
Dark Multiverse

The Dark Multiverse, also known as the Nth World, is a shadow under the primary Multiverse, one formed of every fear and bad decision ever made or dreamt. Worlds in the Dark Multiverse are fragile and constantly deteriorating, inevitably doomed to destruction by their own malformed construction.[32]


Contrary to the worlds of the normal Multiverse, those from the Dark Multiverse have their names preceded by a minus sign, such as Earth -52 compared to Earth 0, for instance. Each of those inverse worlds shown so far bears some degree of thematic resemblance to its positive counterpart.

  • Earth -52 begins as a twisted and darkened version of Prime Earth, although it has some elements of Earth-31.
  • Earth -44 while also similar to Prime Earth at first, features Batman becoming a cybernetic being, while Earth 44 is centered around purely robotic versions of superheroes.
  • Earth -32 and Earth 32 both deal with Bruce Wayne being granted a Green Lantern ring.
  • Earth -22 and Earth 22 are both worlds in which the Joker is killed and his death serves as a catalyst for a major catastrophe.
  • Earth -12 and Earth 12 are both worlds in which Bruce Wayne and Diana of Themyscira are romantically involved.
  • Earth -11 and Earth 11 are both worlds wherein characters are the opposite sex of their mainstream equivalents.
  • Earth -1 and Earth 1 both deal with a darker, grittier take on the DC Universe, with Superman and Batman serving as the initial focus.

Because of its nature as the cradle of yet unborn worlds, the number of worlds in the Dark Multiverse is far greater than in the normal Multiverse, as seen when Barbatos chose to show to Batman the "galaxies" of worlds born from his fears.[1] Other heroes also have had an impact on the Dark Multiverse, with many twisted versions of heroes such as The Flash, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman preparing to invade the Multiverse,[2] even if they could have been created by Batman's fears all the same.

Early History

At the dawn of creation, what would later become the Dark Multiverse was known as the World Forge, a realm of infinite possibilities which was assigned to the cosmic being Alpheus by his Mother, Perpetua, the creator of the Multiverse.[3] The Higher Being, who would later be known as the World Forger because of his duties, was tasked to oversee his own realm as one of the three fundamental parts of creation, similarly to what his brothers, Mar Novu/The Monitor and Mobius/Anti-Monitor had to do with their respective realms.[3][4]

The World Forge was completely composed of dark matter, a substance rich in potential, which was to be used to forge new universes out of the pure metals of creation and the hopes and fears of all sentient life. Worlds that proved themselves stable would rise up into the light to join the Orrery of Worlds, while worlds that were lacking, flawed and corrupt at their cores had to be destroyed so that their energies could be released to fuel the birth of new universes. As the World Forger needed to find a way to destroy these unstable realities, he created his own "pet", Barbatos[3], then known as the Great Dragon[4], who was tasked with annihilating the decaying realities.[3]

After the banishment of Perpetua and Alpheus' return to the Forge,[3] Barbatos, who had served his master for millennia, got tired of him and his lust for destruction, which was also fueled by Perpetua's "whispers", led him to rebel against the Forger and ultimately kill him. Without the World Forger, the cycle was broken: failed universes were now allowed to exist beyond their time, festering and rotting into nothing with all the sentient beings within these realms now suffering nightmarish ends.[4]

Barbatos' rise to power forced the Monitor to generate a race of controller, the Fuginauts, which could ensure that anything and anyone from the Dark Multiverse could invade the Orrery of Worlds, infecting the positive realities with their corruption. In the modern days, Tempus Fuginaut is one of the last defender of the Multiverse's walls against the darkness of the Dark Multiverse, always checking on the nightmare realities.

In the course of millennia, Perpetua continued to whisper in Barbatos' ears in order to cause a new Crisis and, as a consequence, damage the Multiverse enough to ultimately free her from her prison. Barbatos was led to plan his invasion of the positive Multiverse: during the Final Crisis, the occasion finally came as Bruce Wayne aka Batman was sent back in time to the Prehistoric Era by Darkseid's Omega Beams. The event was noticed by Barbatos who chose him as his portal, and possible vessel, for his arrival into the Multiverse: the Bat God began inspiring humankind through the Bat Tribe and used the Bird Tribe, which in modern days became the Court of Owls, to enact his masterplan.

During the Final Crisis, Mandrakk the Dark Monitor was also banished out of the Multiverse by Superman, sinking into the Overvoid until he finally arrived into the Dark Multiverse.[5]

For millennia, the existence of the Dark Multiverse was unknown to the Prime Multiverse's residents until, on Prime Earth, the investigations of the Blackhawk Squadron and the Challengers of the Unknown,[6] led the latters to journey into the unknown and reach the Dark Multiverse. Barbatos' agents, the Court of Owls, engineered the "mantling" of Batman by using the five native heavy metals of the Dark Multiverse, Nth Metal, Promethium, Dionesium, Electrum, and Batmanium, on him.

In 2016, just before the Rebirth, Batman glimpsed the Dark Multiverse and some of his counterparts dying over and over again while using the Final Invention.[7]

Barbatos' Invasion

Years later, after glimpsing the Dark once again through the Final Invention, the Dark Knight was tricked by the Strigydae into reaching the Tomb of Hath-Seth and opening a portal which banished him to the Dark Multiverse while bringing forth the Bat God Barbatos who had previously assembled an army of the worst Dark Multiverse Batmen counterparts, the so-called Dark Knights, who were born from Bruce Wayne's fears, under the command of the Batman who Laughs, a Batman that was infected by Joker's toxin.[8]

With the help of the Cosmic Tuning Fork and the Phantom Zone Projector, Steel and Barry Allen aka Flash helped Superman journey into the Dark Multiverse in search of Batman, only for his entrance to be part of a trap by its denizens, who hooked him up to the same machine that Batman was powering in order to use him as a battery to drive the Multiverse into the dark, letting loose Superman's own nightmarish versions in the process.[9]

As the Dark Knights conquered Earth 0, Barbatos recruited other nightmare counterparts of Earth 0's heroes which were held back by Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl. During the final battle, the Dark Multiverse forces were overpowering the resistence until the heroes were helped by Multiverse's heroes, which were called upon the battlefield by the mysterious 53rd Earth, and managed to use Element X to conjure and wear divine armors whose powers let them defeat Barbatos and the Dark Knights once and for all.[10]


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Aftermath of the Invasion

With the defeat of Barbatos, who was chained somewhere into the Dark Multiverse by the Monitor, the Dark realities were now without any supreme ruler until the rise of Mandrakk, who tried to return into the Multiverse but was stopped by the Unexpected whose leader Neon altered the Dark Monitor's physiology so that he could feed on dark matter, allowing him to stay forever in the Dark Multiverse as his new ruler.[5]

During a journey into a reality where the Black Lantern Corps conquered the universe during the Blackest Knight, Tempus Fuginaut was forced to seal the walls of this reality to stop one of its resident, Thaal Sinestro aka Limbo Lantern, from escaping the damnation of his world.[11]

It was eventually revealed that the Batman who Laughs had survived the first invasion of the Multiverse and planned to conquer the Earth himself. First, he tried to finally kill the Batman and corrupt the planet with the help of another dark Batman, the Grim Knight; [12] then, he took advantage of the Justice League's war against the Legion of Doom over the dominion of the Totality, building his own army of infected heroes[13] and use it to counter the Earths' heroes and Lex Luthor who had become the right hand of a released Perpetua. As the Batman who Laughs proposed her to further empower her with the Crisis Energies from the Dark Multiverse's unstable realities, Perpetua replaced Luthor with the One who Laughs, rewarding him by giving him the chance to build a new Dark Multiverse army and invade again Earth 0.[14]

The Batman who Laughs returned to the Dark Multiverse where he saved from a teen Bruce Wayne, known as the maniac Robin King, from his world's annihilation and, as Laughs believed him to his trump card, masqueraded him as a Groblin[15]. Then, he discovered the existence of the Final Bruce Wayne, a Batman from the Dark Multiverse who had replicated the same incident that created the Super-God Doctor Manhattan, becoming the almighty entity known as the Batmanhattan: the One who Laughs ambushed him as he rebuilt his body and murdered him, keeping his body for the final act of his takeover plan.[16]

At some point before the beginning of the Ultrawar, the Golden Destroyer somehow reached the Dark Multiverse and made a deal with Dark version of Green Lanterns and their villains, building his Armies of the Pit. Later, after Zundernell confronted the Green Lanterns of the Multiverse, he showed them his allies who were trying to pass through the veil between the Multiverses: however, the Lanterns prevented their Dark versions to move into the positive Multiverse by defeating Zundernell before they could obtain a physical body.[17]

Menawhile, Tempus Fuginat summoned to the Dark Multiverse Wally West aka Flash, the Fastest Man Alive in the Multiverse, in order to save the infinite realities from a dark, unstable world which was refusing to be destroyed.[18] Wally traveled through the realities in order to discover the origin of this realm, he finally reached the Dark Multiverse realm where he learned that it was born from his fear to not see again his lost children, Irey Jai: as he met them again for the first time since he disappeared, Wally made a deal with Tempus to undo the creation of this nightmare world in exchange for his children's safety. Tempus agreed so Wally sat down on the Mobius Chair which supercharged him with the Connective Energy of Doctor Manhattan, saving the Multiverse by erasing the unstable realm and planning to heal the wounds in the reality as his "predecessor" tried to do in the past.[19]

Some time later, during his journey through the dark realities, Tempus Fuginaut was confronted by a survivor of one of these worlds, Duke Thomas aka The Last Monitor, who attacked him for not interfering to save the doomed universes from their destinies and proclaimed himself the savior of the Dark Multiverse as the Final Knight.[20]


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The Second Metal War

In the Prime Multiverse, Earth 0 was overrun by the Batman who Laughs' army and remade as the Metalverse by Perpetua[21][22] while the Dark Knight made a deal with the Anti-Monitor, Superboy-Prime and Darkseid to win their respective Crises in the Dark Multiverse worlds whose Crisis Energy would fuel the Mother of the Multiverse forever.[23][24]

After the Earth's heroes rebelled against the One who Laughs[22], who had become a dark God, known as the Darkest Knight, after his mind was transplanted into the Batmanhattan's body,[25] Wonder Woman assembled a team to travel to the Dark Multiverse as they wanted to steal the Crisis Energy and fuel the Mobius Chair in order to supercharge Wally West enough to make him able to defeat both Perpetua and the Darkest Knight;[26] during their journey, the heroes also met a caged Barbatos who mocked them for believing to be able to win against the Darkest Knight.[23]

The team split in three groups as Batman reached the first Crisis' dark world, Wonder Woman landed to the Infinite Crisis' reality and Superman arrived to the Final Crisis' realm[23] where they discovered the Darkest Knight's alterations and their former villains' dominion:[23] Diana eventually managed to convince Superboy-Prime to stand with them against the villains and redirect the Dark Multiverse energy to Wally West. However, it was revealed that the Mobius Chair was previously altered so that the Dark Multiverse' energies were sent to the Darkest Knight who became an omnipotent version of himself that managed to even murder Perpetua and create his own multiverse which was inspired by the Dark Multiverse.[27]

In order to defeat the Darkest Knight and his army, Wonder Woman traveled again into the Dark Multiverse, reaching the Forge of Worlds where Darkseid had refuged after the undoing of his dark realm. Despite Darkseid's warnings, Diana of Themyscira bound herself with her lasso to the Forge itself: because of the Forge's possibilities, Diana managed to unknot the reality itself as all the memories from past events resurfaced into the mind of Earth 0's residents.[28]. Later, a Forge of Worlds-empowered Wonder Woman managed to destroy the Darkest Knight at the End of Time and, as a reward for saving their lives, the supreme Hands chose to spare both Multiverse and Dark Multiverse from their inevitable destruction.[29]

Infinite Frontier

In the aftermath of the rebirth of the Multiverse, Lex Luthor revealed to the other Totality members that the Dark Multiverse still existed under the shadow of the positive Multiverse; it was also now one of the Multiverses that form the so-called Infinite Frontier, a little Omniverse into the greater Omniverse.[29]

According to the Batman of the Justice Incarnate, the Dark Multiverse was sealed off.[30] However, this statement was later revealed to be false.


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List of Realities

The Dark Multiverse is largely composed by dark worlds were heroes and villains' lives were damaged beyond repair, damning the universe. Only a few realities were given a real designation:

  • Earth -52: A universe where Batman lost his family and decide to get Barry Allen's speed. The Dark Knight kidnapped him and forced the speedster to merge with him so they became a speed monster known as the Red Death.[32]
  • Earth -44: A reality where some Batman's villains learned his real identity and attacked him into the Batcave where Bane murdered Alfred Pennyworth. A raging Batman was helped by Cyborg in creating an Alfred-based AI whose desire to protect its "son" led it to go evil and murder every Gotham's villains and ultimately the Justice League. Then, Batman himself was forced to become the Murder Machine.[33]
  • Earth -32: A universe where a young Bruce Wayne was chosen as a Green Lantern in Crime Alley after his parent's murder. He used his new powers to unleash his fury on Joe Chill and, later, on Gotham's criminals. Eventually, his willpower ultimately overpowering the ring and unleashing dark forces into the universe which destroyed the Green Lanterns and the Guardians of the Universe; he came to be known as the Dawnbreaker.[34]
  • Earth -22: A universe where Joker drove Batman to kill him. His death unleashed a powerful toxin which infected Batman's brain and turned him into the new Joker: as he had no more restraint but his abilities were intact, Bruce became the Batman Who Laughs, slaughtering all of his villains and allies and causing the world to become a wasteland.[35]
  • Earth -12: A universe where Ares waged war on Earth's heroes for two years which culminated in Batman stealing his helm and power so he killed the God but this new power made him sink into madness. Bruce murdered his beloved Wonder Woman and the rest of the Justice League before destroying the Olympus and its Gods as the Merciless.[36]
  • Earth -11: A universe where, in the aftermath of Sylvester Kyle's death, his lover Bryce Wayne killed many rogue metahumans and waged war on Aquawoman's Atlantean army, forcing the Batwoman to become a Human-Atlantean hybrid, known as the Drowned, who let the world become a giant ocean.[37]
  • Earth -1: A universe where Superman somehow went evil and murdered his friends, villains, and even his own wife. Batman chose to sacrifice himself in order to save the world, injecting himself with the Doomsday Virus and finally killing Superman; however, he worsened the situation as he became a feral monster known as the Devastator.[38]
  • Earth-Metal: an obscure version of Prime Earth where an alternate Barbatos succeeded in conquering the world during his invasion after corrupting the Element X armors of the Justice League, possessing Batman and turning the others into the monstrous Dragons of the Bat; then, he completed his destruction, ravaging the dark version of the remaining New 52's worlds and leaving only the Last Monitor to watch for the destroyed realities.[20]
  • Earth al Ghul: a dark world where Bruce Wayne became Ra's al Ghul as well as the head of the Empire of Shadows, an evil organization of invincible warriors which came to rule the Earth and its governments. After one of Bruce and Talia's children captured a deceased Fuginaut and the Empire began planning to conquer Earth 0, this realm was invaded by Earth 0 Batman and the Authority that prevented the Al Ghuls from crossing to their home universe.[31]

They are also shown to exist a large number of unnamed realities which are not only born from the hopes and fears of the positive Multiverse's residents but even from certain events from all of its history, such as Crisis on Infinite Earths or Flashpoint, which, at some point in time, caused the birth in the Dark Multiverse of nightmare version of themselves where the evil conquered the universe. Among these realities, there are multiple versions of Earths from all of the Multiverse's past iterations: for example, they exist alternate versions of Pre-Crisis Earths, like Earth-Two, Pre-Flashpoint realities such as New Earth or Earth-30, Post-Flashpoint's Prime Earth or Earth 12 and even from the Hypertime realities.

List of Dark Multiverse unnamed Earths

The following Earths are also shaped by the fears of Earth's heroes and villains or they are different outcomes of the Multiverse's events:

  • The Grim Knight: A universe in which Bruce Wayne picked up Joe Chill's gun after his parents' murder and killed him; this lead him to train around the world and become a one-man-army who ruthlessly waged war on crime as The Grim Knight.[12]
  • Batman: Knightfall: A universe where Azrael refused to return the mantle of Batman, after Bane broke him, and took control of Gotham City as Saint Batman. Many years later, Bane's son healed Bruce Wayne with nanotechnology, making him a cyborg, and helped him regaining his mantle, leading the world to a worse nightmare.[39]
  • The Death Of Superman: A universe where, after Doomsday killed Superman, Lois Lane wanted revenge for his death and became the Eradicator after fusing with him, patrolling Earth and killing enemies and friends, even the newly reborn Clark.[40]
  • Blackest Night: A universe where, during the Blackest Night, Sinestro did not share the White Lantern power with the New Guardians so Nekron killed the Life Entity and conquered the universe. Now reborn as Limbo Lantern, Sinestro recreated the universe with the help of Dove and Lobo, populating it with a new savage species and damning again the universe.[11]
  • Infinite Crisis: a universe where Ted Kord avoided his death at the hands of Maxwell Lord and killed him, blocking the chain of events that led to the Infinite Crisis; he made Superboy-Prime align with him against Alexander Luthor and gained control of Brother Eye, interfacing it with the remains of Anti-Monitor, becoming OBAC (One-Beetle-Army Corps) that wiped out Earth's heroes and took control of the world.[41]
    • Earth-Two: a Dark Multiverse version of Pre-Crisis Earth-Two where the old Superman and his wife were born. It was destroyed during a Dark Multiverse version of the first Crisis.[41]
    • Earth-Three: a Dark Multiverse version of Pre-Crisis Earth-Three where Alexander Luthor came from that was annihilated during a dark Crisis on Infinite Earths along with other Dark Earths.[41]
    • Earth-Prime: a Dark Multiverse version of Pre-Crisis Earth-Prime, home to a dark counterpart of Superboy-Prime, which is also no more existing after the dark Crisis.[41]
  • Teen Titans: The Judas Contract: A universe where the influenced Tara Markov rebelled against Deathstroke, killed him and was injected with his super-serum that greatly enhanced her powers. Calling herself Gaia, she slaughtered her fellow Teen Titans and Superman, destroying most of the Earth and ruling over it as a goddess.[42]
  • Deathstroke: R.I.P.: A universe where Wintergreen died shortly after meeting Slade Wilson who had no one to maintain him in check, allowing himself to unleash his twisted personality and become an evil psychopath. Twisting the minds of Damian Wayne and Wonder Woman, they slaughtered both Justice League and Teen Titans, then ruled the planet until Deathstroke disappeared[43] from this universe.[44]
  • Flash Forward: A dark universe born from Wally West's fear of never seeing again his lost kids whose real counterparts live alone in this decaying world. It refused to be destroyed until Wally made a deal with Tempus Fuginaut in order to bring his children to the Prime Universe, leading to this universe's end.[19]
  • King of Pain: in this twisted world, Bruce Wayne was born evil and grew up committing atrocities, covered up by Alfred. He killed Joe Chill before he murdered his parents, then he did it himself as they saw the monster in him. Years later, he confronted Alfred, who nearly defeated him, but he managed to end him, becoming the Robin King.[16]
  • Batmanasaurus Rex: a world in which, before the Batcave collapsed on Bruce Wayne, he transferred his mind into his robot Tyrannosaurus Rex, becoming the B-Rex.[16]
  • This Man. This City.: the Dark Multiverse version of Batman in Bethlehem, in which Bruce Wayne passed the mantle of Batman to his son Damian. As Gotham City was overrun by criminals and Commissioner Barbara Gordon died, Bruce did a ritual, selling his soul to a Bat God and sacrificing Damian in the process, in order to become Gotham itself, then posing as Castle Bat in the Metalverse.[16]
  • Road Warrior: a wasteland world in which Bruce Wayne used technology to control and rule humankind, which rebelled itself and fought back, forcing him to upload his mind into a monster truck and becoming the Batmobeast.[16]
  • I Shall Become...: a dark universe in which Bruce Wayne died and downloaded his mind from cyberspace into a genetically engineered body; thinking of becoming a god thanks to two lifetimes as Batman, he realized to his horror that the new body was a baby.[16]
  • Death Metal: Crisis on Infinite Earths: a Dark Multiverse's altered version of Crisis on Infinite Earths in which the Darkest Knight made the Prime Anti-Monitor destroy all the realities, leaving only the anti-matter, in order to fuel Perpetua's power.[26]
  • Death Metal: Infinite Crisis: a Dark altered version of Infinite Crisis in which Superboy-Prime was allowed to defeat Superboy and the old Superman by the Darkest Knight so that energy from this world could empower the mother of Multiverse, Perpetua.[26]
    • Earth-Two: another Dark Multiverse version of Pre-Crisis Earth-Two where the Power Girl of the altered Infinite Crisis was born.[26]
    • Earth-Three: another Dark Multiverse version of Pre-Crisis Earth-Three where Alex Luthor of the altered Infinite Crisis was born.[24]
  • Death Metal: Final Crisis: a modified version of Final Crisis into which Earth 0's Darkseid was transported by the Darkest Knight to get his revenge and finally conquer the universe using Anti-Life, channeling the newly-generated Crisis energy into Perpetua.[26]
    • Earth-22: a Dark Multiverse version of 52's Earth-22 where a Superman of the controlled Supermen army came from.[24]
    • Earth-30: a Dark Multiverse version of 52's Earth-30 where a Superman of the controlled Supermen army came from.[24]
    • Earth 50: a Dark Multiverse version of New 52's Earth-50 where a Superman of the controlled Supermen army came from.[24]
  • Batman: Hush: a dark universe where the Elliot family raised Bruce Wayne after his parents' murder; Thomas Elliot conspired against him to take everything from him and lock him away in Arkham Asylum, becoming an elite member of a corrupted Gotham City. Broken in both mind and body and helped by a few servants, a mad Bruce became Batman the Silenced to punish Elliot and every other Gotham power players.[45]
  • War of the Gods: a Dark Multiverse version of War of the Gods where Hecate took over Wonder Woman's body after Phobos made the U.S. Army destroy Themyscira. After killing the Gods of Olympus, she moved against Earth's superheroes, killing many of them but, ultimately, being defeated when the greatest wizards and mages banded together to imprison her, leaving a disguised Phobos to continue her crusade against the heroes.[46]
  • Flashpoint: a Dark version of the Flashpoint Timeline where the Barry Allen died trying to regain his former powers. Without his eternal rival, Eobard Thawne finally called himself The Flash and took over the U.S.A., stopping the war between Wonder Woman and Aquaman who was killed by Thawne. However, he was antagonized by Thomas Wayne/Batman, because of Flash's refusal to restore the original reality, who used the Superman of this world to defeat Thawne. After Wonder Woman allied herself with the New Gods, Thawne erased this reality running back in time and altering again the events.[47]
    • Pre-Flashpoint: a Dark Multiverse version of New Earth where Barry Allen and Eobard Thawne came from. It was erased when Barry ran back in time to save his mother and created the Flashpoint Timeline.[47]
    • Reversed reality: the Dark reality that Eobard Thawne created when, escaping from the Flashpoint Timeline it was created after the death of Barry Allen, he made sure that neither Batman nor Barry Allen ever came to exist. In this world, he was still the Flash and surrounded himself with alternate version of heroes and villains, only loyal to him.[47]
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths: a Dark Multiverse version of the first Crisis where Earth-One was destroyed instead of Earth-Two so the Post-Crisis New Earth was modeled after the latter. When Surtur rose to destroy the world, the Justice League firstly stood against him but it was annihilated; then, the same fate occurred to the Justice Society. The last survivors of the Society regrouped and sought revenge, facing the Nordic fiend again with a new plan; however, Surtur defeated them once again but, before he could kill them all, Alan Scott made a deal with him to help him destroy other planets in order to spare Earth, becoming his herald as the Dread Lantern.[48]
    • Earth-One: a Dark alternate version of Earth-One where the Justice League came from, destroyed during the Crisis.[48]
    • Earth-Two: another Dark version of Earth-Two where the Justice Society originated that was used as a template for the New Earth.[48]
    • Earth-Three: another Dark version of Earth-Three, home to Alex Luthor. It was also destroyed during the Crisis.[48]
  • Dark Nights Metal: a twisted, little-scaled version of the Post-Flashpoint Multiverse that was conquered by Barbatos.[20]
    • Earth 3: a dark version of Earth 3 that was destroyed by Barbatos.[20]
    • Earth 5: a dark version of Earth 5 where the Marvel Family fell because of the Deathwave.[20]
    • Earth 10: a dark version of Earth 10 where the Last Monitor retrieved his glasses.[20]
    • Earth 12: a dark version of the futuristic Earth 12 whose mighty protector Batman was killed and Neo-Gotham destroyed.[20]
    • Earth 18: a Dark Multiverse version of the Wild West Earth 18.[20]
    • Earth 37: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth 37.[20]
    • Earth 51: an alternate version of Earth 51 where a statue of Barbatos was erected in his honor.[20]

They were also briefly featured, mentioned and hinted to exist a great number of unnamed realities:

  • Alfrood's reality: the universe where the evil counterpart of Alfred Pennyworth, Alfrood, came from.[25][16]
  • Anti-Monitor Barry's reality: an obscure realm, which was glimpsed by the Prime Barry Allen, where, during the first Crisis, a dark counterpart of Barry became the Anti-Monitor himself and began ravaging other dark realities.[49]
  • Ark's reality: a universe where all the Arkham Asylum patients somehow merged themselves in a nightmare entity who possessed all of their personalities and aspects.[23]
  • Bathomet's reality: an obscure world where Bruce Wayne/Batman unleashed an evil monster from the bottom of the ocean. As he returned the world for the first time in ages, the monster copied Batman's appearance and conquered both the oceans and the mainland, calling himself Bathomet.
  • Batmage's reality: a dark Earth where Bruce Wayne was trained by Giovanni Zatara into the mystical arts and became an highly skilled sorcerer known as the Batmage. Then, he went evil and bound Etrigan to himself before capturing the Spectre and using him as his main power source.
  • Batman/Bane's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne became a supervillain after empowering himself with the Venom drug which made him similar to Bane.[16]
  • Batman/Clayface's reality: a dark world where Bruce Wayne altered his physiology to become a clay monster with a bat symbol on his chest.[22]
  • Batman/Deathstroke's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne became a ruthless mercenary and wore a Deathstroke-like cape.[22]
  • Batman/Doctor Destiny's reality: an alternate world where Bruce Wayne became a Doctor Destiny-like maniac.[22]
  • Batman/Etrigan's reality': a nightmare hellscape where Bruce Wayne bonded himself with the rhyming demon, Etrigan, in order to enslave his reality.[22]
  • Batman/Lex Luthor's reality: a unvierse where Batman merged with Lex Luthor and wore his battle suit to conquer the world. Before the Dark Multiverse's first invasion, the Batman who Laughs visited this universe and nearly chose its Batman over the Murder Machine as one of his Dark Knights.[16][50]
  • Batman/Mr. Freeze's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne was forced to keep his Robins in water tanks to preserve them; later, he began wearing Mister Freeze-like ice suit and possessed a similar gun.[16]
  • Batman/Neron's reality': a universe where Batman became a demonic version of himself after merging with the higher demon, Neron.[16]
  • Batman/Penguin's reality: a universe where the Batman was a stocky, mad man, similar to the Penguin.[22]
  • Batman/Plastic Man's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne merged with Plastic Man, becoming a spectral elongated entity.[22]
  • Batman/Prometheus' reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne became an evil assassin which wore a Prometheus-like armor. He also killed this universe's version of Penguin.[16]
  • Batman/Ra's al Ghul's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne became the new Head of the Demon and reformed the League of Assassins who began to serve him and wear Batman-like suits.[16]
  • Batman/Scarecrow's reality: a nightmare world where Bruce Wayne spread terror while wearing a Scarecrow-like mask.[22]
  • Batman/Talon's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne wore a Talon-like suit.[16]
  • Batmanhattan's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne found a button in his Batcave and began to study the energy that surrounded it. He created a intrinsic field generator but was trapped inside it: as the chamber exploded, Batman's body was pulverized but he eventually reformed himself as an almighty entity, the Final Bruce Wayne.[25][16]
  • B.A.T.Man's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne used the Wayne Foundation's money to modernize Gotham City so he came to be known as B.A.T.Man, the man who buy all things. He also lived happily with all of his family, including Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne and Cassandra Cain. The Batman who Laughs traveled to this universe to murder Wayne but he was saved by the Batman of Earth 0.[51]
  • Batmanhunter's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne/Batman turned himself into a Manhunter and called himself Batmanhunter. Then, he used his new army of Manhunters to conquer the Earth and rest of the galaxies.[21]
  • Batman rogues' reality: a dark universe where some of Batman villains, including Penguin, Killer Croc and Two-Face, somehow defeated and abducted his sidekicks: according to the Penguin of this reality, Two-Face sawed Bruce's sons in half soon after their capture.[52]
  • Batman who Frags' reality: a dark Earth where Bruce Wayne/Batman injected himself with Czarnian-DNA, becoming the villainous human-Czarnian hybrid known as the Batman who Frags.[53]
  • Batmazo's reality: a universe which was ruled by the Batmazo, an evil Batman who altered his body in order to become an Amazo.[23]
  • Batom's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne began wearing the Bio-Belt, becoming the villainous Batom.[25]
  • Batrocitus' reality: an obscure universe where Bruce Wayne merged himself with Atrocitus so he became a fierce Red Lantern under the alias of Batrocitus.[26]
  • Beyonder's reality: a future world which was ruled by the Beyonder, an evil counterpart of Terry McGinnis.[54]
  • Black Monday's reality: a universe where a more obscure version of Solomon Grundy, the Black Monday, conquered his Earth.[23]
  • Cannibal Batman's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne was a savage cannibal who also killed its Joker and ate him.[16]
  • Borg Alfred's reality: a universe where Alfred Pennyworth turned himself into a cyborg.[25][16]
  • Chiroptor's reality: a universe which was conquered by a Bruce Wayne who merged himself with the Chemo monster who came to be known as the Chiroptor.[23]
  • Collector's reality: a Dark Multiverse world where Batman absorbed a Coluan, becoming the evil Collector.[26]
  • Comet's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Comet the Super-Horse mutated into a winged Centaur-like creature. Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Comet from the inevitable destruction of his world by bringing him to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[55]
  • Court of Owls Batman's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne joined the Court of Owls as one of their Talons and took eventually charge of the criminal organization. The Batman who Laughs teleported Wayne from this world to Earth 0 to murder him and extract his blood.[56]
  • Criminal Bruce Wayne's reality: a universe where Batman decided to take down Penguin's empire by creating his own illegal organization with the help of an alternate Bruce Wayne under the alias of Matches Malone: the Dark Knight eventually managed to ruin the villain who had also proposed him to join forces with him in ruling Gotham City. The Batman who Laughs teleported the Wayne of this world to Earth 0 to murder him and extract his blood.[57]
  • Darkfather's reality: a universe where an Apokoliptian version of Batman was born after the Dark Knight defeated Darkseid and took his powers: after mastering the Anti-Life Equation, he became the ruler the universe as the Darkfather. He also altered the Parademons into wearing Robin's uniforms, creating the new army of the so-called Pararobins.
  • Dear Lois' reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane was turned into a monstrous brain creature, later known as Dear Lois.[58] Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Dear Lois from the inevitable destruction of her world by bringing her to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Doctor Arkham's reality: a universe where it was born the insane doctor, known as Doctor Arkham, who was obsessed with human experimentation.[21]
  • Hawk Batman's reality: a universe where Batman became an hawk-like version of himself.[21]
  • Giver's reality: a Dark Multiverse reality where the mysterious member of the Unseen, the Giver, was born into. Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Giver from the inevitable destruction of her world by bringing her to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Godspeed's reality: a dark version of Prime Earth, which was glimpsed by the Prime Barry Allen, where, during their final showdown, the maniac speedster Godspeed managed to murder his reality's version of Barry Allen.[49]
  • Hawk Patrol's reality: a universe where Batman caused the downfall of humankind as the Earth became a wasteland. As Damian Wayne estranged himself from his father, he built his own army, the Hawk Patrol, becoming its Captain.[1]
  • Firefly Batman's reality: a universe where Batman became a pyromaniac supervillain after wearing a Firefly-like suit.[21]
  • Infernal's reality: a dark Earth where Martin Stein created the Firestorm Matrix that merged Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond together. However, after their death, Stein decided to merge himself with their corpses, becoming the dark being known as Infernal.
  • Innocent Bruce Wayne's reality: a universe that was visited by the Batman of Earth 0 as he was searching for a true happy version of himself; there, he met his younger counterpart and took him to his own world to use him in the final showdown against the Batman who Laughs. After the evil Batman's defeat, Wayne warned the boy about the future murder of his parents, preventing their deaths and sparing him from the pain he suffered as a child.[60]
  • Kentclark's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Superman/Kal-El[61] was somehow altered into a negative copy of himself[58] known as Kentclark. Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Kentclark from the inevitable destruction of his world by bringing him to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Kingdom of Benevolence' Superman 's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Prime Earth where Kal-El of Krypton was sent to Earth in order to survive its extinction and became Superman: during his career as Superman, he also died and was resurrected.[55]
  • Kull's reality: a universe where evil versions of Batman and Wonder Woman had a daughter, Kull, who was raised as a mighty warrior, like her mother.[23]
  • Lori's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Superman's old girlfriend Lori Lemaris somehow became a monstrous mermaid.[58] Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Lori from the inevitable destruction of her world by bringing her to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Mayor Joker's reality: a universe where the Joker eventually defeated all of the vigilantes in Gotham City and eventually became its mayor. Vigilante-masked people are outlawed as Joker's followers patrolled the city in order to search for potential menaces.[1]
  • Mayor Wayne's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne retired from being Batman after the death of Jason Todd and became the Mayor of Gotham City. The Batman who Laughs teleported Wayne from this world to Earth 0 to murder him and extract his blood.[62]
  • Mindhunter's reality: a dark world where Batman extracted the Martian Manhunter's DNA and turned himself into an Apex Predator.[63]
  • Night Glider's reality: a universe where the Batman became an armored being who was able to fly with a mystical glider.[26]
  • Olsen's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Jimmy Olsen was turned into a werewolf.[58] Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Olsen from the inevitable destruction of his world by bringing him to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • The Pearl's reality': a universe where Bruce Wayne and Thomas Wayne died in Crime Alley so Martha Wayne went evil and became a supervillain in a robotic warsuit, known as the Pearl.[23]
  • Pumped Alfred's reality: a universe where Alfred Pennyworth became a pumped version of himself.[25][16]
  • Old Man Barry Allen's reality: a dark future, which was glimpsed by the Prime Barry Allen, where an older version of Barry Allen, who is very similar to the future Barry Allen from King Turtle's timeline,[64] witnessed an aged Iris West dying in his arms.[49]
  • Out-of-Control Barry Allen's reality: a dark version of Prime Earth, which was glimpsed by the Prime Barry Allen, where Barry Allen lost control of his powers instead of his nephew,[65] and murdered both his version of Wally West/Flash and Wallace West/Kid Flash.[49]
  • Quietus' reality: a universe where Duke Thomas somehow died. As Batman tried to resurrect him into a Lazarus Pit, his attempt was almost stopped by Ra's al Ghul who engaged a fight with the Dark Knight that killed the supervillain; eventually, Batman and the deceased Ra's fell into the Pit where they were both merged with Duke, creating a single being known as Quietus.[66]
  • Rant's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where Superman/Kal-El was corrupted by the Red Kryptonite and became a human-insect hybrid[58] known as Rant. Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Rant from the inevitable destruction of his world by bringing him to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Retired Bruce Wayne's reality: a reality where Bruce Wayne stopped being Batman after Bane broke his back, deciding to help the city by engaging himself in civil projects; he lived a happy life with his own family, including a daughter, May. The Batman who Laughs teleported Wayne from this world to Earth 0 to murder him and extract his blood.[67]
  • Rogues' reality: a dark universe, which was glimpsed by the Prime Barry Allen, where the Rogues made a deal with Eobard Thawne to take down the Flash.[49]
  • Sinestro Corps Batman's reality: a universe where Batman put a Yellow Lantern Ring on his finger, becoming a Sinestro Lantern and conquering his damned Earth.[21]
  • Spiner's reality: a Dark Multiverse version of Earth-One where the Daily Planet journalist Jimmy Olsen was turned into a porcupine-like creature[58] known as Spiner. Some time later, Perrus the Benevolent traveled to this reality and spared Spiner from the inevitable destruction of his world by bringing him to his Kingdom of Benevolence.[59]
  • Starros' reality: a dark world which was enslaved by a Batman through the use of the Starro's race to mind control the humankind.[21]
  • Superman Blue's reality: a universe where Superman was splitted in two beings but a blue version of himself eventually survived and conquered the world.[4][68]
  • Superman/Batman's reality: a dark world where Superman eventually killed the Batman and donned his armor, enslaving the Earth with all of his weapons.[4][68]
  • Superman/Brainiac's reality: a reality where Superman became a skull-like headed tyrant after merging himself with the Coluan Brainiac.[2][68]
  • Superman/Darkseid's reality: a reality where Superman somehow merged with Darkseid[2] and began ruling over the universe.[68]
  • Superman/Lex Luthor's reality: a universe where Superman conquered the world after murdering Lex Luthor and suiting himself with the latter's warsuit.[4][68]
  • Superman/Parasite's reality: a universe where Superman became a Parasite[2] and conquered the Earth.[68]
  • Swamp King's reality: a universe where the Swamp Thing defeated Floronic Man at the cost of Abby Arcane's life. The avatar of the Green went evil and destroyed the Parliament of Trees before subduing the Red and the Rot and conquering the Earth as the Swamp King.[69]
  • Warbat's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne/Batman bound himself to Mongul.[23]
  • Warden Wayne's reality: a universe where Bruce Wayne was the Director of the Blackgate Penitentiary. The Batman of Earth 0 teleported Wayne from this world to his to save him from the Batman who Laughs who eventually managed to murder him.[70]

Points of Interest


Main List: Dark Multiverse Characters


  • The Dark Multiverse is virtually infinite and keeps expanding because new realities (and even multiverses) are constantly born of the fears of the positive Multiverse residents.
  • Infinite versions of Godsphere and other alternate dimensions from all the iterations of the Multiverse and Hypertime exist in the Dark Multiverse.
  • The Dark Multiverse isn't part of Perpetua's design as it was never meant to propagate with unstable worlds.[13]
  • According to the Robin King, evil counterparts of villains take the form of good version of themselves as they fear being good.[24] However, at least one version of Deathstroke existed who is far more evil than his positive Multiverse's counterpart.


See Also

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Batman: Lost #1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Batman Who Laughs #1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Justice League (Volume 4) #22
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Dark Nights: Metal #4
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Unexpected (Volume 3) #6
  6. Dark Nights: Metal #1
  7. Batman (Volume 2) #49
  8. Dark Nights: Metal #2
  9. Dark Nights: Metal #3
  10. Dark Nights: Metal #6
  11. 11.0 11.1 Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Batman Who Laughs: The Grim Knight #1
  13. 13.0 13.1 Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1
  14. Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4
  15. Dark Nights: Death Metal Robin King #1
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights #1
  17. The Green Lantern: Season Two #10
  18. Flash Forward #1
  19. 19.0 19.1 Flash Forward #6
  20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Dark Nights Metal #1
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook #1
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 Dark Nights: Death Metal #1
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Dark Nights: Death Metal #4
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 Dark Nights: Death Metal #2
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 Dark Nights: Death Metal #3
  27. Dark Nights: Death Metal #5
  28. Dark Nights: Death Metal #6
  29. 29.0 29.1 Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
  30. Justice League Incarnate #2
  31. 31.0 31.1 Batman/Superman Authority Special #1
  32. 32.0 32.1 Batman: The Red Death #1
  33. Batman: The Murder Machine #1
  34. Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1
  35. The Batman Who Laughs #1
  36. Batman: The Merciless #1
  37. Batman: The Drowned #1
  38. Batman: The Devastator #1
  39. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Knightfall #1
  40. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1
  42. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Teen Titans: The Judas Contract #1
  43. Deathstroke (Volume 4) #46
  44. Deathstroke (Volume 4) #50
  45. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush #1
  46. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Wonder Woman: War of the Gods #1
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 The Flash (Volume 5) #33
  50. Justice League (Volume 3) #33
  51. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #6
  52. Dark Nights: Metal #5
  53. Dark Nights: Death Metal Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1
  54. Jim Johnson (June 19, 2020). 'Dark Nights: Death Metal - Scott Snyder Confirms Red Bat's Identity'. CBR.com. Retrieved on July 2, 2020.
  55. 55.0 55.1 Sideways Annual #1
  56. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #5
  57. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #3
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 58.4 58.5 DC Nation (Volume 2) #4
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 59.6 Sideways #8
  60. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #7
  61. Sideways #9
  62. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #2
  63. Justice League (Volume 4) #54
  64. The Flash (Volume 5) #70
  65. Heroes in Crisis #1
  66. Dark Nights: Death Metal Robin King #1
  67. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #1
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 The Darkfather stated that all the Dark Multiverse counterparts of Superman are tyrants who rules over the humanity.
  69. Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1
  70. The Batman Who Laughs (Volume 2) #4
  71. Dark Nights: Metal #4
  72. Justice League (Volume 4) #22
  73. Dark Days: The Casting #1
  74. Green Lantern: Blackstars #2
  75. Black Adam #5
  76. Harley Quinn (Volume 4) #37
  77. Wonder Woman Annual (Volume 5) #2