FINLEY, Moses Isaac
- ️Laura Gordon
The World of Odysseus (New York, 1954; rev., 1965; 2d ed. London 1977; rev. London & New York, 1978); The Greek Historians (ed.) (New York, 1959); Slavery in Classical Antiquity (ed.) (Cambridge, 1960; rev. 1968); The Ancient Greeks (New York, 1963; New York & Harmondsworth, 1977); Flavius Josephus. The Jewish War, ed. (New York, 1965); Aspects of Antiquity: Discoveries and Controversies (London & New York, 1968; 2d ed. Harmondsworth, 1977); “Ancient Sicily to the Arab Conquest,” in A History of Sicily (ed.) (London, New York, 1968; abridged & rev., 1987), publ. separately as Ancient Sicily (New York, 1968; rev. ed. London, 1979); Early Greece: The Bronze and Archaic Ages (New York, 1970; rev. ed., London & New York, 1981); introduction to Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War, trans. R. Warner (Harmondsworth & Baltimore, 1972); Democracy Ancient and Modern (New Brunswick, NJ & London, 1973; 2d ed., London, 1985); The Ancestral Constitution (London, 1971); The Ancient Economy, Sather Lectures 43 (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1973; 2d ed., London, 1985); Problemes de la Terre en Grice ancienne (Paris & The Hague, 1973); Studies in Ancient Society (ed.) (London & Boston, 1974); The Use and Abuse of History (New York & London, 1975); Schliemann's Troy: One Hundred Years After (London, 1975); The Olympic Games: The First Thousand Years with H. W. Pleket (New York & London, 1976); Studies in Roman Property (ed.) (Cambridge, Eng., 1976); Atlas of Classical Archaeology (New York & London, 1977); The BUcher-Meyer Controversy (New York, 1979); The Idea of a Theatre: The Greek Experience (London, 1980); Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology (London & New York, 1980); The Legacy of Greece: A New Appraisal (ed.) (Oxford & New York, 1981); Economy and Society in Ancient Greece (New York, 1982); Politics in the Ancient World (New York & Cambridge, Eng., 1983); Ancient History: Evidence and Models (London & New York, 1986).