
Still Force

The Still Force is a cosmic force based around entropy and inertia. It is one of the Seven Forces of the Universe that were previously condemned by the Source Wall, and the counter-energy to the Speed Force.


Connection to the Still Force allows whoever taps into it to negate motion, bearing the potential to induce and accelerate the force of entropy.[1] Even Mister Mxyzptlk can be halted by the Still Force though temporarily.[2] The Still Force can be used for deceleration or even halting of the conduit's aging, drain life-force energy from others or even create physical constructs of its power.[3] At full power, the Still Force can stop the universe from expanding as Grodd once displayed when he used the Still Force.

The Still Force was discovered by Lex Luthor within the scion of the Turtle, who had been searching for the force for years in an attempt to use its power to negate the Flash's Speed Force.[1]

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