M'gann M'orzz (Prime Earth)
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As a result of the New 52 in 2011, the entire line of DC characters was relaunched, incorporating properties belonging to the company's imprints: Wildstorm, Milestone, and Vertigo. As such, elements of this character's history have been altered in some way from the previous incarnation. For a complete list of all versions of this character, see our disambiguation page. |
M'gann M'orzz is Miss Martian, the niece of Martian Manhunter and a member of the Titans.
M'gann M'orzz was born a White Martian from Mars, but she was raised by the the Keep, a repository of all Martian culture and knowledge hidden away in a vault on Thanagar Prime, the hidden redoubt-world of the Thanagarians.
Eventually, she arrived on Earth and encountered fellow Martian survivor J'onn J'onzz, who took her in as an adoptive niece. In turn, M'gann took a form resembling that of a Green Martian and an Earth-inspired outfit resembling a younger, feminine counterpart of her mentor, becoming the Super-heroine Miss Martian.[1][2]
New 52
When Tim Drake was assembling a new team of Teen Titans soon after the Flashpoint (mistakenly under the impression that it was a brand new team, one he had never been part of before), M'gann was among his potential candidates.[3]
DC Rebirth
When a tear opened in the Source Wall, M'gann was asked to join Nightwing's New Titans as a liaison between the team and the Justice League.
Dawn of DC
At some point, M'gann began a somewhat casual relationship with fellow former titan Superboy.[4]
Powers and Abilities
- Martian Physiology: The average Martian possesses the potential for the following power set:
- Shape-Shifting: Martians have psionic control of their physical for down to the molecular level. This allows them to a form of shape-shifting that allows them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, and so on.
- Size Alteration: As an extension of their shape-shifting abilities, Martians can easily alter their size, shrinking or growing to gigantic size.[5]
- Invisibility: Martians can cause the biopolymers in their bodies to lose their ability to reflect light, making the Martians invisible to normal light and human sight.[6]
- Phasing: Martians can go through solid matter.
- Superhuman Strength:[6] Martians possess vast levels of superhuman strength and are among the few races that are able to match Kryptonians in terms of raw strength. Martians can easily shatter reinforced concrete and steel, lift and carry hundreds of tons with ease and deliver incredible damage with their blows.[7]
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Durability: Martians possess high levels of durability that make them nigh-invulnerable to all forms of damage. Martians can withstand high-caliber bullets, powerful energy blasts, and kinetic impacts without suffering damage.[8]
- Superhuman Speed: Martians can process thoughts, move, and react at incredible speed, being able to cover vast distances in little or no time, catch bullets in mid-flight, run on water and create afterimages as they run.[9]
- Regeneration: Martians have powerful regenerative powers that enable them to regenerate their entire body from a severed limb, they can further enhance their regenerative powers by drawing mass from nearby sources.[10]
- Flight[6]
- Extrasensory Input
- Longevity[10]
- Super Hearing[10]
- Heat Vision[11]
- Martian Vision: Martian visual acuity greatly exceed human norms and allows for a wider range of information to be observed. This includes the following:[6]
- Infrared Vision[citation needed]
- X-Ray Vision[12]
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision[citation needed]
- Telescopic Vision[13]
- Microscopic Vision[citation needed]
- Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Martians. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing. [6]
- Illusions
- Possession
- Astral Projection
- Mind Control: As an extension of this, Martians can also use the ability to alter a psychological profile of a target, enabling them to manipulate, and in some cases, outright control that individual. This practice is greatly discouraged however, and only rarely used. [14]
- Telepathic Relay[14]
- Telepathic Assault
- Telekinesis:[15] Martians have mind-over-matter abilities and can lift and move objects with their minds. They can also employ their telekinesis in an offensive way by discharging telekinetic blasts capable of great concussive power.[16]
- Shape-Shifting: Martians have psionic control of their physical for down to the molecular level. This allows them to a form of shape-shifting that allows them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, and so on.
- Miss Martian was created by Geoff Johns and Tony S. Daniel, first appearing as part of the Teen Titans in Teen Titans (Volume 3) #37. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Miss Martian first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Teen Titans (Volume 4) #1 by Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth.
- Although M'gann first appeared in Teen Titans #1 of the New 52, she was only shown as a picture on Tim Drake's computer. M'gann's first full appearance was in Titans Special #1 around six and a half years later.
- Static's New 52 background includes his time in the Dark Side Club from Terror Titans (Volume 1), including his fight with Star-Spangled Kid.[17] In New Earth continuity, Star-Spangled Kid was actually Miss Martian in disguise. It's unclear whether this is part of her own backstory in the New 52 and Rebirth.
- In Action Comics #1057, Miss Martian and Superboy are revealed to be in a relationship, a reference to their Earth-16 counterparts from the Young Justice animated show.
- M'gann M'orzz is naturally a White Martian, possessing a human-like physique with four arms, a tail, white skin and no hair. However to be better accepted by humankind she made her form human in nature, giving herself green skin and red hair.[2]
- Appearances of M'gann M'orzz (Prime Earth)
- Images featuring M'gann M'orzz (Prime Earth)
- Quotations by or about M'gann M'orzz (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: M'gann M'orzz (Prime Earth)

This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.

This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category.

This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans members" category.