
Superman Vol 1 61

Superman #61 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1949.

Synopsis for "The Prankster's Radio Program!"

Appearing in "The Prankster's Radio Program!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Iron ore


  • Fishing Boat, Yachts, and Schooners

Synopsis for "The Courtship of the Three Lois Lanes!"

Appearing in "The Courtship of the Three Lois Lanes!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rocky Riordan (Mentioned only)
    • his gang

Other Characters:

  • Bill Smith (First appearance)
  • Bonnie Ames (Mentioned only)
  • Chuck (Single appearance)
  • Eddie (Single appearance)
  • Irma (Single appearance)
  • Jove (Mentioned only)
  • Metropolis Red Sox Baseball Team
  • Mr. Crump (Single appearance)
  • Mayor of Metropolis (Single appearance)



  • Subway

Synopsis for "Superman Returns To Krypton!"

In trying to stop the con man Swami Riva Superman encounters a glowing red gemstone that saps his strength. He eventually learns that the gemstone came from meteorites found by rock collector Harry Peters. Using his superpowers Superman travels back through time charting the meteorites course back to Krypton. Due to him not belonging to this time Superman is an intelligible phantom and must use lip reading to see what they are saying. It is stated by Jor-El that a chain reaction in the uranium core of the planet will cause every atom on the planet to explode like an atom bomb. Superman helplessly watches as events unfold and follows the one space craft to Earth and discovers that its infant is himself. Returning to the present Superman blows Swami Riva's turban into the river allowing him to capture the con man and his henchmen.

Appearing in "Superman Returns To Krypton!"

Featured Characters:

  • Superman (First appearance as Mr. Smith)

Supporting Characters:


  • Big Eddie (Single appearance)
  • Swami Riva (First appearance)

Other Characters:





  • Superman learns of his own origin story in "Superman Returns to Krypton!", which is reprinted in The Greatest Golden Age Stories Ever Told and Superman in the Forties.
    • The Kryptonite gem in "Superman Returns To Krypton!" is actually colored red though when Superman recalls the events years later he remembers the gem as being green.[1]
    • Superman's father is called Jor-El rather then Jor-L in this story.
    • Based on the color of the gem, the name of Superman's father, and the appearance of Perry White this is clearly an Earth-Two-A story with effectively identical events happening on Earth-Two.


  • Superman comments about having to race forward through time to the 20th century. This implies that his arrival on Earth happened no later then 1900 (the last year of the 19th century).

See Also

Links and References

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.