side

    The Second Doctor shows his Scottish side

  • Dr. Grace Holloway, incredulous at the Doctor's x-rays

    Dr. Grace Holloway, incredulous at the Doctor's x-rays

  • Rani Chandra in later life

    Rani Chandra in later life

  • Ben gets a massage
  • Eight likes his new body
  • One form of Prisoner Zero

    One form of Prisoner Zero

  • Longtime classic series director, Christopher Barry

    Longtime classic series director, Christopher Barry

  • Mid-1980s Doctor Who composer, Dominic Glynn

    Mid-1980s Doctor Who composer, Dominic Glynn

  • Bannerman Road
  • Late in the season, Mr. Davison?

    Late in the season, Mr. Davison?

  • Licence to תבנית:S Spit
  • Seventh Doctor companion, Ly-Chee the Wise

    Seventh Doctor companion, Ly-Chee the Wise

  • The Borg: not just for Star Trek anymore

    The Borg: not just for Star Trek anymore

  • The Sydney Harbour Bridge goes boom

    The Sydney Harbour Bridge goes boom

  • 22.png
  • Long-serving director of photography, Ernie Vincze, BSC

    Long-serving director of photography, Ernie Vincze, BSC

  • Elliot Northover under Homo Reptilian observation

    Elliot Northover under Homo Reptilian observation

  • Impossible Planet writer, Matt Jones

    Impossible Planet writer, Matt Jones

  • Frobisher in the dark
  • Eyepatch! Eyepatch, I tell you!

    Eyepatch! Eyepatch, I tell you!

  • The Fifth Doctor and Erimem

    The Fifth Doctor and Erimem

  • Urak, leader of the Rani's Tetraps

    Urak, leader of the Rani's Tetraps

  • The eye of Donna
  • "Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!"

    "Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!"

  • Mel screams at Paradise Towers

    Mel screams at Paradise Towers

  • Lucy Cartwright after her possession by the Family of Blood

    Lucy Cartwright after her possession by the Family of Blood

  • Six in the TARDIS
  • The Doctor and Lady Christina de Souza in the deserts of San Helios

    The Doctor and Lady Christina de Souza in the deserts of San Helios

  • 36.png

    Cinematographer Mark Waters

  • Seven and Ace
  • תבנית:Simm roars after his resurrection

    תבנית:Simm roars after his resurrection

  • The Tharil, Biroc
  • Gwen and Ianto fire at a Dalek

    Gwen and Ianto fire at a Dalek

  • Jo before she was a Jones

    Jo before she was a Jones

  • A fiery Chalderan
  • The Unicorn, the Wasp, and Agatha Christie

    The Unicorn, the Wasp, and Agatha Christie

  • Longtime production manager and producer, Tracie Simpson

    Longtime production manager and producer, Tracie Simpson

  • The curious trio of the Doctor, K9 and Adric

    The curious trio of the Doctor, K9 and Adric

  • The doomed Katarina
  • Klepton, anyone?
  • The Third Doctor levels his sonic screwdriver

    The Third Doctor levels his sonic screwdriver

  • The Fifth Doctor stumbles on Androzani Minor

    The Fifth Doctor stumbles on Androzani Minor

  • A menacing Eye of Oblivion

    A menacing Eye of Oblivion