Death Force
The Death Force is one of the seven hidden forces of reality that allows for death to occur, even to gods.[5]
Some millennia ago, the heroic king and adventurer Arion sought to use the Clarion in order to reach out to and make first contact with other worlds.
But he was tricked by the jealous and fearful Poseidon into thinking those who answered in friendship were vicious conquerors taking advantage of him.[1] A disappointed Arion would devise a means of inverting the genesitic properties of the Life Force, changing it instead into a munition of absolute death; the Tear of Extinction.[2] Arion would use this weapon to strike down the Sea Gods, banishing them to the Graveyard of Gods. In doing so he poisoned himself with the Death Force as a consequence. Many believed Arion perished in the deed, but in truth Arion lived through the experience, but was left maddened by his contact with the Tear's morticious taint.[3]
The Death Force is the primordial energy source which governs the finality of sentient entities.[2] Most anything it is used against, be they mortal or immortal, will die instantly the very second it makes contact with them. Individuals who can utilize the Death Force can kill anything or anyone, including the immortal gods of old with but a single stroke.[4] The force also has a corrupting effect, wherein those who channel it become warped, necrotic versions of themselves with power enough to wipe out any and all life that they make contact with.[1]
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