
Kent Nelson (Prime Earth)

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As a result of the New 52 in 2011, the entire line of DC characters was relaunched, incorporating properties belonging to the company's imprints: Wildstorm, Milestone, and Vertigo. As such, elements of this character's history have been altered in some way from the previous incarnation. For a complete list of all versions of this character, see our disambiguation page.

Dr. Kent Nelson, an archaeologist, was a hero chosen by the Lord of Order known as Nabu to wield the powerful Helmet of Fate. Assuming the mantle of Doctor Fate, Nelson became a hero, agent for the Lords of Order, and renown as one of the universe's most powerful sorcerers.[2]


In the 1900s prior to World War II, twelve-year-old Kent Nelson accompanied his father, Sven Nelson, to the Valley of Ur in pursuit of an ancient tomb. Sven had a prophetic vision about this tomb and had invested the family's life savings to reach there, although he had been ridiculed for it. In the tomb, they discovered mysterious writings. However, a Lord of Order named Nabu, trapped in a false body, coerced Kent into triggering a lever that released a lethal gas, resulting in Sven's death. As compensation, Nabu imbued Kent with extensive arcane knowledge and enhanced his physical and mental abilities, transforming him into a being of pure order. Nabu instructed Kent to destroy the false body, and he complied, unleashing his newfound power and revealing the hidden Helmet of Fate. With their combined powers, Nabu and Kent embarked on a heroic journey, championing order throughout the universe.[3]

Earlier adventures

In June of 1940, Kent encountered Salem Rula Nader, a young abandoned child subject to the 'Limbo Town Curse' as a result of her mother's escape from Limbo Town. This curse caused the luck of those around her to take a turn for the worse in both minor and drastic ways, sometimes resulting in fatalities. However, the pair discovered that Doctor Fate was immune to her curse, and she became known as "The Witch Girl", a somewhat grating and arrogant sidekick to Doctor Fate.[4]


Eventually, Doctor Fate would go on to become a founding member of the Justice Society of America. During the Justice Society's first meeting, the team somewhat goaded Doctor Fate into using the power granted to him by the Helm of Fate to perform what he considered to be a parlor trick- telling them how many children they were each going to have. He first revealed to the Atom that he'd have at least one child with his crush, Mary, much to the group's amusement. Alan Scott rejected the offer, not wanting to know too much about the future of his own personal life. When Fate attempted to perform this trick on Jay Garrick, he instead had a vision of Per Degaton and the league's many eventual sidekicks and children, lost. Afterwards, they quickly helped Fate remove his helmet to prevent him from being overwhelmed by this vision.[4]

As the years went on, his sidekick Salem grew disillusioned as a result of Kent's continued inability to remove her curse. After Fate's paramour, Inza Cramer was nearly killed as a result of her curse, Salem vanished. Suspecting that she might have been abducted and returned to Limbo Town, Fate contacted the Justice Society Dark, but even with their combined mystic might they were unable to locate her.[4] At some point, for unknown reasons, even her memory faded, and he was not able to easily recall her. In 1951, the Justice Society officially disbanded following an inquest by the House Unamerican Affairs Committee in which they refused to unmask, including Doctor Fate.[4]

In November 7th of 1976, years after the JSA reunified, Fate would recall the vision he had during the Society's first meeting during a checkup with Doctor Midnight after having a building fall on him. He was also vaguely able to recall Salem the Witch Girl with some struggle. The conversation would be interrupted by Power Girl and the Star-Spangled Kid, who were frustrated with the Society seemingly holding them back.[4]

Modern times

Around 2009,[5] Kent attempted to stop Catwoman from stealing the Cursed Shen Ring of Hauhet. In order to defeat him, Catwoman used her whip to remove Fate's helmet, and Kent had a vision of the future, telling her that the Stranger was going to kill her daughter. Noting that she had no daughter and didn't intend to have one, Catwoman fled.[4]

The Helm would eventually pass to others once more: Eric and Linda Strauss, Kent's wife, Inza.[4] Kent would also be present alongside his wife in some capacity before donning the mantle again. Years later, Kent as Fate was damaged by Extant during the Zero Hour, forcing him to retire as Doctor Fate.[6] Other indviduals would take the mantle of Doctor Fate: Jared Stevens, Hector Hall, and Kent V. Nelson, one of Kent's grand-nephews.[4]

Kent's history is eventually altered by an outside force that would warp the timeline in the aftermath of the Flashpoint, erasing the JSA from history and displacing many of Doctor Fate's associates. Unlike most of his comrades, however, Doctor Fate's history remained largely intact although unknown for a time.

A New Fate

After his retirement as Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson reemerges in the life of Khalid Nassour, his great-nephew and the current incarnation of Doctor Fate chosen by the Egyptian pantheon. Kent assumes the role of Khalid's mentor and takes him under his wing, imparting his magical knowledge and offering assistance in various challenges. One such challenge involves an attack by an Afreet on New York, which originated from a rift in the Underworld inadvertently caused by Khalid during his battle with Anubis. Nelson also intervenes when Osiris returns with intentions to punish the incarnation of Fate responsible for defeating Anubis, unaware of Anubis's ulterior motive to attain a higher divine status. Though Nelson is ultimately defeated, the truth is brought to light by the god Bastet. Nelson's faith in Khalid strengthens, as he believes his apprentice is finding his own path and purpose.

DC Rebirth

Fate at some point appeared to Ted Kord to warn him of the power of the Blue Beetle's Scarab telling that he sensed great magic emanating from it. However it was revealed that the spirit Nabu was taking the form of Kent and while the real one was trapped in the tower of fate. Kent would later regain control of his body to aid Blue Beetle and Ted Kord.

Doomsday Clock

 Main article: Doomsday Clock Vol 1

After Superman is framed and rendered comatose, Doctor Fate joined the group of heroes heading towards Mars to confront their mysterious enemy. The heroes meet and engage Doctor Manhattan, but they are easily defeated.[7]

Justice Society

Fate's history as a member of the Justice Society was restored to history when Wally West, having gained the powers of Dr. Manhattan and acquiring the Mobius Chair, attempted to fix time by merging the various timelines.[8][9][10]

Dark Nights: Metal


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Justice League Dark


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Powers and Abilities


  • Divine Empowerment: During his lifetime, Nelson would be empowered by Nabu, both aging him up while raising Kent to be at both his mental and physical peak, molding him into the spitting image of Nabu himself to be a perfect host.[11]
    • Flight: Nabu's alteration to Nelson included the power to flight.[11]
    • Elemental Control: Nabu's alteration included him being able to control the elements.[11]
    • Immortality: Nelson is immortal.[12]
    • Superhuman Durability: Nelson is considered nearly invulnerable.[12]
    • Enhanced Intellect: Among Nabu's alterations included all the arcane knowledge Nabu possess when he altered Kent.[11]
    • Magic: Nelson possess magical abilities granted to him by Nabu, allowing him to perform certain magic on his own.[11]
      • Nelson's personal spells: Nelson possess a repertoire of spells without the use of artifacts. Some of his spells are derived from the same repertoire used by Merlin.[3]
        • Eldritch Blast: Kent can discharge blasts of magical energy offensively.[13]
        • Photokinesis: With the help of Khalid Nassour he has been able to release a blast of blinding light capable of disintegrating an entire coven of vampires. The spell is spoken in Mandarin Chinese.[13]
      • Helm of Fate Construct: Overtime, Nelson's connection to the artifacts of fate proved powerful enough for him to draw power from them without wielding them physically.[14]


  • Peak Human Condition: As a twelve year old boy, Nelson's encounter with Nabu would cause him to age him up to an adult in both his physical and mental peak.[11]
  • Occultism: Combined with the arcane lore given to him by Nabu and his experiences, he is considered the greatest sorcerer of the modern age.[17][11]
  • Indomitable Will[18]
  • Archaeology: Nelson has a degree in archaeology.[12]


  • Power Limitation: while being among the most powerful sorcerers of his generation, Kent Nelson possess several limitations as Doctor Fate.
    • Dependency on Helmet of Fate: Although Kent is a capable sorcerer without assistance, without the Helmet of Fate, Kent's power is severely undercut by it, losing the majority of his vast powers and abilities.
    • Vulnerability to Possession: Usage of the Helm of Fate left Kent vulnerable to Nabu's possession of his body and will.
    • Vulnerability to Alien Supernatural Forces: Kent stated that his magic is rooted in Earth's culture and logic, making it possible for alien-related supernatrual forces (i.e ghosts of alien origin) capable of pushing through his magic.[19]
    • Cost of Magic: A practicing sorcerer, Kent Nelson's practice of magic comes to him at a cost in which is considerably detrimental to his own being.[20]
      • Monstrous Appearance: Continual usage of magic can eventually disfigure Kent into a ghoulish appearance, requiring Nabu himself to cleanse him of the alteration.[20]
      • Power Loss: Nabu's periodic restoration his ordinary human form weakens him in power.[20]

Other Characteristics

  • Arophobia: When Kent was younger, he used to be afraid of heights until he later conquered it shortly after becoming Doctor Fate.[21] (Formerly)
  • Allergies: He is allergic to bees. [22]


Former Equipment

  • Doctor Fate was created by Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman, first appearing in More Fun Comics #55. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Doctor Fate first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in All Star Section Eight #1 by Garth Ennis and John McCrea.
  • As Doctor Fate, Kent was considered the strongest of the "Sorcerer" classification, magic users who used enchanted objects to mitigate the cost of certain magics and spells and focus their magics through them.[17]
  • There are several inconsistencies regarding Kent Nelson's history introuced within the 2022 Justice Society of America series:
    • According to the series, Kent Nelson's encounter with Catwoman occurred 13 years prior (in 2009)[4], while the Zero Hour event took place eight years earlier (in 2014). This depiction deviates from his Pre-Flashpoint history as Kent's appearance in the latter portion of the second Doctor Fate series was situated in the early 1990s.
      • The reintroduction of Eric Strauss and Linda Strauss's versions of Doctor Fate would necessitate their tenure to take place between 2009 and 2014 rather than in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In previous continuities, Kent was dead (with his body used by Nabu) and their their tenure was expressed to last roughly two years before Inza.[28]
      • Inza's history being reintroduced also necessitate her tenture in between 2009-2014 rather late 1980s and early 1990s. Prior to Flashpoint, Inza's tenure as a independent Fate lasted one year.[28] Nelson was also portrayed alive. According to the Fate series, Kent was merged with Inza as Doctor Fate during Zero Hour.
    • Nelson's placement of death is also complicated by the book's timeline: Nassour's start as Doctor Fate is expressed to be one year before the book, implying Nelson's death would taken place within the same year[6] despite the book also implied a longer timeframe, as Nassour graduated from medical school and working as a intern physician, a process that typically takes at least four years.[4] The event referenced in the series happened a day before he began medical school[6]
  • Kent expressed he dislikes being Doctor Fate, having accepted it for the sake of it's repsonsibilities.[29]
  • Kent's favorite type of cookie is peanut butter chocolate chip.[30]
  • Kent's presence in Elizabeth's life led to her giving "Kent" as Khalid's middle name.[30]
  • Kent was twelve years old when Nabu accelerated his aging to an adult.[11]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 DC Comics Character Encyclopedia: New Edition
  2. Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #1
  3. 3.0 3.1 Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #13
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 The New Golden Age #1
  5. Thirteen years prior to the events of The New Golden Age #1, published on November 8, 2022.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Justice Society of America (Volume 4) #2
  7. Doomsday Clock #9
  8. Flash Forward (Collected): Flash Forward – Epilogue
  9. Justice League (Volume 4) #39
  10. Dark Nights: Death Metal #2
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Justice League Dark #13
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 DC Ultimate Character Guide: New Edition
  13. 13.0 13.1 Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #14
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #13
  15. Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #15
  16. Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #16
  17. 17.0 17.1 DC Nation: Magic Masters
  18. Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #12
  19. DC Nation #0
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 New Talent Showcase 2017 #1
  21. Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #13
  22. Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Volume 2) #4
  23. Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #2
  24. 24.0 24.1 Justice League Dark (Volume 2) #21
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #4
  26. Blue Beetle (Volume 9) #10
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Curse of Brimstone #9
  28. 28.0 28.1 Day of Judgment Secret Files and Origins #1
  29. The New Golden Age #1
  30. 30.0 30.1 Doctor Fate (Volume 4) #12

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