

In 1988 a spiritual trip by Mufti Muhammed Akbar Hazarvi with his teacher Ustadul Ulama Peer Sheikh Sayyed Haseenuddin Shah Sahab was undertaken to South Africa. On request of the community Mufti Sahab remained behind in South Africa on condition that an instituition of Islamic Knowledge be established in a Western Country such as South Africa.

Twenty-five years ago, the name Darul Uloom was indeed a name that was uncommon. The connotation and meaning of Darul Uloom was new to South Africa. It must be understood that the Apartheid regime of South Africa had indeed created a vacuum, or suffice to say, a gap of at least 100 years, where middle-eastern countries, other Islamic countries and institutions from the Indo-Pak sub continent, and even on the African continent had excelled in leaps and bounds, in comparison to almost non-existent facilities for higher Islamic learning. Islamic education was very rarely spoken of in South Africa. 

In the year 1989, Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hazarvi assumed the responsibility of Pesh Imaam and Khateeb of the Jumu’ah Masjid,Ldm, Pretoria, together with this tremendous responsibility he was also the Principal of the Pretoria Muslim Trust Madrassa, effectively placing him in the capacity as Head of Religious Affairs at Pretoria Muslim Trust. As the year unfolded, preparations for the commencement and establishment of Darul Uloom Pretoria were being made.

In the year 1990, the official announcement of Darul Uloom Pretoria was made to be launched. One of the major setbacks that the Muslim community faced during the latter period of 1989 was, that the mosques controlled by the mainstream Ahlus Sunnah was taken over by a group of people whose core belief and Aqaaid were indeed contrary to the mainstream. This was another spanner in the works of this establishment, Darul Uloom Pretoria. As soon as the words in regards to the establishment were out, and the initial enquiries began, a series of attacks began on Mufti Sahib, his team and community members who supported him. These attacks were on his person, his belongings, dignity and honour. Even prior to the announcement of Darul Uloom Pretoria, he was served with an interdict and many restrictions were placed on him. Whilst Mufti Sahib and his team were recipients of its congratulatory remarks, on the other hand they were being targeted simply so that the establishment of Darul Uloom Pretoria did not come into the offing.  Despite all the difficulties, on the 12th of January 1990 corresponding to 15th Jamadi-ut-Thani 1410 AH, Darul Uloom Pretoria opened its doors for the intake of students for the first time. The first intake of students at Darul Uloom Pretoria numbered only five. 

Soon word went out that, a full-time Islamic learning centre has been established in Pretoria that has its vision set in providing higher Islamic education, to students on a full-time basis. 

By 1992, Darul Uloom Pretoria was entrenched and recognized not only in its region, but through the length and breadth of South Africa. Towards the end of the academic year of 1992, Darul Uloom Pretoria in conjunction with the Pretoria Sunni Institute hosted the jalsa with participants from various parts of the country from as far as Mafikeng to Piet Retief. Almost twenty madrassas participated in this event and the same year marked victory for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’at and they returned to the Jumu’ah Masjid, Jewel Street. PSI that was instrumental in running madrassa classes, joint its forces with the PMT for the continuation of the afternoon madrassa classes at the premises of the PMT. This year marked for the institute tremendous growth and two additional flats were acquired on a rental basis in Jia Mansions to house the students. The then officials of Jia Mansions allowed the use of the Jamaat Khana facilities, which then sufficed as a learning centre for the hifz students. 

The expansion programme of Darul Uloom Pretoria had caused us to look towards alternate premises. It was at this junction that Marhoom Ebrahim Carrim availed to the Darul Uloom Pretoria a three-level dwelling in Taj Street. Over the next two years the growth at Darul Uloom Pretoria caused its members to seek improvisation of the facilities at hand. This was the same year (1993) that Darul Uloom Pretoria acquired the site adjacent to the house where “Masjid Sayyidina Ghous-e-A’zam” stands today which caters for the five daily congregational prayers, Jumu’ah Salaah, classes, other religious and social needs of the community and served as the hub of activities for the Darul Uloom Pretoria. This Masjid was officially opened on Friday 16th June 2000(12th Rabiul Awwal on the occasion of Meelaadun Nabi and 16th June 2000  coincided with the Youth Day celebrations. This is in keeping the vision of the Darul Uloom Pretoria to guide, educate and empower the youth for a brighter future, as the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. This was the year when Darul Uloom Pretoria acquired the dwelling directly opposite the mosque, which has recently undergone renovations to provide better facilities for in-house students. During this interim Darul Uloom Pretoria acquired additional use of premises offered by Brother Bapu Patel which comprised of the entire upper floor. Thus for a period of time this became the learning centre for Darul Uloom Pretoria. One of its primary concerns is to always seek for better facilities both for learning. 

In the year 2004, the excellences of its publication department came to a fore. The Urdu translation of the Holy Qur’aan by Imaam-e-Ahle Sunnat, Maulana Ash-Shaa Ahmad Raza Khan Rahmatullah Alaiyhi famously known as Kanzul Imaan and the commentary on this outstanding and world-acclaimed translation has been written by Hakimul Ummat, Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Naeemi Ashrafi Rahmatullah Alaiyhi. The task to translate this Urdu into English was done by Marhoom Maulana Mohammad Hoosain Mukaddam Rahmatullah Alaiyhi. This was a task that took fourteen years to reach fruition and was officially launched in the year 2004 coinciding with the 15th year celebration of Darul Uloom Pretoria.

In the year 2005 another point of success for the Darul Uloom Pretoria was that it became the recipient of Asaatizah from one of the oldest universities on the African continent, Jamia Al-Azhar As-Shareef. These teachers are actively engaged with the learners at this Institute, with a primary view to impart instruction in the Arabic medium with core responsibilities being, proficiency and fluency of written and spoken Arabic.

The Darul Uloom Pretoria envisages to have in the near future a building that will serve as a stand alone learning centre which will be dedicated to learning.

We are also desirous and ambitious to have many such existing facilities and faculties to be even further enhanced so that we may be able to reach the contemporary minds and interact with them at the same level. Whatever we endeavour to do, May Allaah keep us on the Straight Path, May He protect us and may He allow us to be dedicated followers of the Holy Prophet Sallal Laahu Alaiyhi Wa Sallam, who strive on the path of the Awliyaa and Sulaha. May our services be for the truth and for the Maslak-e-Haq – Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.