Batman: Sword of Azrael Vol 1 2
Batman: Sword of Azrael #2 is an issue of the series Batman: Sword of Azrael (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1992. It was published on September 15, 1992.
Synopsis for "Azrael Does Not Protect"
The helicopter crashes with Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth inside. They survive the explosion caused by Carleton LeHah, but the site is completely destroyed along with the chalet where Jean-Paul Valley and Nomoz were.
Jean-Paul and Nomoz have survived the explosion because they headed to an underground shelter.
An avalanche happens as a result of the explosion, covering the underground shelter and damaging the chopper used by LeHah to escape. While narrating the events of the accident, LeHah feels the presence of Biis, a demon lord considered an archenemy of Azrael. Under his influence, LeHah murders the pilot of the helicopter.
Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred go down to the area where the chalet had been. Suddenly, the ground under them begins to crumble. From underneath comes a hovercraft with Nomoz and Jean-Paul inside. Bruce, now dressed as Batman, is attacked by Azrael and left behind in the snow. Instead of following the hovercraft, Batman and Alfred decide to check the hideout from where the vehicle had arisen. They find information about the Order of St. Dumas.
LeHah, now acting as Biis, starts a manhunt of the people who belong to the Order of St. Dumas. Nomoz, being aware of that fact, decides to go with Jean-Paul to visit an old member of the Order who is currently hospitalized. Just as they arrive in the hospital room, they realize Biis is already there. Jean-Paul is shot many times and pushed back through a window, falling down to a certain death.
Appearing in "Azrael Does Not Protect"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Monsieur LeCault (Single appearance; dies)
- Hovercraft
- This issue is reprinted in the Batman: Sword of Azrael collected edition.