
Fifth Dimension

Imagination is the 5th dimension.Some world's greatest detective you are.

The Fifth Dimension is an inter-dimensional reality that exists outside of the normally accepted space/time continuum. Due to its five dimensional properties, this reality functions off of a completely different set of physics than those found in typical three-dimensional environments.


As the Fifth Dimension acts as a reflection of imagination and subconsciousness Paula von Gunther created a "Subconscious X-Ray" which uses Kappa Rays to peer into the Fifth Dimension to get an understanding of how captives see themselves and what they actually think. Prisoners protested its use due to how invasive such a capability is, even though the images were abstracts rather than their actual thoughts. Skelly's pride and arrogance for instance meant using the device on him showed an image of him as a strong man in Superman's costume with a top hat and cigar.[1]

Zrfff is the home world of a race of impish beings who manipulate the properties of their dimension as a form of "super-science".

The most recognizable denizen of the Fifth Dimension is the troublesome Mister Mxyzptlk. Another famous hero of Fifth Dimension origins is Yz, the Thunderbolt. Yz, who was originally considered a magical genie, is most famous for his adventures with the Justice Society of America in the 1940's.


In the Arrowverse, the Fifth Dimension is also a higher plane of existence inhabitated by the Imps, magical beings that seems to have god-like abilities in the lower realms: it is ruled by the Mad King Brpxz along with his daughter Nyxlygsptlnz and son Bryxly.

Centuries ago, Nxylygsptlnz tried to conspire with her brother in order to dethrone their father and rule over their home dimension: however, Prince Bryxly betrayed her and let her be arrested by the Royal Guard. The Princess was depowered and banished away from the Fifth Dimension to the Phantom Zone.

In 2017, Mister Mxyzptlk traveled from the Fifth Dimension to Earth-38 where he met the Kryptonian Supergirl who eventually managed to force him return to his homeworld after he used his powers to cause chaos in National City.[2]

Arrowverse Fifth Dimension 001

Arrowverse Fifth Dimension.

Despite the destruction of the Multiverse, the Fifth Dimension and its residents were untouched by the antimatter wave and still retained memories of the Pre-Crisis events.[3] Some time later, Nyxylygsptlnz was able to escape the Phantom Zone and planned to return to the Fifth Dimension to murder her family and get the throne for herself: however, Supergirl and her friends were able to stop her masterplan and banish her once again to the Phantom Zone.[4]

Points of Interest

  • Zrfff: A strange world in the Fifth Dimension from both the Pre-Flashpoint and Post-Flashpoint continuities, home of some the creatures known on Earth as "imps" and "genies".






Arrowverse Multiverse


See Also