
Perpetua (Sixth Dimension)

Perpetua was one of The Hands from the Greater Omniverse. She was the first creator of the Multiverse and the mother of the Monitor, Anti-Monitor and the World Forger; Perpetua was also considered the most feared being in the greater Multiverse, out of all her brothers and sisters tending the infinite Multiverses.[1] Her influence over Mobius resulted in the Crisis on Infinite Earths as well as all other Crises in history.

Early Existence

At the very beginning of existence itself, the Source of All Things created a race of super celestial beings called the Hands whose purpose was to populate the nothingness of the Void with Multiverses using the Anti-Crisis Energy provided by the Source. After the creation of their Multiverse, each member of the Hands would pass and allow their energies to return to Source of All Things.[2] However the rogue among them refused her fate and wanted a vicious reality meant to live forever in a self-renewing loop of crisis and rebirth.[3] The name of that rogue super-celestial was Perpetua.

20 Billion Years Ago

She created the first iteration of the Multiverse using the negative Crisis Energies and created her three sons Mar Novu, Alpheus and Mobius, as its first inhabitants.

Once created, Perpetua explained to them that her Multiverse comprises of three main realms made out of the three basic forms of matter- dark matter, positive matter and antimatter, and created them to monitor these realms. She assigned Alpheus to the dark matter realm beneath creation where he would build the myriad universes of creation. Mar Novu was assigned to the positive matter realm, where he would guard the many universes that rose out of the dark from cosmic crises. Mobius was assigned to the antimatter realm where he would prevent the light of creation from breaching the Greater Omniverse.

Curious, Mar Novu asked Perpetua what her purpose in this Multiverse was, as her role as creator had already been fulfilled. She told him that she would remain to make sure that all of her children lived.[4]

15 Billion Years Ago

Perpetua called upon Mar Novu to show him her greatest creation. Perpetua had searched the endless worlds of the Multiverse looking for the perfect creation, but could not find it. Disappointed in what saw, Perpetua bound the Martians with the Humans, creating the Apex Predators; perfect killing machines that would live and fight until the end of time. Upon seeing what his mother had created, Mar Novu told her that he found a cosmic judgement coming for them because of her actions and that she was well aware of that and wished to fight back. Perpetua then tried to share her point of view in vain, leading her to order her Apexes to attack Novu, forcing him to flee.[4]

Two hundred thousand years later, Mar Novu told his brothers what he had seen and they agreed that her kinds, the Hands needed to be alerted of her doings. They were interrupted by Perpetua who witnessed their betrayals and sent her Apex Predators to attack her sons.

The Cosmic Raptor Prime Earth 01

The fall of Perpetua and her Great Army

The Hands's response was to send the Cosmic Raptor to stop Perpetua's plan. Unable to defeat the Cosmic Raptor, Perpetua, her Apex Predators and the totality of her power were taken to the Source Wall and imprisoned in it. The Hands recreated Perpetua's Multiverse, allowing the Multiverse to evolve without intrusion. Perpetua was trapped and forced to watch it all.

After the recreation of the Multiverse, the story of Perpetua was hidden by Krona and the other Maltusians who gathered all evidence.[5] She witnessed the tampering of Krona, preventing her Multiverse from settling into a stable form.

She was forced to watch her Multiverse grow more and more unstable. She knew its final fate: it would die, and she would die with it. As the only thing that would break her prison was an action that would crack the very foundation of reality, Perpetua began to whisper in the mind of her son, the Anti-Monitor, instigating him to cause the first Crisis. After the Anti-Monitor's defeat, a crack formed on the wall, allowing Perpetua to whisper out, through the Multiverse, into the ears of those powerful enough to cause Crises over the years.[2]

Source Wall Breaking

After the invasion of the Dark Multiverse by her last scion, Barbatos and the Batman Who Laughs, the Source Wall was finally broken and Perpetua was freed from her prison, the Totality which landed on Earth-0 after the wall breaking.[6] Her corporeal form was restored by Lex Luthor with almost six parts of her dark powers unlocked.[1]

Year of the Villain

At some point, she awoke and remade Lex Luthor into an Apex Predator as her second in command after the latter faked his own death.

Doom Rising

While the Justice League divided into two them, one for the Totality's shards which were across time and the other for recruiting Mobius, Perpetua and Lex were heading to the Promethean Galaxy with the intent to recruit her son Mobius. Meanwhile, Hypertime was within the grasp of Perpetua, allowing the Legion of Doom, who were in different timelines, to affect them as they see fit without erasing their present.[7]

Arrived in the Promethean Galaxy, she was confronted by Mobius and his brothers alongside the Justice League. During the fight, the three brothers merged together to form the Ultra-Monitor, strong enough to fight their mother.[8] At the end of the battle, Starman and his analog from the past and future were going to open a portal to bring the rest of the Justice League who gathered the shards of the Totality across the past and the future. However, due to the fact that the psychic energy shifted toward doom and Hawkgirl's vendetta against Lex Luthor who previously absorbed J'onn J'onzz within himself, the portal closed before the rest of the league could join the battle and Perpetua was restored to all her might.

She then granted the Anti-Life Equation to Mobius who betrayed his brothers.[9] Perpetua then crush Starman on her fist and and exclaimed that she have the entire Multiverse to remade.[9]

Perpetua came to Earth 19, noticing that this world has doom in its core but its people still chose justice thus, she destroyed this universe. She then returned to the Promethean Galaxy explaining her plan to Lex and Mobius and remade every human who believes in doom into Apex Predators.

Justice League Vol 4 37 Textless

Perpetua terrorizing the Justice League

At some point, the Legion of Doom returned to claim their rewards from Perpetua. Her response was to turn Brainiac into her throne and the other members as conduits of power for Lex now wielding the The Seven Forces of the Universe.[10] Later, she came to Earth 44, asking its people on whether they choose to join or oppose her. Among all people of this Earth, Dr Will Tornado was the only one answering, telling her that whatever god she is, his machines have more divinity in their metal hearts than her.

Perpetua replied that these words have no place in her new design and started considering to destroy Earth 44 but was interrupted by a call from a helpless Mobius. Perpetua then tell Dr Will Tornado that she know a parfect place for his Earth and throw it toward her sons who were recently freed from their brother thanks to John Stewart's intervention but they managed to flee before the impact thanks to Alpheus' sacrifice.

Much later, Perpetua came to Earth-0 to confront the Justice League who had defeated Lex Luthor and gathered Hawkgirl, John Stewart and J'onn J'onzz. During the confrontation, J'onn managed to reach out the minds of all the people of the planet, trying to convince them to break free of Perpetua's lies which shifted the psychic balance toward justice, strings of energy started to wrap up Perpetua.

However, just as the victory was near for the league, the balance shifted for doom again, breaking free of her bonds, Perpetua explained that she allowed the psychic connection J'onn had with Earth's people to happen because she wanted them to see their people rejecting them since she was the creator of the Multiverse and also explained that she left a piece of the Totality across time for Vandal Savage who will recruit the Luthors to found a way to unlock her powers as she planned. She then obliterated the Justice League; however, without her knowing, the league were saved by the Quintessence.[11]

Hell Arisen

After the fall of the Justice League at Perpetua's hands, the Multiverse was at her and Lex Luthor's mercy. When the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3 came to Perpetua requesting more power, Perpetua's response was to turn their people into Apex Predators and killing Johnny Quick after his disagreement to join her.

After the meeting Perpetua had with the Crime Syndicate, she sent Lex Luthor to Earth-0 in order to eradicate the dark energy incursion caused by the The Batman Who Laughs. Much later Lex came to Perpetua with the defeated Batman Who Laughs. However, The Batman Who Laughs used his superior knowledge to convince Perpetua to choose him over Lex as her second in charge. Perpetua then depowered Lex for his insolence and send him back to Earth but not before Lex learns that the glorious vision of the future he had was an hoax made by Perpetua in order to manipulate him.[12]

Dark Nights: Death Metal

Perpetua was confronted by the Justice League at an unspecified date. She wielded all the Crisis Energy as the league harnessed Doctor Manhattan's energy, consisting of all the Anti-Crisis Energy.[3] As their battle raged, Perpetua taunted Diana, telling her that if she won using the positive energies, every history including those forgotten due to Crisis would be destroyed; therefore many people would be left dead. Scared by this truth, Diana hesitated long enough for Perpetua to regroup and call on The Batman Who Laughs.[13] The fight ended on a massive blow that burned the sun and has exhausted both energies.[3]

The Batman Who Laughs helped her to regain strength using the Dark Multiverse, whose three worlds of unending Crises made it a hub of the negative energies that would keep powering Perpetua through multiple antennas around the Multiverse. Having gained enough power to destroy the rest of the Multiverse, Perpetua took over reality and proceeded to reshape it as how she wanted, while rewarding Laughs with Earth-0, reshaping the world for him.

She destroyed Earth-22 as well as most of the universes that doesn't match her dark ideology, reducing the Multiverse from fifty two universe to only eight. Later, Perpetua came to The Batman Who Laughs, telling him that only six universes remains. Untrusting him, she also warns him about if he tries to usurps her, her kind, the Hands would come and see what's been done in the Multiverse and they will destroy it all.[14]

Perpetua would later destroy the House of Heroes and would sent her minions from the Dark Multiverse on the Justice Incarnate and the Green Lantern Corps who were trying to destroy all the antennas in order to cut her off from her source of power.[2] Thanks to Owlman who had trapped each tower with a detonator, they managed to destroy every tower and leave the areas; despite this, Perpetua was still powerful enough to destroy the remaining universes though her unlimited source of power was cut off.[2]

After the rise of the The Batman Who Laughs, now known as the Darkest Knight, who tricked the Trinity in order to redirect all remaining Crisis Energy from three worlds of never ending Crisis to him instead of Wally West, Perpetua battled the Darkest Knight head-on, with all of the remnants of reality collapsing in the chaos around their duel.[15]

Despite being cut off from their primary power sources thanks to the machinations of the remaining heroes, both powerful beings continued to war against each other.[14] Growing exhausted and weaker as the remaining Crisis Energy was redirected to the Darkest Knight, Perpetua offers a partnership with him, arguing that it's only through her power that her kind is prevented from coming to the Multiverse and wiping it out. But the Darkest Knight is hoping for just such an outcome in order to destroy them himself. With Perpetua all but spent, the Darkest Knight reveals his last trick; using his powers, the Darkest Knight pulls together the remaining parts of the Source Wall that had once contained her. Despite her pleas, the Darkest Knight seals her within the remnants of the wall and destroys them, ultimately ending Perpetua's life.[16]

As the final battle between the Forge of Worlds-empowered Wonder Woman and the Darkest Knight raged, they fall back through time to the beginning of the universe itself. They saw the Hand of Creation sparking the Big Bang which the One who Laughs has recognized as Perpetua's.[17]

Powers and Abilities


  • Nigh-Omnipotence: As a Super Celestial, Perpetua was amongst the most powerful beings in the Multiverse.[18] Even in the Greater Omniverse, among her brothers and sisters tending the infinite Multiverses within, no beings was more feared and riveled.[19] She was granted unlimited power by The Source to configure and birth a Multiverse.[4] Although she was supposed to return to The Source after fulfilling her function, she selfishly kept the power for herself. The Monitor, the World Forger and the Anti-Monitor, some of the most powerful beings in existence, couldn't defeat her without help before, and still couldn't do so even as the Ultra-Monitor while she lacked her full power.[8] After all but a fraction of her power returned, Perpetua attained such tremendous power that she was able to easily impose her will to the Ultra-Monitor with the Anti-Life Equation and move the Multiverse toward Doom.[9] Chronicler, an omniversal recorder, classified Perpetua as an "Omega Class" cosmic entity,[15] and Earth 19's Batman described her as a "Class Omega Multiversal Incursion".[11]
    • Energy Projection: As a Super Celestial, Perpetua was originally granted Connective Energy by The Source, although she turned her back on these energies for Crisis Energy - Energy of the self that accumulates all powers that disrupt, that take instead of giving. Perpetua hoarded and wielded Crisis Energy and was capable of projecting it on a massive scale.[3]
    • Energy Construct Creation: As a Super Celestial, Perpetua shaped the Seven Forces of the Universe into three realms (Orrery of Worlds, Antimatter Universe, and World Forge) which constitute the tripartite form of the Multiverse. These realms are based on the three basic forms of matter -- positive matter, firm and constant, dark matter, rich in potential, anti-matter, corrosive and all-destroying, and claimed that the Totality of that power belonged to her.[8]
    • Reality Alteration: Perpetua was able to draw upon Crisis Energy from universal fear and agony to alter reality on a universal scale.[2] Planets and galaxies formed and died around her.[20] During her ascension, she was destroying universe after universe, but it took her time to gather enough energy to destroy another reality.[21] She even reshaped Earth for the Batman Who Laughs.[14] At full capacity, Perpetua was able to re-string the Multiverse with the Forces of Doom and stated that she would remake the Multiverse in her image.[22]
    • Molecular Reconstruction: Perpetua had the ability to transform species. She demonstrated this power when she transformed the people of Earth-3 into Apex Predators after siding with her, and when she transformed Brainiac into her throne as a "reward" for working for Doom alongside her.[10]
      • Disintegration: Perpetua had the ability to vaporize creatures with just a glance. She demonstrated this power when she deconstructed Johnny Quick with a thought after he disagreed to join her, and when she proceeded to unform most of the New Gods with Apokolips and New Genesis after breaking free from the Source Wall.[1]
      • Geokinesis: Perpetua could reshape planets. This was demonstrated when she reshaped Earth-0, mixing some elements of its original form to create a new world for the Batman Who Laughs and the army of the Dark Multiverse.
    • Resurrection: Perpetua was able to coalesce the remains of the Omega Titans into one Frankenstein-like being called the Omega Knight.[23]
    • Bio-Fusion: Perpetua can perform Bio-Fusion on living beings as she did with humankind and martiankind when she created the Apex Predators from both DNA and merging their two worlds.[4]
      • Bio-Fission: Perpetua can perform Bio-Fission on others as she did when she splitered the soul of Shiera Hall causing her to reincarnate as both Kendra Saunders on Earth and as Shayera Thal on Thanagar Prime.[5]
    • Superhuman Strength: Perpetua possesses immense levels of superhuman strength, capable of holding planets in her hands and was able to throw a planet from one reality to another at high speed.[24]
    • Superhuman Durability: Perpetua was strong enough to withstand the many planets the Darkest Knight hurled at her, as well as several of his punches.[15]
    • Mechanokinesis: Perpetua can control technology to some degree. She was able to turn off the ship of the Justice League with a thought.[25]
    • Size Alteration: Perpetua can alter her physical size. There's currently no known limit on how much she can grow. She has shown herself capable of growing from normal heights to the size of several planets.[4] She can even enlarge herself to much bigger heights to the point of holding the Multiverse in her hands.[4]
    • Telepathy: Perpetua read the thoughts of other beings.[26] She can broadcast a psychic whisper across the Multiverse that invites anyone who might hear it to change history to make the present more important.[3] This was the same trick she used on Lex Luthor when she projected a false vision into his mind in which everyone will worship him in one billion years in the future.[26] She was able to block the psychic connection that M'gann M'orzz and Shayne J'onzz had with Earth-0's people with ease.[27] J'onn J'onzz was only able to communicate with Earth-0 people because she allowed the connection.[11]
    • Telekinesis: Perpetua can manipulate the movement of objects and people with her minds as displayed when she threw Lex Luthor into a portal with a mere hand gesture.[26]
    • Immortality: Perpetua lived approximately several million years, being older than the Multiverse, and showed no signs of physical or mental regression.
    • Power Distribution: Perpetua can infuse others with the Crisis Energy as displayed with Lex Luthor or when she infused Mobius with the Anti-Life Equation.[9]
    • Teleportation: Perpetua can make herself and others appear anywhere in the entire Multiverse with no issues, such as transport herself from the Promethean Galaxy of Earth-0, which lies at the end of the universe to Earth-19.[25]
    • Dimensional Travel: Perpetua can travel to other realities at will. Perpetua is not limited to using this dimensional traveling power on herself as she can teleport others as well.[12]
    • Chronokinesis: Perpetua has the ability to tamper with the timeline. She has shown this ability at least twice when she incorporated pieces of the Totality across multiple eras in time, altering certain events in history.[11] The second time was when she transferred the Justice Society of America, the Justice Legion and Kamandi to their respective timelines.[11] Furthermore, Perpetua's havoc on reality echoed backward and forward in time.[12]
    • Cosmic Awareness: Perpetua can sense various events throughout the Multiverse such as sensing Mxyzptlk's assault on reality as well as Alpheus' attempt to replace it with a new Multiverse from the Sixth Dimension, the highest plane of existence.[4] She also can peer into the Fourth Dimension of time to see possible futures. She used this ability at least once to see what her Apex Predators would look like in a hundred thousand years.[4] Furthermore, she possesses vast knowledge on how the Multiverse works.


  • Power Loss: Perpetua required a near-constant "feed" of Crisis Energy to maintain her power and these energies could be redirected to another target through specific methods, as the Batman Who Laughs did through the actions of the Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.[28]
  • Power Limitation: The Batman Who Laughs believed that Perpetua's power had no effect on the energies of the Dark Multiverse and the latter claimed that these energies posed a danger to her.[12]


  • Perpetua created technologies capable of stabilizing Hypertime which she gifted to Brainiac, allowing him to steal infinite futures of death from Hypertime.


  • Godhead: Perpetua created the Godhead, a spaceship which serves as headquarter for her.


  • Staff


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Justice League Annual (Volume 4) #1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Dark Nights: Death Metal Multiverse's End #1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Dark Nights: Death Metal #1
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Justice League (Volume 4) #22
  5. 5.0 5.1 Justice League (Volume 4) #16
  6. Justice League (Volume 4) #1
  7. Justice League (Volume 4) #32
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Justice League (Volume 4) #33
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Justice League (Volume 4) #34
  10. 10.0 10.1 Justice League (Volume 4) #36
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Justice League (Volume 4) #39
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1
  13. Dark Nights: Death Metal #5
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Dark Nights: Death Metal #2
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Dark Nights: Death Metal Rise of the New God #1
  16. Dark Nights: Death Metal #6
  17. Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
  18. Justice League (Volume 4) #19
  19. Justice League Annual (Volume 4) #1
  20. Justice League (Volume 4) #19
  21. Justice League (Volume 4) #25
  22. Justice League (Volume 4) #30
  23. Justice League (Volume 4) #53
  24. Justice League (Volume 4) #37
  25. 25.0 25.1 Justice League (Volume 4) #35
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4
  27. Justice League (Volume 4) #38
  28. Dark Nights: Death Metal #4
  29. Justice League Incarnate #4
  30. Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green #1

Justice League Villain

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."