Leptis Magna - Dagbani Wikipedia
- ️Mon Dec 23 2019
Leptis magnaLeptis bee Lepcis magna, di lahi mali yuya pam zaŋ jɛndi antiquity, di daa nyɛla tiŋ'shɛli din be carthaginian empire mini Roman Libya m-be Wedi lebda puuni din be mediterrian.
7th-century Phoenician foudation daa nyɛla din yeligi Roman emperor Septimius severus saha (193-211) yuuni ŋun daa nyɛ be ni dɔɣi so tiŋa maa ni. 3rd Augustan Legion daa nyɛla ŋun zani kpe ni o gu ka taɣi tiŋa maa ka che Berber tɔbu. Legions ni daa wurim naai Gordian III yuuni 238 saha puuni, tiŋa maa daa kuli yoola pam zaŋ jɛndi bi'biɛri polo 3rd century maa polo. Diocletian daa labimi mɛ tiŋa maa ka nyɛ provicial tiŋ'zuɣu, ka di daa zooi ka chaŋ tooni ka Vandals daa ka na n-ti luhili yuuni 439.
Di daa lahi zaŋ li mi kpɛhi Western Empire puuni yuuni 533 amaa ka Berber tɔbu tuhuriba daa tuɣi tɔbu maa ka di bi lahi nyɛ naba zani. Di daa lu mi n-ti Muslims invasion yuuni c 647 ka daa ti che tiŋa maa labi.
Ban saɣim tiŋa maa n-nyɛ ti pumpɔŋɔ tiŋ' shɛli bɛ ni booni Khoms, Libya, Tripoli nuzaa zuɣu kilomita tuhili ni pihita (130km).
Yakubu Fadilatu (Yɛltɔɣa) 19:31, 6 Silimin gɔli December 2022 (GMT)
Be daa sabila yanima ŋɔ yuya ni lpq (Punic: 𐤋𐤐𐤒) bee lpqy (𐤋𐤐𐤒𐤉).[1] [2][3]Ka di nyɛ yoo ti Semitic root (din be Arabic) lfq, ka di gbinni nyɛ "mɛbu" bee "laɣimbu". Din tooi niŋ ka yuli ŋɔ yila tiŋ maa mɛbu puuni na.[4]
Yuli ŋɔ daa nyɛla be ni lɛbigi shɛli Greek zilinkɔm puuni ka bɔli li Léptis (Ancient Greek: Λέπτις),ka be lahi mi li Léptis Megálē (Λέπτις μεγάλη, "Greater Leptis") ni di wahigi ka che din nyɛ "Lesser Leptis" din miri Carthage zuŋɔ tinshɛli din nyɛ Tunisia la. Yuya ŋɔ Latin zilinkɔm puuni lɛbigibu n-daa nyɛ Lepcis bee Leptis Magna ("Greater Leptis"), dinn daa lahi nyɛ "Leptimagnese City" (Latin: Leptimagnensis Civitas). Latin nim tiŋbihi yuli n-daa booni "Leptitan" (Leptitanus). [5]Be daa lahi mi li Ulpia Traiana ka di bɛla Roman nim sulinsi puuni. Di yuli Itali nim zinli puuni n-nyɛ Lepti Maggiore, ka larigu zinli puuni ka di yuli booni Labdah (لَبْدَة).[6][7]
Phoenician tiŋ maa daa kpala 7th century BC din pahiri pirigili buyi. Niriba biɛla n ŋɔ n daa mi Leptis lala saha ŋɔ, amaa di daa yina n wuhiri yaa pam ntiri repel Dorieus's ni o ni daa buɣisi ni o kpa Greek colony zaŋ chaŋ 515 BC. Kamani western Phoenician biɛhigu shee,[8] Leptis daa leegi binshɛɣu din pahi Carthaginian Empire puuni ni ka lahi be Rome nima sulinsi ni ni Carthage's nasara puuni tɔbu la ni. 111 BC din gari la, Leptis daa nyɛla din za di gama zuɣu saha shɛli.
Roman Republic nima ŋɔ tim colonists shɛba mini garrison niriba a shɛm ni bɛ ti deegi tiŋ maa sulinsi. Tiŋ ŋɔ daa ti tooni ka soli lahi ti ni bɛ zaŋ silver mini bronze n ŋma bɛ maŋ-maŋa laɣiri. Bɛ kaya laɣimbu puuni wuhiri mi ni punic sabbu m-pa dizuɣu amaa ka anfooninima maa nyɛ Hercules mini Dionysus nima dini. [9]Saha biɛlifu, Italian daabihi ʒini tiŋ maa ni ka bɛ mini Libyan interior nima pili daabilim shɛli dim nyɛ nyɔri dini.[10][11] Tiŋgbani yaa zaa dahila kukɔri din mali kulim m baɣi li, din nyɛ luɣishɛli olive-presses ni daa pun yihi bee n gbi. Zaŋ chaŋ 46 BC, di olive oil ŋɔ malibu daa nyɛla tiŋgbani maa ni daa tooi yihiri three million pounds kpam yuuni kam zaa n tiri Julius Ceasar ka di lebi farigu.[12]
Kenneth D. Mathews, Jr. n sabi:[13]
Augutus nam dibu saha, bɛ daa zaŋ Leptis Magna m pahi Civitas libera et immunis, bee fɔŋ shɛli din ka muɣisigu, ka di leegi ka zuɣulana maa mali sulinsi biɛla n ŋɔ.[14] Lala zuɣu Leptis labisi bɛ suphetes bi baa ayi gomnanti zuɣu ni, ka mhzm ŋmani Roman aediles ŋɔ, kamani minor magistrates. Yaha, ninvuɣi zuɣiri kamani 'addir 'ararim bee praefectus sacrorum, nequim ēlīm, mini koleji ninvuɣi pia ni anu.
Leptis Magna nyɛla din ku za luɣi yini zaŋ chaŋ Roman emperor Tiberius nam dibu saha, saha shɛli tiŋ maa mini di tiŋkpaŋ kuɣa ni daa kpe m pahi Africa province empire. Di daa bɛ yuugi Leptis Magna daa lebi Roman Africa tiŋ zuɣu mini daabilim tiŋ kpani. Roman administration sulinsi ni ka tiŋ ŋɔ zoo yɔm. Saha shɛli Nero ni daa yɛn di nam, amphitheater daa nyɛla binshɛɣu din me. Di biɛhisi shee daa du zuɣusaa hali ni Municipium AD 64 bee 65 ni zaŋ chaŋ colonia din be Trajan (r 98. 117) sulinsi puuni.
Tuuli AD 193 puuni, Leptis daa nyɛla din nya di jilin kpeeni din nyɛ emperor Septimius Severus ni yi tiŋ shɛli na. Septimius ti o yanima sɔŋsim n gari tiŋ kam din pahi, ni du meri shɛŋa o ni me nti pahi o arizichi shɛŋa o ni daa din n niŋ dini che ka Leptis Magna gba pahi tiŋ zuɣu din pahiri ata ka be Africa, m mali nyintahili ni Carthage mini Alexandria. AD 205 pulini, ŋuna n-ti pahi be nam daŋ ŋɔ kaagi tiŋ maa ka niŋ alibarika dini m bahi dizuɣu. Taɣibu shɛŋa Severus ni kpa bee m pili daa nyɛla din nam Shaawara gbaabu so' pali shɛŋa din mali jilima nti pahi docks labi me. Natural harbor nyɛla din yɛn silt up, to amaa Severan taɣibu nima ŋɔ kpɛhili yɔɣu, ka eastern wharves la nyɛ binshɛɣu din gu ka taɣi ni zaŋ ti gbaagi saha shɛli shɛli di ni daa zaŋ ku bukaata.
439 puuni, Leptis Magna mini tinsi din kpalim m-be Tripolitania daa lu mi di ni daa be Vandals sulinsi ni, saha shɛli bɛ naa, Gaiseric, ni daa gbaai Carthage ŋun daa yi Romans nima ni na ka daa zaŋ li leei o tin'zuɣu karili. Leptis Magna nima ni daa bi niŋ saha shɛm, Gaiseric daa nyɛla ŋun che ka bɛ wurim tiŋa maa Goma din yɛn chɛ ka di niriba bɛ kpaŋsi bi'biɛlim n-jɛndi Vandals rule maa. Leptis niriba mini Vandals nima zaa daa nyɛla yɔ sam'kara zaŋ kpa lala AD 523 di ni daa niŋ ka bɛ kari laɣingu ban daa yi na Berber raiders tiŋa maa ni .
Belisarius, justian nima zaa naa ŋun daa nyɛ tuuli, o daa zaŋla yuun'pia n-zaŋ Roman Empire yuli deei Leptis Magna, ka 533–4 puuni, di daa nyɛla din daa re-incorporated n-niŋ empire maa puuni. Leptis daa nyɛla din leei tin' zuɣu karili zaŋ ti Eastern Empire, amaa di daa leei bi lahi zani di naba ayi zuɣu yaha, Berbers nima ni daa wurim bɛ tingbani maa naai nyaaŋa. 544 puuni, prefecture of Sergius saha, tiŋa maa daa nyɛla ban lahi nya lirigu Berbers balli nima sani ka di ka zaŋ buɣisi, ka bɛ nasara shɛŋa dibu nyaaŋa, Sergius daa nyɛla ban shee na ni bɛ ti retreati niŋ tiŋa maa ni, nti pahi Leuathae tribal nima confederation daa nyɛla ban laɣim dundɔya maa sambanni m-bɔhiri bɛ yɔrinima yɛla.Sergius daa nyɛla ŋun deei dipitinima niriba anii n-kpɛhi na tiŋa maa ni ni bɛ ti yɛli bɛ ni bɔri shɛli ka o wum, amaa di ni daa niŋ ka Sergius ŋun vuui o napɔŋ ni o ŋmaligi bɛ laɣingu maa ni o daa nyɛla mia shɛli dipitinima ni so ni daa kɔ nti pahi niriba ni daa muɣi daa chɛ mi ka o nyɛ ŋun kɔŋ soli garita ŋi daashiɛɣu din yiɣisi
sw ŋun nyɛ e others. This prmaa suhu, ka o ku ficer onima maa ni yino ka zaŋ k ŋme d to ki maa ni o nualldDin daa tahi ands on the pref naechich resnima daa nyɛla ban wuhi bɛ sujee ka ataaki eka rbers redaa nyɛla bɛ ni zaŋ ka o che Sergiuslabi ka labi forced to abandon Leptis and retreat to Carthage.[15]
Zaŋ chaŋ 6th century, tiŋa ŋɔ daa niŋla Asori tiŋa.[16] Yuma 565–578 AD saha Asori kpamba ban yina Leptis Magna daa nyɛla ban chani paari Berber zuliya ni n chani hali Fezzan toondini polo, Libyan bɔpiɛligu ni ti dolisiri Garamantes niriba.[17] Asori duri daa mɛla 6th century saha,[18] amaa tiŋgbani ŋɔ daa labiri la nyaaŋa, ka zaŋ chaŋ Arab conquest saha 647,tiŋgbani ŋɔ daa nyɛla bɛ ni chɛri shɛli pam gbaa yihi Byzantine garrison force ka mali salo ban bi paai 1,000 . Zaŋ chaŋ 10th century, Al-Khums tiŋgbani daa deei li mi.[19]
Zuŋɔ, Leptis Magna nyɛla yaɣishɛli din mali nitiɣibo Roman saha.
Bɛ daa ʒila di buɣili malibu dukurili yaɣishɛli yi Leptis Magna chaŋ British Museum yuuni 1816 ka daa zali li Fort Belvedere biɛhigu sheei din be England yuuin 1826. Di pa bela Windsor Great Park.[20] Di saɣimbu ŋɔ bela Virginia Water toondini polo ni Blacknest palli din miri A30 ŋmaligi li,London palli miniWentworth Drive.
Italy nima ni daa ŋmɛ n fa Italian Libya 20th century piligu, bɛ daa niŋ kpaŋ maŋ pam ni bɛ la neei Leptis Magna. 1930s piligu Italy binkura vihigu daa niŋ kpaŋ maŋa yihi tiŋsi maa zaa ni daa soɣi shɛŋa na. [21] "4th zaŋ chaŋ 3rd century BC necropolis" daa nyɛla bɛ ni nyɛ shɛli Roman theatre.
Silimin goli June yuuni 2005, vihigu daa wuhiya ni University of Hamburg nyɛla ban tumdi doli Libya teeku noli bɛ ni daa yooi 30 ft waɣilim mosaics din mali nahigbana dibaa anu la,bɛ ni daa mali shɛli 1st bee 2nd century. The mosaics show with exceptional clarity depictions of a warrior in combat with a deer, four young men wrestling a wild bull to the ground, and a gladiator resting in a state of fatigue and staring at his slain opponent. Lala mosaics dihila plunge pool din be balneae Roman villa puuni nachiinsi,di bela Wadi Lebda, Leptis Magna. Bɛ daa tuui mi nya mosaics yuuni 2000 amaa ka daa gbubi li ashili din yɛn guli ka chɛ zubu. Di pa nyɛla din yi polo be Leptis Magna Museum.[22]
Yɛltɔɣa daa yina wuhiri ni Leptis Magna daa nyɛla bɛ ni mali shɛli pɔbiri tanki nima mini soojɛnima loori nima, pro-Gaddafi forces, n daa mali li pɔbiri First Libyan Civil War ni yuuni 2011.[23] [24][25]Libya tɔbu la nyaaŋa, Libya binkura vihigu baŋda , Hafed Walda daa ti lahabali ni Leptis Magna, mini Rasaimergib Fort ni western Tripolis of Sabratha, nyɛla binshɛɣu din ku tooi barigi "ka di nyɛla ka di nyɛla bɛ zabiri la tiŋgbani ni bee bee linjima nima bɔmpi nima bahibu.[26]
Second Libyan Civil War ni mini gɔmnanti ni tiŋduya yaɣili ŋɔ sɔŋbu naabu ni , ban daavbe tiŋa ŋɔ ni daa kpuɣi la niya ni gu ka taɣi Leptis Magna.[27][28][29]
Some of Leptis Magna yet to be excavated
Market place
Arch of Septimius Severus
Severan Basilica
View on Leptis Magna from the theater wall
Measure converter, Market (founded 8 or 9 BC) (Phoenician colony)
Decorative columns inside Basilica of Septimius Severus
Angling in the 1st century CE. Villa of the Nile Mosaic, Leptis Magna, Tripoli National Museum
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- Lepcis Magna - The Roman Empire in Africa, documenting the archaeological site and excavations undertaken in the 1990s, including teams from King's College London and the UCL Institute of Archaeology
- Lepcis Magna article on Livius.org
- Lepcis (Leptis) Magna Images, a gallery of photographs taken at the site in February 2008
- Neapolis/Lepcis Magna on Pleiades, a collaborative scholarly gazetteer to the ancient world
- ↑ https://www.academia.edu/29670337
- ↑ https://books.google.com/books?id=bVWcAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA821
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- ↑ https://books.google.com/books?id=3gQbIhDjkqkC
- ↑ https://archive.org/details/b22008275
- ↑ Chapter XIII. The African Provinces.
- ↑ pp. 462–463
- ↑ https://www.livius.org/articles/place/lepcis-magna/photos/lepcis-magna-byzantine-church/
- ↑ pp. 185–188
- ↑ https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/01/roman-ruins-windsor-castle/550199/
- ↑ https://www.academia.edu/1352701
- ↑ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/roman-mosaic-worthy-of-botticelli-glv8xjl32h2
- ↑ http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/06/14/libya.war/index.html
- ↑ http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/06/14/libya.war/index.html
- ↑ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/wonder-of-the-ancient-world-at-risk-as-gaddafi-uses-ruins-to-hide-deadly-rockets-vnn68zp6rsh
- ↑ https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-expert-nato-raids-spared-libyan-antiquities-2011nov04-story.html
- ↑ Archive copy.
- ↑ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-security-ruins/famed-libyan-ruins-rely-on-locals-for-support-idUSKBN1DS1UR
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20181221071100/https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-security-ruins/famed-libyan-ruins-rely-on-locals-for-support-idUSKBN1DS1UR