Sector 2814
Sector 2814 was one of 3600 sectors into which the Guardians of the Universe had divided the universe. Each sector was assigned one, and later two, members of the Green Lantern Corps.
Points of Interest
Known Planets in this Sector
- Agraria-7
- Alderane System
- Aoran
- Archos
- Athmoora
- Caudatia Prime
- Dalgova
- Galtea
- Garon
- Heliopolis
- Jotham
- Kormorax
- M'brai
- Mecha-IV
- Mellifera
- Nideesi
- Nok
- Omnicron Ceti IV
- Pharon IV
- Scylla
- Talkor
- Ungara
- The Vivarium
- Ysmault
- Zerbon
Green Lanterns
- Green Lantern 2814.1 (Hal Jordan)
- Green Lantern 2814.2 (Guy Gardner)
- Green Lantern 2814.3 (John Stewart)
- Green Lantern 2814.4 (Kyle Rayner)
- Green Lantern 2814.5 (Simon Baz)
- Green Lantern 2814.6 (Jessica Cruz)
- Abin Sur
- Anya Savenlovich
- Charlie Vicker
- Daniel Young (deputized)
- G'nort
- Jade
- Jong Li
- Laham
- Starkaðr
- Waverly Sayre
- Yalan Gur
- Donna Parker (declined)
Alternate Realities
- In the Elseworlds reality depicted in Batman: In Darkest Knight, Bruce Wayne became the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. After he left to pursue his reality's version of Sinestro, he was replaced by Power Ring-enabled versions of Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash.
- In the JLA: Created Equal story, Kyle Rayner's ring first passed to Maria Contranetti, who abused it, and later Barbara Gordon.
Red Lanterns
- Hal Jordan
- Mera (deputized)
- Guy Gardner
- Rankorr
Orange Lanterns
- Lex Luthor (deputized)
- Hal Jordan
Sinestro Corps members
- Amon Sur
- Batman was nearly subjugated to join the Corps by a power ring, but his own personal experience with power rings allowed him to be freed of it.
- Scarecrow (deputized)
Blue Lanterns of this Sector
- Hal Jordan
- Kyle Rayner
- Barry Allen (deputized)
Indigo Tribe members
- Ray Palmer (deputized)
- Black Hand
- John Stewart
Star Sapphires
- Wonder Woman (deputized)
Black Lanterns
- Arthur Curry
- Ralph Dibny
- Sue Dibny
- Roscoe Dillon
- Carter Hall
- Digger Harkness
- Jennie-Lynn Hayden
- J'onn J'onnz
- Ryan Kendall
- Roy Lincoln
- Al Pratt
- Ronnie Raymond
- Kendra Saunders
- Lisa Snart
- Dee Tyler
White Lanterns
- Hal Jordan
- Superman (A resident of this space sector but originally from sector 2813)
- Green Arrow
- Kid Flash
- Superboy
- Wonder Woman
- The Flash
- Donna Troy
- Ice
- Animal Man
- Batman
- Deadman
- Simon Baz
- Swamp Thing
- Kyle Rayner
See Also
- Appearances of Sector 2814
- Location Gallery: Sector 2814
2811 | 2812 | 2813 | Green Lantern Sectors | 2815 | 2816 | 2817 |