
The Seven Forces of the Universe

The Seven Forces of the Universe, also known as the "Seven Harmonious Forces" and more correctly known as "Anti-Crisis Energy" or "Connective Energy", are the most important energies from which harmony comes in all Multiverses and regroup every positive energy in Existence — the Speed Force, the Emotional Spectrum, the Forces of Justice — and are in essence connective, uniting people through memory and history, reminding them that they are small but part of one generational story. The energy of Creation is born of The Source/The Presence and wielded by The Hands to configure and birth Multiverses within the Greater Omniverse.


In the beginning of all, before the Multiverse came into existence, there was only The Source of All Things and of The Source came the raw materials to create Systems of Life.[2] Shortly thereafter, The Source sent its celestial offspring — the “Hands” — throughout the Overvoid to take these energies and shape them into Multiverses.[2] These beings birth a reality and then die, given themselves to the baby Multiverse. The bad seed among them, Perpetua, refused to die and defied her function, starting the first Multiverse before the current one using the Seven Hidden Energies of Creation, the dark reflections of the Harmonious Forces.

When Perpetua's children, the Brothers Three, learned of their mother's plans to twist the Multiverse into a self-sustaining weapon to challenge The Source with her transformed army of Apex Predators, they alerted The Hands whose response was to sent the Cosmic Raptor to imprison Perpetua, her Great Army and the Totality of the power she had selfishly hoarded in the Source Wall.[3] Perpetua's Multiverse was then restarted, but this time with the Seven Harmonious Forces, with Perpetua forced to watch the Multiverse grow without her taints.[4] For ages, after the first Multiversal Reset, the Multiverse thrived in harmony with the Seven Forces of the Universe as the underlying energies that governed it.

Speed Force

The Speed Force is part of the Harmonious Forces and is the energy field that gives the universe motions and grants the Flash Family and all Speedsters their power. Based on velocity and movement, it is the representation of reality in motion, being the very cosmic force that pushes space and time forward. The opposite to the Speed Force is the Still Force which is a cosmic force based around entropy and inertia, capable to negate motion, baring the potential to induce and accelerate the force of entropy.

Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum

The Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum is part of the Harmonious Forces and is the energy field that gives the universe feelings and emotions and grants the Lantern Corps their power and is fueled by the emotions of all sentient beings. It governs the Red/Rage, Orange/Avarice, Yellow/Fear, Green/Will, Blue/Hope, Indigo/Compassion, Violet/Love, Black/Death, White/Life with each emotion having its own Emotional Entity such as Butcher, Ophidian, Parallax, Ion, Adara, Proselyte, the Predator, Nekron and the Life Entity. Outside the known colors of the Emotional Spectrum, there is the Invisible Spectrum, which is opposite to the Emotional Spectrum and part of The Seven Hidden Forces, which includes Ultraviolet, which feeds on buried primal emotions, especially hatred and has its own Emotional Entity called Umbrax.

Life Force

The Life Force represents quasiversal Harmonious Uniformity and is part of the cosmic force that allows life to flourish, interconnecting every living being down to their very souls. It is wielded by those like Aquaman or Poseidon who are connected to the nurturing oceans, the font of all life. Those touched by this force, whether it be through an object or through the energy itself, retain a connection to all life and can communicate in a telepathic manner. Its opposite in The Seven Hidden Forces is the Death Force which brings death to any and all things, even immortals like the gods, sending them to the Graveyard of Gods. Items that can channel this force, such as the Tear of Extinction, are what drive people & worlds towards isolation and solipsism. Pushing on entropy levels of sociopathic individualism as well as the inevitable collapse of life itself.

Sphere of the Gods

The Sphere of the Gods is the cosmic force that gives the universe magic and grants the gods and those who have godlike abilities their power. Beings such as the New Gods and other pantheons such as the Gods of Olympus, the Angels, and the Demons, wield this power and are mostly considered multiversal singularities. The Void Wind is opposite to the Sphere of the Gods and part of The Seven Hidden Forces: it's a cosmic dynamism, which is the twin force of the Tear of Extinction, that snuffs out magic, divinity and the like. It is derived from the harsh gales that blow from the Graveyard of Gods.

Dimensional Superstructure

The Dimensional Superstructure of the Multiverse is a power that governs everything imaginable and unimaginable. Wielded by those put in place to monitor all creation: Mar Novu who rules the positive matter realm which is firm and constant, Alpheus who rules the dark matter realm which is rich and full of potential, and Mobius who rules the antimatter realm which is corrosive and all-destroying. The Sixth Note, opposite to the Dimensional Superstructure in The Seven Hidden Forces, is the cosmic force beyond imagination and is unlocked when the impossible is glimpsed.

Collective Unconscious

The Collective Unconscious is the cosmic force that gives others knowledge and wisdom and is part of the Seven Harmonious Forces. It is responsible for granting telepaths their power and is also wielded by the greatest of minds. The force that is opposite to the Collective Unconscious and part of The Seven Hidden Forces is the Black Apple which involves forbidden knowledge.


Faithfulness is the seventh harmonious force and is tied in the nature of Faith in Justice which is mostly relied on the goodness within people's hearts and their heroic natures. The dark counterpart to Faith and the last of The Seven Hidden Forces is the Faithlessness which is a force based on faith people have in Doom as it relies on the evil within people's hearts and their selfish and cruel nature and is unlocked when one loses the faith one possesses of their loved ones. These two forces have to be balanced in the Multiverse (and any other Multiverse in the Omniverse) in order to avoid the shift toward Justice or Doom and, as a consequence, prevent The Hands' Cosmic Judgment.


The Seven Forces of the Universe are some of the most powerful forces in the Multiverse and regroup every positive energy that unite through memory and history.[2] The celestial offspring of The Source — the “Hands”— use these energies to configure and birth the Multiverses, and Doctor Multiverse, a being brimming with Connective Energy, can see the past, present, and future all at once.[2] Wonder Woman imbued with these energies had this same 'non-linear' perception, and had enough strength to shake stars and phase throughout time and space through sheer strength.[5] The Batman Who Laughs, with the same energies, was aware of the various Batmans of the Dark Multiverse and was able to pull aspects of the most terrifying and vicious of them, including their skills and experiences, and stitch them into his own mind.[6]

The Connective Energy-imbued Wally West was able to eradicate the dark matter incursion from a universe and fill it with planets and galaxies, and inherited the same reality-warping abilities as Doctor Manhattan that he used to mend fractures in the timeline to heal the scars of previous reality-shattering "Crises", until the Batman Who Laughs interfered by altering Earth-0 through Perpetua.[7] Perpetua told Diana that if the Anti-Crisis Energy overcame Crisis Energy, everything would be brought to bear, all history would matter, and time would unknot, which proved correct when the Hands remade the Multiverse with all the damage caused to the timeline by the "Crises" undone and all memories and histories restored. As Wally West and later Lex Luthor explained, all lives are "batteries" for Anti-Crisis Energy and its opposite, while Crisis Energy feeds on universal fear, anger, desires for greatness, Anti-Crisis Energy flourishes through universal bravery and unity through memory and history.[8]

Current Owners

Previous Owners


  • Although it was first referred to as "The Seven Forces of the Universe" in the Post-Flashpoint continuity in Justice League (Volume 4) #1, the energy of Creation has been featured in Fourth World stories since the Silver Age as the limitless power of The Source of All Existence, making its first full appearance in Swamp Thing (Volume 2) #62 during the Modern Age.
  • It has yet to be confirmed whether Elemental Realms and the Life Equation are part of the Connective forces. However, it's very possible that this is the case since the Anti-Crisis Energy regroup every positive energy in the Multiverse.
    • It is very likely that Superman's energy of Hope is part of the Seven Forces of the Universe since some of Earth's greatest heroes are connected to these energies and it has been implied that Superman is connected to the Seventh Force during the Justice/Doom War.
  • The Darkest Knight told Diana that she can't create worlds with Anti-Crisis Energy but he can with Crisis Energy. This claims, however, is a false since The Hands uses Anti-Crisis Energy to configure and birth Multiverses across the Void. It is possible that the Darkest Knight lied to Diana in an attempt to convince her to let him kill The Hands.


See Also