
Detective Comics Vol 1 353

Detective Comics #353 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1966. It was published on May 26, 1966.

Synopsis for Batman: "The Weather Wizard's Triple Treasure Thefts!"

The Weather Wizard has arrived in Gotham City to steal three of the cities greatest treasures. First, he states that he has already done so which prompts the wealthy to appraise their valuables. Ironically, their actions actually make the Weather Wizard's job easier, seeing as he is disguised as an appraiser.

This causes Batman to get on the Wizard's case, although he has to run solo while Robin's wrists (injured during a school basketball game) heal. However, when Batman is trapped in a frozen block of ice, Robin tracks the Weather Wizard while the Caped Crusader busts free and helps Batman capture the weather criminal.

Appearing in Batman: "The Weather Wizard's Triple Treasure Thefts!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Felix Bayard (Single appearance)




Synopsis for Elongated Man: "The Puzzling Prophecies of the Tea Leaves!"

Sue Dibny visits a fortune teller in Quaker City. When the predictions come true her husband, the Elongated Man, investigates. Ralph visits the fortune teller himself and is told that he will soon stop a robbery. Intrigued, Ralph follows the clue and does stop the robbery. Ralph returns to the fortune teller's shop and interrupts a robbery there as well. After catching the thieves, the fortune teller explains that she is using the guise of a fortune teller to help those people wronged by her father including Ralph. Since Ralph was already wealthy, she provided him with a mystery to solve.

Appearing in Elongated Man: "The Puzzling Prophecies of the Tea Leaves!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Charley (Burglar) (Single appearance)
  • Charley's partner (Burglar) (Single appearance)
  • Two other crooks (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Alice Avery (Fortune Teller) (Single appearance)
  • Mrs. Harrow (Single appearance)


  • Quaker City


  • None


  • None



  • "The Weather Wizard's Triple Treasure Thefts!" was adapted into the Jiro Kuwata Bat-Manga story "Go Go the Magician".

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References