
Jason Todd (Prime Earth)

Looking for a different version of this character?

As a result of the New 52 in 2011, the entire line of DC characters was relaunched, incorporating properties belonging to the company's imprints: Wildstorm, Milestone, and Vertigo. As such, elements of this character's history have been altered in some way from the previous incarnation. For a complete list of all versions of this character, see our disambiguation page.

Jason Todd is Red Hood, a vigilante anti-hero who is a member of the Batman Family and the Outlaws. Jason became the second Robin after Dick Grayson became Nightwing and Batman was in need of a new sidekick. Jason was trained by Bruce, and was his ward[4] and partner until his death at the hands of the Joker. He was resurrected by Talia al Ghul using the Lazarus Pit, and then trained by both the League of Assassins and the All-Caste. He eventually returned to Gotham City under the new alias Red Hood, using more lethal methods to fight crime.

Early Life

Jason Todd is the son of an unidentified woman and Willis Todd. However, he was raised believing that his mother was Catherine Todd.[5]

Jason had a troubled childhood due to his parents constantly arguing; his mother suffered from depression and drug addiction, and his father had been "showing him the ropes of thievery and conning" at a young age, which led him into trouble. He frequented the Lucius Fox Community Center, where he befriended Gabby Christiansen, a fellow "street kid" who persisted in helping him despite his reflexive standoffishness. He protected her from bullies and remembered her kindness fondly in adulthood.[6]

Once when he was a child, Jason's father stole tickets to Haly's Circus from an old couple in a parking lot and took Jason to see the show. That was the first time Jason ever saw Dick Grayson, and was positively awed by him.[7]

Zero Year

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Before Batman

When Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham and began his career as Batman, one of his first missions was stopping a group of masked criminals called the Red Hood Gang, lead by Red Hood One. Following this, Batman would battle the Riddler, in a confrontation that lead to all of Gotham City's power being shut off right before a massive hurricane, crippling the city in what would be known as the "Zero Year".

Jason Todd, a teenager at the time struggling to support his drug-addicted mother in Gotham's Park Row, fought for survival as Gotham went feral. When Jason's best friend Chris gave him the mask of a deceased Red Hood Gang member to join in the gang's revival and become who he wanted to be, Jason agreed, giving himself the name "Red Hood Four".

On the night of the gang's revival, Jason, wanting to be a hero, tried to stop a fight between some gang members and a mysterious woman named Talia al Ghul, who was investigating the Red Hood Gang. Jason earned Talia's respect and managed to impress her further by perfectly performing a fighting move invented by the All-Caste that even she couldn't master. Despite Jason's desire for peace, Talia murdered the leader of the Red Hood Gang revival and, when she returned to her father Ra's al Ghul, expressed interested in keeping an eye on Jason Todd in the future.[8]

Meeting Batman

Eventually, Jason's father Willis was arrested and sentenced to prison after being framed for a crime committed by Penguin. While Willis would write letters to Jason, he wouldn't receive them for many years and was told that his father died in prison, not knowing that his father was alive and being experimented on. A young Jason was left to care for his drug-addicted mother.[9]

Jason's step-mother Catherine ultimately overdosed on drugs provided by a 'friend', Robby. Eventually, tired of what Robby's drugs were doing to his mother, the young Jason pushed Robby down a flight of stairs in their apartment building.[10]

As a young boy, he made an attempt to steal the tires off the Batmobile, managing to get one off before being discovered by Batman.[11] Expecting to be beaten for his crime, Jason was surprised to be offered food instead. He and Batman talked while eating, and Batman told him that sometimes if you gave people a chance, they might surprise you. Jason would take these words to heart, even years later.

Batman attempted to help Jason by getting him settled in Ma Gunn's School for Wayward Boys, not knowing that the establishment was a front for training the children to be criminals. Despite this, Jason did see the place as a home for a while. Realizing his mistake though, Batman went to rescue him and Jason aided the hero by shoving Ma Gunn out a nearby window. Some time after this, Batman decided to take Jason in personally and train him to be the new Robin after his first one had graduated to a new title, which Jason took to enthusiastically.[12]

Life (and Death) as Robin

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Jason Todd as Robin

After six months of intensive training, Jason was out in the field as the second Boy Wonder. Jason was determined to live up to the legacy of Robin that Dick Grayson had put in place, but it soon became apparent that Jason was troubled. During a dinner party at Wayne Manor, Barbara Gordon, active as the vigilante Batgirl, broken-heartedly assured Jason he would never be able to replace Dick.[13]

Working alongside Batman, Robin fought against Ra's al Ghul, Two-Face,[14] Killer Croc,[15] and many others.

At one point the two stopped a meeting between Gotham's worst criminals, at the Gem Theater. But a device stolen by the Joker broke and released a Psychic Siphon, which unknowingly created the creature Underbelly.[16]

He fought recklessly, seemingly haunted by the memory of his father. Jason received mentoring from Nightwing on various martial arts and fighting techniques and met Roy Harper, offering to be his friend in the future should he be in need of one.[17]

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A Death in the Family

Being put on monitor duty due to his unruly behavior, Jason one day found a picture of his birth mother, who was surprisingly alive. He used all his skills to make his way to the Middle East without telling Batman, in an attempt to reunite with his mother. It soon became apparent that his birth mother was being blackmailed by the Joker and had lured her son there for him.[18]

The Joker claimed to have orchestrated many of Jason's ordeals and life events and then brutally beat the boy with a crowbar, leaving him and his birth mother to die at the hands of a time bomb. Batman arrived too late to save them due to Jason's skills in covering his tracks and was only able to hold Jason's lifeless body in his arms.[19]


Six months after his death and funeral, Jason was resurrected. Talia Al Ghul, who had been keeping an eye on him since the Zero Year, retrieved Jason and used the Lazarus Pit to restore his body and mind to full health.[11] Jason would later remember seeing Talia looking down at him in fear as he was reborn.[20] Afterwards, Talia took Jason to Ducra, the ancient instructor of the All-Caste, a group of warrior monks and begged her to train the boy. Jason developed a romantic attraction to Ducra's daughter Essence during this time.[17]

A main target of Jason's All-Caste training was managing his anger. Ducra especially wanted Jason to let go of his rage, stating that "One day your heart will shine brighter than the dark fury inside of you. And that day will be glorious." However, Jason thought the only way to get the revenge he wanted was by rejecting this teaching and holding onto the past.

Jason eventually completed his training, and a week after leaving the All-Caste, he sought out the Seven Crime Families of Hong Kong. He found them all gathered in one place and tried to take control of them. This move resulted in the entire Clan Fang being wiped out. Jason also murdered everybody in Suzie Su's gang, other than her father.[21]

Jason later joined the League of Assassins, where he was trained by Bronze Tiger and Lady Shiva. However, he disliked the fact that the group was not interested in justice like he was but merely in self-gain. Because of this he left the group.[17]

Jason resurfaced in Gotham as the gun-toting villain Red Hood, having appropriated the alias that the Joker had used prior to becoming the Clown Prince of Crime. He attempted to get revenge on Bruce and the Joker, but his plan ultimately failed.[11] After many other encounters with Bruce and his allies, Jason began to fight crime across the world, dealing deadly, vigilante justice wherever he went.

New 52

Red Hood and the Outlaws

 Main article: Red Hood and the Outlaws: REDemption

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Red Hood and the Outlaws

While on a mission, Jason was injured in a submarine explosion and met Starfire for the first time, who nursed him back to health. Jason bonded with Kori and one day found out that his old friend Arsenal was to be executed in Qurac.[22] Jason enlisted Kori's help and both rescued him, thus forming a new morally-grey group known as the "Outlaws".

An old acquaintance, Essence, contacted Red Hood to warn about the coming danger of The Untitled.[23] They soon found that the Untitled had already annihilated former teachers of Jason's, the All-Caste, in one of their bases in the Himalayas.[24] Vowing revenge, Jason led the trio to the All-Caste's headquarters, seeking out the Chamber of All. In this pool of history, they learned more about their opponent. Here, they were told to supply S'aru, a four millennia old Proctor, with a cherished memory before entering. Jason's memory was an evening he and Bruce took off during his time as Robin due to Jason being too ill to fight. Upon leaving, Jason was offered his cherished memory back. However, he chose to leave it behind.[25]

Later, the Outlaws discovered that a member of the Untitled was hiding as sheriff in Middleton, Colorado.[26] Jason used the All-Blades to dispatch her and met up with Roy and Kori, who had encountered and defeated the mutant Crux.[27] Posing as a doctor, Jason dropped off Crux at Arkham Asylum. As he and the Outlaws were leaving, Essence returned. She revealed to Jason that she betrayed the All-Caste in favor of the Untitled due to her mother, Ducra, being possessed by them. Jason accused her of slaughtering the All-Caste and after a brief fight, Essence is defeated.[28]

Before they left Gotham, Jason helped take down Suzie Su, who had been holding a hospital full of children hostage.[21] He then reluctantly helped the Bat-family in Gotham during the Night of the Owls and saved Mr. Freeze from his would-be Talon assassin.[29]

Jason was later called to a meeting between him, Nightwing, and Red Robin. It was revealed that Robin had called the meeting, as he said that he would be defeating all of them to prove himself as the best Robin.[30] Robin ambushed Jason in a safe house, using a crowbar and taunts to keep him unstable. The child managed to slip away, stealing one of Red Hood's helmets in the process.[31] Jason then fought alongside the other former Robins during Terminus' attack on Gotham.[32]

The Starfire

 Main article: Red Hood and the Outlaws: The Starfire (Collected)

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The Outlaws travel into space

The Outlaws then went to Miami, where Jason went on a date with a flight attendant named Isabel Ardila. The two were interrupted when the alien Orn came to find Starfire. The Outlaws and Isabel were immediately teleported aboard the H.M.S.S. Starfire. As there was no safe way to send her back, Isabel was forced to tag along.[33] As Jason dropped the lies he had been telling Isabel, the two began to bond.[34] Jason helped Starfire defeat the Blight and they finally returned to Earth.[35]

Arriving back at the Island, they encounter Superman. Because of their general pre-conceived feelings towards him, Jason and the Outlaws attacked the superhero. After their brief skirmish ended, Superman warned the Outlaws of a villain named Helspont. He then told Jason that he wouldn't arrest them like he wanted to, because Bruce vouched for him. After Superman left, Jason and Isabel spent the night in Gotham City.[36]

Death of the Family

 Main article: Batman: Death of the Family

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The Joker strikes again

After being invited to a Bat-family debriefing in the Batcave despite his strained relationship with them, Red Hood was informed by Bruce that the Joker had apparently discovered all of their secret identities and was planning on attacking them privately.[37]

As Jason showered, Joker attacked and drugged Isabel, calling the authorities so it appeared that Jason was guilty. As Jason tried to escape, he was gassed by the Joker and awoke to find himself in an underground area. Here, Jason discovered that the Joker had effectively been torturing him all his life. The Joker claimed he had wanted to create a Robin who would cross the line Batman was unwilling to cross. Joker then opened a trapdoor and Jason found himself alongside Red Robin.[38] Joker forced the duo to fight, but instead they worked together to escape, forcing Joker to knock them both out again.[39]

Later, Red Hood and the others awoke in a cave underneath Gotham, apparently having had their faces cut off and displayed in front of them on ice. However, this was all a trick and, in a last ditch effort, Joker gassed them all with the intent of having them kill each other. However, Red Hood and the others managed to overcome the Joker's mind control through the love and trust they shared. After recovering from the Joker's gas, Jason left without speaking to anybody.[40]

After clearing his head, Jason returned to Wayne Manor to say his proper goodbyes. He spoke with Damian and then Dick, before encountering Bruce in the Batcave. He thanked Bruce for vouching for him to Superman, before asking him if what the Joker said was true. Bruce reassured him, saying that Jason made Jason who he is. Jason left Bruce and visited his old bedroom, where he found and talked with Alfred. As he left the Manor, Jason put on his helmet and set off the Joker's final trap: an acid attack.[41] Jason was placed in a coma, harassing himself with visions of Joker, Ducra, the Outlaws, and the rest of his family. He eventually pushed through and woke up to discover Bruce had been by his bedside the entire time.[42]

Batman Incorporated

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Jason Todd as Wingman

Feeling his former protégé deserved a second chance, Batman offered Jason a place in Batman Incorporated as the second Wingman, only asking that he not reveal his identity to the others. He teamed up with Robin, who operated under the name Redbird, though Damian was unaware of Jason's identity. Upon finding out who his partner all this time had been, Damian was hurt and confused. This was doubled by the fact that Bruce then informed him that he was to be benched as Robin until further notice.

Despite the fact he was now apart of Batman Incorporated, Jason barely got involved with the team and was not present when Damian was killed by Heretic.

Giving up his Wingman persona over the kid's death, Jason accompanied Batman on a mission to stop mercenaries in Ethiopia. The mission was not all that it seemed, however, as Batman brought Jason to the Magdala Valley, where Jason had died. Bruce wanted to try and bring Damian back through the same means that Jason was resurrected. Enraged, the two brawled and Jason eventually left Bruce to wallow in the desert alone.[43]

League of Assassins vs. The Untitled

After the past few months of darkness, Jason was summoned to the Temple of the All-Caste. Here, Ducra informed him that Ra's al Ghul had taken control of the Untitled. The immortal man sought to use the "Well of Sins" and achieve godhood. The only way to stop him was by Jason entering into combat in his purest, truest form. To achieve this state, S'aru took away all of Jason's memories that had been touched by darkness.[44] This ultimately resulted in Jason having no recollection of his friends, enemies, allies, and experiences. Kori and Roy soon arrived and found Jason with his memory erased. Even though Jason wanted them to leave him be, Arsenal forcibly took him back to their base of operations.[45] While on the island, Jason discovered his past as Red Hood and believed himself to be nothing more than a killer. After yelling at his former friends, Jason fled the island to find himself.[46]

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Leader of the League of Assassins

While searching for himself, Jason was attacked by several members of the League of Assassins. After his initial defeat, they asked him to go with them, and he agreed, thinking that he may receive the answers he is looking for. They took him to 'Eth Alth'eban, the city of the League of Assassins, and Bronze Tiger told him this is where his new life would begin as the new leader of the League of Assassins.[47]

After Bronze Tiger showed Jason around the city, the other members of the League of Assassins gathered and explained Jason's purpose as their leader. Talia al Ghul had personally informed Bronze Tiger that Jason would be the only one able to stop the Untitled, who were preparing to attack the League. Jason told them that his memory was gone, therefore he didn't remember what he was supposed to know. Lady Shiva threatened to take control from Jason, but as she did so, Arsenal arrived in the name of the Untitled to destroy the gates to the city.[48]

Roy initially seemed to have the upper hand, but after interference from Starfire caused one of his guns to explode Jason and the League defeated him. With one final shot, Roy destroyed a wall of rock, revealing the "Well of Sins". Jason agreed to lead the League of Assassins, provided the League spare Roy and Kori. The assassins agree and the two are locked up right as the Untitled attack.[49] After a long battle, the last member of the Untitled revealed himself to be Ra's al Ghul, and he resumed control of the League once more.[50]

Red Hood, Arsenal, and Starfire apologized to one another for their infighting, as Roy and Kori were slated to be executed by the League of Assassins under new-old management. Roy convinces Jason that the to escape he would need to remember his old training. So, Jason forced himself to remember everything, the light and the dark. Jason and Cheshire betrayed the League and freed the Outlaws.[51] Red Hood confronted Ra's al Ghul head on and in the end he used the strike that Talia had shown him, during the Zero Year, to cast the Untitled out of Ra's. As the League of Assassins regrouped, Essence arrived to help the Outlaws escape the city's destruction. When they were safe, Essence asked if Jason would join in the rebuilding of the All-Caste, but he declined.[44]

The Big Picture

Seeking some downtime, the Outlaws, along with Isabel Ardila, took a trip to an island resort called Elysium. They were ambushed by a wealthy criminal named Midas and his "Army of the Golden Hand", but the mob was quickly taken care of. This attack prompted Isabel to formally abandon a relationship with Jason, as the Outlaws return to their island headquarters.[52]

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The Outlaws working together

After Starfire's old ship was hijacked by alien mercenaries, with Roy inside it, a large reptilian alien appeared on the beach. He agreed to help Red Hood and Starfire track the mercenaries through space.[53] Leaving the alien on the beach, Red Hood and Starfire first broke into the recently attacked headquarters of the Blackhawk Program, where they stole a Slip-Ship. The duo then used this ship to break into the headquarters of S.H.A.D.E. Red Hood battled Frankenstein while Starfire took control of the second ship. They escaped S.H.A.D.E., collected their alien guide from the island, and managed to contact Arsenal.[54] Finding their friend, Red Hood and Starfire teleported their ship directly into the cockpit of the larger ship. Several of the mercenaries were crushed, along with the man trying to buy their weaponry: Lobo. Lobo quickly regenerated and attacked. As Red Hood and Starfire fought back, Arsenal use the nano-boy technology he'd been working with to teleport the hostile aliens away. Safe from their assailants, the Outlaws returned to Earth.[55]

Red Hood joined Clan Batman to fight against Clan Superman on Jochi's new Warworld. In the arena, Red Hood managed to hold his own in a duel with Supergirl but she eventually overpowered him. But before any blood was shed, Jochi turned on the Council of Warworld and Red Hood escaped the planet before it was cast into the Phantom Zone.[56]

Last Call

After stopping a terrorist attack on Washington D.C., Jason and the Outlaws were kidnaped and taken back to S.H.A.D.E. Headquarters. Dr. Kirk Langstrom and Dr. Ray Palmer presented the trio with an alien ship that had been calling out to Kori.[57] The ship contained the dead bodies of alien slaves, the sight of which made Kori fly away screaming in rage.[58] Jason and Roy tracked her down and stopped Kori from killing the man who kept her as a slave. Though Kori flew away, the man was so struck with his guilt that he killed himself.[59]

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The Outlaws go their separate ways

In shock at what happened, Jason and Roy disposed of the body before finding Kori back on the island. Jason tracked the terrorist group responsible for the attack on D.C. to the swamps outside of New Orleans. Kori began acting strange and as the Outlaws found the terrorist base, she shot off into the distance. Roy followed after her, as Jason tried to fight the entire group. He discovered the group was using Venom to enhance themselves. Jason pulled vials of the drug off of a terrorist and injected himself, allowing him to quickly defeat them. Having found Roy's quiver amidst a burning building, Jason went to the hospital and visited his friend, whose body had been accidently scorched by Starfire.[60] Jason encountered Oliver Queen and as the two argued about what to do with Roy, Essence appeared and healed him. Knowing that his friend was stable, Jason left to find Kori.[61]

Jason broke Krux out of Arkham Asylum, as the scientist had experience hunting Tamaraneans. The two fought, but upon returning to Jason's ship, Krux thanked Jason for helping him get his life back on track. They met up with a healed Roy and headed to the Brazilian Rainforest.[62] The second they landed Ravager shot a rocket at their ship. Jason engaged the assassin and the two fought to a draw. Ravager stated that she was only there for Starfire, who had made several of her clients mad. They find Kori, who was joined by her sister Komand'r, and managed to keep Ravager from killing her. The situation grew dire, however, as Krux discovered the army of Helspont had made it to Earth.[63] Helspont revealed himself to the heroes and declared his intentions to rule the Earth. Jason faced him down, denying this goal, and the two begin to fight. Jason was at a clear disadvantage, but right before Helspont killed him, Roy disintegrated the would-be-conqueror. After this battle, Kori left Earth to take care of her wounded sister. With her absent, Roy was left heartbroken and decided to strike out on his own. Thus, the Outlaws were officially disbanded.[64]

Batman Eternal

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Red Hood battles a mind-controlled Batgirl in Rio de Janeiro

In a yearlong conspiracy to destroy Batman, orchestrated by a mysterious malefactor, Commissioner Gordon was tricked into killing an unarmed man and sent to prison. Barbara Gordon, wanting to exonerate her father with evidence, followed clues to South America, and Batman assigned Red Hood to go with her as backup.[65]

Once in Brazil, Batgirl and Red Hood teamed up against the criminal Scorpiana and were directed closer to the real culprit in Rio de Janeiro.[66] In Rio, the duo encountered Batwoman, who was tracking followers of the Crime Bible. Believing there might be a link, Batwoman joins them.[67] Red Hood and the others followed the trail to Dr. Jose Falsario, the hallucinogenic technology expert that was behind Gordon's incrimination. Falsario used the technology to trick Batgirl into attacking Red Hood, but Jason managed to snap her out of it by reminding her of their first encounter when he was Robin - when she told him he would never be as good as Dick Grayson.[13] Batgirl and Red Hood failed to apprehend Falsario before he was killed by an assassin as a cover up. They returned to Gotham empty handed but proved to Batman that Gordon was being framed as a part of some giant scheme.[68]

After arriving in Gotham, Jason learned that Hush had attacked Alfred and left him in a coma. While visiting Alfred in the hospital, Red Robin came by and asked Jason about what happened in Brazil. During their discussion the two were interrupted by an explosion. They investigated and found Batman crushed by rubble.[69] Jason was then sent to help quell the riots breaking out across the city.[70] As the riots began to calm down, Jason said his goodbyes to Batgirl and regrouped with the Outlaws.[71]

Weeks later, Red Hood returned to Gotham as things began to spiral out of control. As the wild conspiracy reached its climax, Red Hood fought alongside the other Batfamily members. He later joined them to finally defeat the conspiracy's mastermind and the one who was manipulating him. With balance restored in Gotham, Jason left the city without saying goodbye.[72]

Robin Rises

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Jason dons a Robin inspired suit to aid in Damian's resurrection

Along with Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon, Jason was called to the Batcave by Bruce. Bruce apologized to Jason for bringing him back to the Magdala Valley and explained that he planned to visit Apokolips in order to resurrect Damian. Jason and the others protested Bruce going alone, but he insisted that they stay behind to protect Gotham.[73] However, after Bruce left, the younger heroes returned to the cave and begun planning to help their mentor. Jason helped trap and neutralize Cyborg and after plugging in the coordinates they forced him to open a Boom Tube. Donning a new Robin inspired armor, Jason, Tim, Barbara, and Damian's dog Titus entered the Boom Tube and arrived on Apokolips. Cyborg followed the trio right as the portal was closing.[74]

The group fought their way through hordes of Parademons until they finally found Batman trying to draw the attention of Darkseid. They discovered that the warriors of Apokolips had created a cannon that can destroy entire planets. So while Batman battled Darkseid, Jason helped to defend Cyborg, who worked to destroy the massive weapon. After a long battle, Batman recovered Damian's body and the cannon was set to detonate. Batgirl used Cyborg's systems to open a Boom Tube and Jason followed the others home. Once they returned to the Batcave, Jason watched as Batman used a piece of the Chaos Shard to resurrect Damian.[75] Before they could probably celebrate the miracle just performed, Kalibak pursued them through the Boom Tube. He was defeated after Damian manifested new powers and Kalibak was sent back through the Boom Tube.[76]

Red Hood and Arsenal: Heroes for Hire

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Heroes for Hire

After Red Hood helped fend off Joker's final endgame against Batman, Bruce and the Joker perished in the caves under Gotham - initiating a new era without the two of them.[77]

After some time apart, Jason reunited with Arsenal on a solo mission and he convinced his friend to work together again.[78] As the two were broke, they moved into an L.A. warehouse Roy owned. To raise funds, they turned to fixer Tara Battleworth for a job. Though she disliked their reputations, she hired them as personal mercenaries. Their first mission, to Paris, was a success and they were paid well.[79] However, their relationship with Battleworth was cut off when Roy started an advertisement campaign for their freelance vigilante business, “Rent-A-Bat.”

Taking another contract, the two discovered the existence of Underbelly, a creature that embodies the world's corruption. When Underbelly tried to recruit the duo as enforcers, Jason opened fire and temporarily destroyed him. Jason realized they can use Rent-A-Bat to get direct contact with some of the worst criminals around and he agreed to go along with the idea. He and Roy then headed to Gotham City, as they believed Underbelly's core would be in the most crime-ridden city in the world.[80] While hunting for Underbelly at the Gem Theater, Jason caught the attention of the new Batman. He briefly battled the armored hero, before they were ambushed by Underbelly.[6] Jason set aside his frustration with the new Batman and the duo fought long enough for Roy to destroy the monster, with a “mendula” arrow.

With Underbelly destroyed, Jason visited the Lucius Fox Center for Gotham Youth, which he frequented as a kid, and found that Bruce was alive. Though he didn't understand why Bruce didn't recognize him, he was satisfied to learn that he was alive. Hugging the man, Jason thanked Bruce and left.[16]

While on a plane to leave Gotham, Jason was attacked by The Joker's Daughter, who claimed to have killed Roy. Though he was missing his armor, Jason battled Joker's Daughter on the plane's wing. During the fight, he reflected on his troubled past. He questioned how old his adversary was and what lead her to become this messed up. Eventually, she fell off the plane's wing and ran away. Jason pursued her to the abandoned Northcrest Mall, where she was talking to a group of villain's, including Suzie Su, calling themselves: The Hero's Manifesto. He learned that Joker's Daughter faked Roy's death, and lead Jason to the base, just to get the duo's attention. They stop the Manifesto and Jason, relating to her story and wanting to help her, recruited Joker's Daughter to the team.[81]

Batman and Robin Eternal

Red Hood became closer with the other former Robins after Bruce's death and resurrection. Together on a mission, they were attacked by agents of a woman named Mother who was allegedly connected to a secret Bruce had been hiding from them for years. The heroes set out to investigate the organization that had its eye on Bruce - Dick Grayson stayed in Gotham while Red Hood teamed up with Red Robin to follow the clues to South America.

Jason and Tim ended up in Santa Prisca, having found evidence that Mother's operation of child trafficking was involved with the Order of St. Dumas that operated there. They ran into conflict with Bane, who was trying to regain control of his country from the cult, until the heroes and villain decided to team up against their common enemy. Tim was dramatically hurt in the fight against the Order, and Jason had to get him to safety.

The pair came out with a plan to get more information: Tim faked penance to the Order and requested to join their operation, pretending to hand over Jason as a sacrifice. While Tim was vetted to replace the Order's current "angel of death" Azrael, Jason broke out and stole information from the compound regarding its connection to Mother. Red Hood and Red Robin escaped, returning to the States on a private plane.[82]

Red Hood and Red Robin reported back their finds to Dick Grayson at the Spyral agency headquarters. However, unbeknownst to them, Mother's child-mind control had infiltrated so deep as to have affected all the students at the Spyral's associated school, and Red Hood was forced to fend off waves of assassin-trained children.[83] The team of heroes were unsuccessful though from stopping Mother's plan to access a satellite to mind-control all the children across the world into her evil empire.

The heroes sprung into action to stop Mother's plan and reduce the damage worldwide, with Jason designated to destroy the signal transmitter in Toronto, Canada. The Bat Family converged on Mother's headquarters and, together, defeated the woman and ended her master plan.

Sometime later, Red Hood joined Superman, Batgirl, Grayson, and the current Batman in Siberia, where they stopped Vandal Savage from restoring an old Nazi superweapon.[84]

Robin War

 Main article: Robin War

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Robins and Owls

Concurrently with the attacks orchestrated by Mother, the civilian movement We Are Robin was being violently targeted by criminals and the Gotham City police. Red Hood was initially apathetic to the movement, believing that claiming one was Robin came with inherent danger, but Red Robin convinced him that a movement of kids wanting to do the right thing deserved their protection rather than their scorn. All the former Robins - Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian - teamed up to teach the We Are Robin children the discipline Batman had once taught them as well as proper fighting techniques.

During the training, all the Robins except for Dick Grayson were captured by the militarized police force, with the entire conflict orchestrated by the Court of Owls to recruit Grayson into their organization. While imprisoned by the Court, Red Hood was pitted against Red Robin in a death match for who would be indoctrinated into their ranks, but the heroes used the opportunity to free all the children from their cages and escape into Gotham.

However, in a move of assumed self-sacrifice, Damian had agreed to join the Court of Owls to protect Gotham, believing it was what Batman would've done. Damian and his army of Talons defeated Red Hood and Red Robin. Dick Grayson caved and, as the real recruit they wanted, agreed to join the Court of Owls to stop the violence. The Court of Owls backed off, and the Robin War ended.


New Outlaws

After splitting off from Arsenal, Jason went back to his solo career and set up in an abandoned bomb shelter under a police station in Gotham. During this time, Batman asked him to investigate a new connection between city hall and a new international crime cartel. Over the course of his investigation, Jason learned that the mayor had been infected with a techno-organic virus. Jason cured the mayor under the guise of an assassination attempt in order to provide himself an in with the Gotham underground. This worked as he caught the attention of Black Mask, who he suspected of being behind the virus. Batman confronted Jason about the plan, and while initially against it, he eventually agreed on the condition that Jason not kill anyone. Jason agreed.[11]

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The Dark Trinity, New Outlaws

To get closer to the conspiracy, Red Hood accepted an offer from Black Mask to become the heir to his criminal empire and began doing jobs for the crime boss to learn more. On one of his missions, Red Hood was sent to steal the Amazonian weapon the Bow of Ra while in transit, which put him in opposition with the Amazon warrior Artemis. Though they temporarily fought, Red Hood confided in Artemis that he was undercover, and the two worked together to try to protect their respective interests without blowing his cover. In the same illegal shipment, the heroes discovered a failed clone of Superman created by Lex Luthor known as Bizarro.

Black Mask had Artemis captured and imprisoned and, though Red Hood failed to secure the Bow of Ra, Sionis enjoyed his other prize of Bizarro, releasing the clone from his containment and brainwashing him to obey his commands. Red Hood developed sympathy for the creature and secretly showed him kindness, being reminded of his own resurrection by the monster's new, fragile life. Black Mask revealed to Red Hood that he knew that he was a spy but offered him the opportunity to join his operation for real. Jason refused and, freeing Bizarro from his mind control and Artemis from her prison, defeated Black Mask and put him in a coma, frustrated by his no-kill promise to Batman.

This "dark trinity" became the newest version of the Outlaws, and their first mission together was to relocate the Bow of Ra.

Adventures of the New Outlaws

Soon after becoming a new team, Jason discovered information that his new team member Bizarro had the potential to lose control like other previous failed Superman clones and possibly destroy the world, so, in the effort of heroism, prepared to execute Bizarro with a Kryptonite bullet. However, when Bizarro showed how much he cared about Red Hood, Jason backed down.

Off to Qurac, the Outlaw's plane was shot down by the Quracian military. Jason theorized that the hunt for the Bow of Ra was all an elaborate plan by the Joker to force him relive the trauma of his own death, but this turned out to be false. The bow was actually in the possession of Akila, Artemis' former best friend and lover, who was using it to protect her Amazon sisters. A fight broke out and both Akila and the Bow of Ra were lost. Though devastated, Artemis agreed to continue operating with the Outlaws.

Red Hood and the Outlaws returned to Gotham and cared for Bizarro, who had been critically injured in the fight, until Bizarro's creator Lex Luthor found him and healed him (and increased the monster's intelligence capacity) using green Kryptonite. With his newfound intelligence, Bizarro constructed the Outlaws a new invisible base for them to share in Gotham.

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The Outlaws join the Suicide Squad

Jason and the Outlaws, in a secret plot by Bizarro to get more green Kryptonite to sustain his intelligence, were arrested by Batwoman and the Gotham Knights and sent to Belle Reve. There, they were immediately drafted onto Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad. The Outlaws struck a unique deal to go on a mission for Waller which involved stomping out a Colony stronghold in the Earth's crust for their freedom, which fed right into Bizarro's plan to give him access to the Kryptonite ore he was searching for. After the mission's success, the Outlaws returned to Gotham.

Following this, Artemis asked Jason out on a date and, though they bonded closely, Artemis only intended the date to be a cover for them to discuss Bizarro's suspicious activity with his new intelligence. After devising a strategy, the pair eventually convince Bizarro to give up his addiction to Kryptonite and return to his old self.

Penguin and the Fall of the Outlaws

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The truth about the Penguin

One day, Jason was delivered a letter by his cousin Faye Gunn, addressed to Jason by his father, who he believed had been dead for years. In the letter, Willis admitted to his son that he had committed a lot of crimes while Jason was a boy in order to support their family but was innocent of the final crime he was convicted of before his apparent death in prison. Willis had been hired to take the fall for the Penguin for a crime he didn't actually commit. While in prison, Jason's father would then be contacted by the government for an experiment that would possibly commute his sentence, and, once agreeing, his death was faked. After learning how much of his childhood had been built on a lie, Jason was devastated and furious.

In an act of revenge, Jason went after the Penguin. Cobblepot, while live on TV debuting a new theme park he had funded, was ambushed by Red Hood, who took off his mask and revealed his identity and his father's name to the villain. The Penguin only laughed at Red Hood, believing he had sold out Batman's identity for a nobody like Willis Todd. Jason, sick of the catch and release nature of super villains that put his father in jail in the first place, snapped and shot Penguin with a blank through his monocled eye.[85]

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Fall out with Batman

Jason fled the scene of the crime but was viciously caught and beaten by Batman, who was unaware that the Penguin was still alive and was furious thinking that Jason had broken his no killing rule.

Though Red Hood managed to escape Batman long enough to return to the Outlaws' base, without Bizarro's intelligence to continue to maintain it, the entire thing began to fall apart, as well as a dimensional portal housed inside. To stop the catastrophe of the entire base's breakdown, Bizarro and Artemis sacrificed themselves and were sucked into the trans-dimensional portal, with Artemis giving Jason one final kiss before saying goodbye.

Jason was once again captured by Batman and prepared to be processed by the GCPD but was rescued by his best friend and former Outlaw Arsenal.

Roy and Jason, on the run, went to the island the original three Outlaws used to operate from. While healing, Jason researched where Artemis and Bizarro might've been transported to but came up short. Red Hood and Arsenal did one final mission together to fight their former enemy Suzie Su before Roy admitted he was going back into rehab and left Jason to go to Sanctuary.


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Red Hood, Outlaw

After his falling out with Batman, Jason went in a new, darker direction with his vigilantism - donning a new costume and using a crowbar as his weapon of choice - the item that killed him.

After his first few solo missions, Jason reconnected with Batman to talk about their fight. In their conversation, Batman revealed that the Penguin was still recovering from being shot and that Roy Harper was killed at Sanctuary. Jason was hurt by the death of his best friend and left him a final voicemail after the meeting with Batman. Batman and Red Hood also came to the agreement that Jason could continue to operate as a vigilante - but he wasn't allowed to work in Gotham.

Jason temporarily relocated to Appleton City and fought a zombie outbreak. He also ran into competition with the new Wingman - an alias Jason had previously used himself to remain anonymous in Batman Incorporated. Though they fought, Wingman was actually his father Willis Todd, who had not died as he had grown up to believe.[85]

Soon after, Red Hood returned to Gotham against Batman's wishes.

Prince of Gotham

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Mr. Hood in the Iceberg Casino

Back in Gotham, Red Hood continued his vengeance against the Penguin by abducting the man and trapping him in the Iceberg Casino. Jason tortured him by forcing Cobblepot to watch him as he took control of his criminal empire - employing Suzie Su and former Teen Titan Bunker as his bodyguards. Batman once again tried to run Red Hood out of Gotham but was stopped when Jason threatened to reveal his secret identity.

Refusing to watch his empire get stolen from him, the Penguin hired a group of assassins called the Five Aces to take out Red Hood and rescue him, but Red Hood stopped the attack and killed them all.

When Bunker realized who he was working with and found the Penguin held in captivity, he rebelled against Jason and freed Cobblepot, ending Red Hood's criminal reign.

Leviathan Takeover

Not long after Jason left the Iceberg Lounge behind, almost every staple of the world intelligence community was completely destroyed by the Leviathan Organization in a single night. Among the decimated organisations were A.R.G.U.S., the D.E.O., Spyral, Cadmus and even the Kobra Cult. Jason, like most vigilantes, chose to open his own investigation into the astonishing incident.[86]

While investigating the wreckage of A.R.G.U.S.'s headquarters, Jason was approached by Batman, and the two shared investigative notes. Both Jason and Batman believed that Talia al Ghul was not behind the attacks, instead theorizing that Leviathan had a new leader. Batman told Jason that he and a team of detectives had developed a sizable suspect list in an attempt to uncover the identity of Leviathan's new leader, including Amanda Waller, Sam Lane, Steve Trevor, and... Jason himself.[86]

Before Jason could question Bruce's logic, the team of detectives consisting of Damian, Green Arrow, Lois Lane, Manhunter, Plastic Man and the Question appeared. The team told Jason they suspected him because of his track record and because he was one of the few people in the world capable of pulling off such an act; furthermore the technology used was suspiciously similar to Batman's tech, something only a few people would have access to, including Jason.[86]

Upon hearing the detectives' statements, Jason ran. Although Batman's team had the numerical advantage, Jason was able to take out each member of the team one-on-one. Before he left, Jason made a statement to Lois Lane, explaining to her that Leviathan was probably using Batman's tech as a way of framing him. After Jason escaped, the team saw validity in his statement and began pursuing other leads.[87]

Generation Outlaws

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Outlaws vs. Generation Outlaws

Jason accepted a meeting with the supervillain Lex Luthor, who suggested that Red Hood mentor a group of would-be teenage supervillains to act more organized like he did. Red Hood agreed and became the leader of the new team Generation Outlaws. Jason and his new Outlaws worked closely with Shay Veritas, the smartest woman in the world, and protected her on dangerous missions.

While working with Generation Outlaws, Red Hood's former Outlaws Artemis and Bizarro returned to Earth, having been forced to survive in an alternate dimension since their disappearance.

Though Red Hood was excited to see his old team again, he realized that they were being mind-controlled by a mysterious force and had to flee. Red Hood and Generation Outlaws regrouped and returned to fight Artemis and Bizarro. During the fight, in an attempt to break her out of her mind control, Jason kissed Artemis. Though "the power of love" didn't stop her, the kiss did succeed in grossing out the mind controller - a new villain called Vessel, an associate of Lex Luthor who sought world domination with his possession powers. Red Hood, the Outlaws, Generation Outlaws, and Ma Gunn all teamed up to stop Vessel and put an end to his plan.

Joker War

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Jason is ambushed by Punchline and "Dickyboy"

After hearing about the chaos, Jason returned to Gotham City and participated in The Joker War. He led a group of the Joker's goons to Ma Gunn's School for Boys, rigged it to explode, and took out as many of them as possible. While battling them, he heard noises of someone being beaten with a crowbar, which triggered painful memories. He rushed to find the source of the noise and discovered Duela Dent being beaten by Punchline. Before Jason could attack, he was ambushed by a masked and mind-controlled Dick Grayson. As the two fought, Punchline knocked Jason out by hitting him from behind with her crowbar. Dick and Punchline dragged him outside and planted the corpse of a different woman inside. The building exploded, and Jason believed himself to have failed Duela.[88]

Before he could dwell on the Duela's death, Jason received a call from Batgirl, saying there's a bomb in the Children's Hospital. He met with Tim Drake and Dick Grayson, and though they trusted him at first, Dick quickly turned on them. Tim left to disarm the bomb while Jason battled his adopted brother. He held Dick off long enough for Barbara to arrive and take the crystal being used to control Dick. With the help of Bea Bennett Dick's memories are restored.[89] Working with the rest of the Bat-Family, Jason engaged the Joker's army while Batman went after their leader. In the aftermath of the war, Jason attended Alfred's second funeral, as his corpse had been reanimated by the Joker.[90] Jason eventually learned the truth about Duela's supposed death and tracked her to a hidden medical facility. He rescued her and brought her to The Block.

Outlaw's End and the Return to Gotham

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Jason returns to the Hill

After Bizarro was trapped in Hell, Jason focused on Duela's recovery. He poured time and resources into helping her, assuring her that he'd be around if she decided to "come out of the cold." With her physical strength restored, Duela eventually came around to the idea and went on a mission with Jason and Artemis. In the middle of the battle, she realized that she no longer found the violence funny. Duela abandoned her mask and parted ways with Jason as she decided to go home to her parents. As they drove back together, Jason and Artemis admitted their true romantic feelings for one another, but ultimately they decided to part ways.[91]

Jason returned to Gotham City, staying in his old apartment in The Hill. He reunited with his friend Dana Harlowe, who had joined a vigilante group dedicated to protecting the neighborhood. Jason encountered this group as Red Hood, when he found Dana investigating Demetrius Korlee, Jr., a local fashionista and an important member of Black Mask's gang. Korlee's store was blown up by Tommy Maxx, with Jason and Dana getting caught in the explosion.[92] They managed to escape the ensuing fire without major injuries. The next night, Jason encountered Killer Croc, who was working with Tommy Maxx. Croc revealed he was acting as a decoy while Tommy kidnapped Dana's sister Denise. Jason hurried to meet with Dana's vigilante group. They were too late to stop Denise from being kidnapped, but they caught one of Tommy's men. The man gave up Tommy's location, allowing Jason and Dana to stop him and save Denise.[93]

Death Metal


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Infinite Frontier


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The Hill


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Task Force Z


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Hunting the Joker

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With the Red Hood believed to be dead, Jason decided to finish cleaning up pieces of his past and leave Gotham City. After saying goodbye to Stephanie, Jason boarded a plane for West Texas, the last known location of the Joker.[94]

As his hunt proved unsuccessful, Jason returned to Gotham City. There, he was witness to the Joker's first public appearance since the Joker War. A television broadcast saying Joker was taking over the West Coast. [95] Both enraged and suspicious, Jason donned his "Outlaw" costume and began a violent nightlong manhunt for the clown. He tracked the Joker to the ferry boat where Harley Quinn lived.[96] He shoved a gun into Joker's mouth, with the intent of killing him, but Joker tricked him and escaped off the side of the boat. Jason fired into the water, hitting the criminal in the legs and torso, before reiterating his murderous intent to Harley.[97] After getting into a fight with the police, Jason made his way to Gotham Central Hospital, where a bomb threat had been called in. He easily snuck into the building and encountered the Joker. He chased after his target, but was stopped by an officer who quickly became the Joker's hostage. Jason asked about the West Coast takeover, but Joker claimed he had no part in that. With the hostage being held at gunpoint, Jason put down his weapons and allowed himself to be locked in a closet. With a parting word, he was told that the Clown Prince had a plan for him.[98]

A few days later, Jason interrogated the criminal Killer Moth, who explained that the Joker he's been hunting was an imposter. According to Moth, the real Joker just returned to Gotham and has laid a trap to catch the faker. Jason went to the South Side of Gotham, where he encountered Spoiler. She warned him that Batman was out to stop his hunt and asked him to leave the city. As they talked, a fire broke out and they rushed into action. Jason made it to the scene of the fire, found the Joker that he'd been chasing, and shot him in the head. While remarking that he's finally done it, Jason was arrested by the GCPD.[99]

While awaiting trial, orders came in to have Jason transferred to Blackgate Penitentiary. As the guards collected him from his cell, they informed him that the man Jason shot had disappeared into the sewers.[100] On the way to Blackgate, Jason was freed by Rose Wilson, with help from Barbara Gordon.[101]

While Batman was displaced to another universe, Jason investigated the criminal auction of a data cache left behind after the Leviathan takeover. When tracing the data using the Batcomputer, he was confronted by the Outisders, before agreeing to aid them in preventing the sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. On Gamorra Island, where the auction took place, Jason faked an altercation with Killer Croc before losing the auction to Bane. Overcome with grief for Alfred and rage towards his killer, Jason attacks Bane and traces the chip containing the data cache to the mysterious auctioneer "Myriad's" orbital bank before stealing it. However, upon returning to Gotham, he simply returns the chip to Katana, admitting he was motivated purely by revenge.[102]

Lazarus Planet

During the return of The Devil Nezha, Batman's former, and current, Robins were possessed, including Jason. They were brought to Lazarus Island and given magical gifts to utilize in combat with Batman. Jason used the Trident of Poseidon and verbally berated Bruce for not searching for him after he first returned as the Red Hood. In his possessed state, Jason was defeated. Batman used the Helmet of Fate to return Jason to the mainland.[103] When the island's volcano erupted, and green rain covered the Earth, Jason encountered a mysterious trio of anti-heroes calling themselves The Vigil.[104]

Some point after this, Jason is tricked into having dinner at Wayne Manor.[105]

Dawn of DC

Knight Terrors


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The Gotham War


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Dark Prisons


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Powers and Abilities


  • Lazarus Enhancement: Due to being immersed in the Lazarus Pits, Jason possesses some magical abilities.[4]
    • Magic Negation: Jason was taught a powerful, arcane martial arts strike by Talia al Ghul, that only a force of true good is capable of delivering. This technique was created by Ducra, as a way to strip away the powers of the Untitled.[44]
    • Summoning: Jason possesses the unique ability to summon the All-Blades - mystical blades manifested from Jason's own soul,[106] designed to kill magic-based threats. The blades can only be summoned in the presence of true evil.[107][28] Jason has shown the ability to summon dozens of All-Blades at once.[106]


  • Acrobatics
  • Aviation[108]
  • Indomitable Will[44]
  • Interrogation[115]
  • Intimidation[115]
  • Leadership[118]
  • Martial Arts: Jason is a master martial artist, having received training from many of the world's most skilled fighters, including Batman, Nightwing, Bronze Tiger, Lady Shiva and the All-Caste. Even before receiving training from Batman, Jason already had some combat knowledge due to the time he spent living on the streets.[119] He was considered the All-Caste's most successful pupil, earning him respect and secrets only he has been able to unlock.[44] Even Damian Wayne, who doesn't have a very high opinion of Jason, considers his older brother to be one of the greatest fighters to have ever lived.[87] As part of his Robin training, Bruce taught Jason a technique called "language of combat," wherein he can communicate with others while fighting.[120] Jason is skilled enough to beat a weakened Deathstroke,[121] and even Ra's al Ghul in combat.[44] However, Jason admits that he probably couldn't beat Batman in a fair fight and that whenever he fought Batman, he always held back due to their relationship.[122][6]
    • Dim Mak: Jason is skilled in this ancient form of martial arts where you strike vital points of the opponent's body causing paralysis, intense and prolonged pain or death. He was taught a specific nerve strike technique by Lady Shiva, that allows him to instantly paralyze an opponent.[51]
    • Eskrima[123]
  • Meditation[124]
  • Omniscience[125]
  • Peak Human Condition: Through intense training, Jason has trained his body to the natural pinnacle of human physical prowess. His physical attributes roughly exceeded that of an Olympic-level athlete. His strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and coordination are at peak human perfection.[21] He has displayed on multiple occasions that he is quick enough to dodge point-blank gunfire.[115]
  • Pedagogy[126]
  • Stealth[127]
  • Surveillance[128]
  • Tactical Analysis[85]
  • Thievery[19]
  • Throwing[129]
  • Toxic Immunity[130]
  • Tracking[19]
  • Weaponry: Jason is highly skilled with most weapons, though he usually favors using his dual handguns. He is skilled in knife-fighting, and can use virtually any common object as an improvised weapon,[131] such as baseball bats, chains, a crowbar, and even a flag pole.[51]
    • Firearms: Jason is a highly skilled marksman. Unlike most of the Batman Family, Red Hood is one of few who has no problems with the use of firearms.
    • Swordsmanship: Due to his training over the years, Jason is a master swordsman.[132] He has even been able to keep up with the likes of Ra's al Ghul in a sword dual, and even disarm him.[44]

Other Characteristics

  • Bone Spur: According to future Tim, after Jason was killed by the Joker, one of his bones was never set right, which caused a growing debilitating bone spur in his hip joint.[108]


  • Red Hood Costume: After returning from the dead, Jason abandoned his Robin costume and took on the various costumes of the Red Hood.
    • After his return from the dead, during his initial confrontation with Batman, Jason wore an ensemble consisting of a black leather jacket over black tactical garments, capped off with his trademark 'Red Hood' helmet, underneath which he wore a red domino mask.[133]
    • When Dick Grayson became Batman, Jason adopted a more colorful villain suit. This suit included a white, skintight bodysuit, a collared black cape, and a large, dome-shaped, helmet harkening back to the 'original' Red Hood's helmet.
    • After Batman's return, Jason took on an anti-hero role. With this change, he donned a costume similar to the one he wore when he first returned to Gotham. This outfit, save for the helmet, was destroyed when Jason destroyed a submarine smuggling nuclear weapons. He would replace it with old armored suit that had once belonged to Nightwing, which he found in the possession of Starfire, who rescued him. This suit has a red variant of the bat-symbol placed in the center of the chest. It also has a built-in taser which Jason used to get people off of him when necessary. He covers this suit with a tan leather jacket. [22]
    • After being kicked out of Gotham City, Jason created a new, low armor, "outlaw" costume. This suit was mainly comprised of strong black boots, grey combat pants, a black t-shirt, with a new symbol on it, arm wrappings, and a sleeveless red and black hoodie. Instead of a helmet, Jason opted for a domino mask and face mask combo.[51]
    • After the two make amends, Bruce gave Jason a new heavily armored, grey, suit. This suit featured a new helmet and a thick, red, bat-symbol on the chest. He would use this armor while serving with Task Force Z. To show his allegiance with the team, he added a red letter Z to his shoulder plates.[134] After the Task Force disbanded, Jason would don his outlaw costume again.[96]
  • Venom (Formerly)[135]


  • All-Blades: The All-Blades are magical blades which can inflict great pain on magical creatures, but are otherwise harmless.[136] Jason can summon the All-Blades at will, but only in the presence of true evil.[137]
  • Batarangs[138]
  • Combat Knife[139]
  • Crowbar: Jason began carrying a crowbar as one of his weapons,[51] and later upgraded to dual crowbars that are capable of emitting powerful electric shocks.[118]
  • Katana[140]


  1. Truth & Justice #11
  2. Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #23
  3. Titans Giant (Volume 2) #1
  4. 4.0 4.1 DC Comics Encyclopedia: All-New Edition
  5. Batman: Urban Legends #4
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Red Hood/Arsenal #4
  7. Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual (Volume 2) #1
  8. Red Hood and the Outlaws #25
  9. Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #23
  10. Batman: Urban Legends #4
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1
  12. Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #1
  13. 13.0 13.1 Batman Eternal #19
  14. Red Hood and the Outlaws #26
  15. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #23.4: Killer Croc
  16. 16.0 16.1 Red Hood/Arsenal #5
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
  18. Batman: Urban Legends #4
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Red Hood and the Outlaws #0
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #3
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Red Hood and the Outlaws #8
  22. 22.0 22.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #6
  23. 23.0 23.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
  24. Red Hood and the Outlaws #2
  25. Red Hood and the Outlaws #3
  26. Red Hood and the Outlaws #4
  27. Red Hood and the Outlaws #5
  28. 28.0 28.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #7
  29. Red Hood and the Outlaws #9
  30. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #10
  31. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #11
  32. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #12
  33. 33.0 33.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #10
  34. Red Hood and the Outlaws #12
  35. Red Hood and the Outlaws #13
  36. Red Hood and the Outlaws #14
  37. Batman (Volume 2) #15
  38. Red Hood and the Outlaws #15
  39. Teen Titans (Volume 4) #16
  40. Batman (Volume 2) #17
  41. Red Hood and the Outlaws #17
  42. Red Hood and the Outlaws #18
  43. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #20
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 Red Hood and the Outlaws #27
  45. Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
  46. 46.0 46.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
  47. Red Hood and the Outlaws #21
  48. Red Hood and the Outlaws #22
  49. Red Hood and the Outlaws #23
  50. Red Hood and the Outlaws #24
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 Red Hood and the Outlaws #26
  52. Red Hood and the Outlaws #28
  53. Red Hood and the Outlaws #29
  54. Red Hood and the Outlaws #30
  55. Red Hood and the Outlaws #31
  56. Batman/Superman Annual #1
  57. Red Hood and the Outlaws #32
  58. Red Hood and the Outlaws #33
  59. Red Hood and the Outlaws #34
  60. Red Hood and the Outlaws #35
  61. Red Hood and the Outlaws #36
  62. Red Hood and the Outlaws #37
  63. Red Hood and the Outlaws #39
  64. Red Hood and the Outlaws #40
  65. Batman Eternal #10
  66. Batman Eternal #11
  67. Batman Eternal #15
  68. Batman Eternal #20
  69. Batman Eternal #25
  70. Batman Eternal #26
  71. Batman Eternal #28
  72. Batman Eternal #52
  73. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #34
  74. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #35
  75. Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #37
  76. Robin Rises: Alpha #1
  77. Batman (Volume 2) #40
  78. Red Hood/Arsenal #1
  79. Red Hood/Arsenal #2
  80. Red Hood/Arsenal #3
  81. Red Hood/Arsenal #6
  82. 82.0 82.1 Batman & Robin Eternal #15
  83. Batman & Robin Eternal #19
  84. Batman/Superman #26
  85. 85.0 85.1 85.2 Red Hood: Outlaw #36
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 Event Leviathan #2
  87. 87.0 87.1 Event Leviathan #3
  88. Red Hood: Outlaw #48
  89. Nightwing (Volume 4) #74
  90. Batman (Volume 3) #100
  91. Red Hood: Outlaw #50
  92. 92.0 92.1 Red Hood #51
  93. Red Hood #52
  94. Task Force Z #12
  95. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1
  96. 96.0 96.1 The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2
  97. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3
  98. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4
  99. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5
  100. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #6
  101. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #9
  102. Batman: Legends of Gotham #1
  103. Batman vs. Robin #3
  104. Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
  105. Batman (Volume 3) #136
  106. 106.0 106.1 Red Hood: Outlaw #34
  107. Red Hood and the Outlaws #23
  108. 108.0 108.1 Detective Comics #968
  109. Red Hood: Outlaw #32
  110. Robins #2
  111. Red Hood: The Hill #1
  112. Batman Eternal #18
  113. Red Hood: Outlaw #45
  114. Red Hood: Outlaw #46
  115. 115.0 115.1 115.2 115.3 Batman: Urban Legends #1
  116. Red Hood: Outlaw #30
  117. Red Hood/Arsenal #7
  118. 118.0 118.1 Task Force Z #1
  119. Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1
  120. Batman (Volume 3) #81
  121. Deathstroke (Volume 3) #16
  122. Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1
  123. Task Force Z #2
  124. Red Hood and the Outlaws #19
  125. Red Hood: Outlaw #35
  126. Red Hood: Outlaw #39
  127. Supergirl (Volume 6) #35
  128. Batman: Urban Legends #4
  129. Titans United #2
  130. Red Hood and the Outlaws #15
  131. Red Hood: Outlaw #27
  132. Batman/Superman Annual #1
  133. Red Hood and the Outlaws #6
  134. Batman: Urban Legends #6
  135. 135.0 135.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #39
  136. Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #11
  137. 137.0 137.1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #7
  138. Robin (Volume 3) #5
  139. Red Hood: Outlaw #29
  140. Red Hood: Outlaw #30
  141. Red Hood and the Outlaws #25
  142. Red Hood/Arsenal #7
  143. Batman: Urban Legends #3
  144. Batman: Urban Legends #1
  145. Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #4
  146. Red Hood/Arsenal #2
  147. Batman: Gotham Nights #11
  148. Truth & Justice #10
  149. Detective Comics #1032
  150. Task Force Z #12

Batman Family member

This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

Justice League member

This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.

League of Assassins member
This character is or was a member of the League of Assassins, a international organization of the world's greatest killers, operating both for hire and their own agenda, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "League of Assassins members" category.

Outlaws member

This character is or was primarily a member of the anti-hero team known as the Outlaws, in any of its various incarnations. They are a group of outcast heroes led by Red Hood, who fight against evil and do what bigger groups like the Justice League will not. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Outlaws members" category.

A large "T" building
Titans member

This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans members" category.

Suicide Squad member
This character is or was a member of the Suicide Squad, a team of imprisoned super-villains who perform high-risk missions for the U.S. Government in exchange for commuted sentences, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Suicide Squad members" category.