Titans Vol 4 1
Titans (Volume 4) #1 is an issue of the series Titans (Volume 4) with a cover date of July, 2023. It was published on May 16, 2023.
Synopsis for "Out of the Shadows"
Wally West has been shot and has only seconds to live. Fortunately, he can do a lot in seconds. He runs home and tells his family he loves them, then runs to the Flash Museum. He gets on the Cosmic Treadmill and runs fast enough to break the time barrier, launching himself into the past.
The Titans officially move in to the new Titans Tower in Bludhaven, which will serve as their headquarters and home. Tempest has declined to join the team, as he is focused on the constant environmental degradation of the sea and told his friends that he has joined up with a new partner who can do what the Titans can't. Wally is also not present as he planned to continue to live with his family whilst working with the Titans. Just before they enter they receive a call from Oracle that Titano is attacking a nuclear power station and it is minutes from meltdown. They Boom Tube over and Beast Boy transforms into a giant prehistoric Tamaranean predator to battle the super-ape, while Cyborg dives down into the core to avert the meltdown and the others evacuate the plant workers.
A company of soldiers led by Peacemaker arrive on the scene. Peacemaker orders his men to shoot Titano but Nightwing stops him as Beast Boy lures Titano away from the plant and then Donna and Starfire knock him unconscious. Titano is airflited away by the military and Peacemaker resentfully tells them that the President has ordered him to share information that Titano was just one in a series of seemingly random attacks designed to cause major ecological damage. Against his will, he extends an offer from the President for them to work directly for the US government, but they flatly refuse; saying they plan to work in the interests of the entire world, not just one country. They teleport away again, but Nightwing tells Peacemaker that they don't have to have the antagonistic relationship that he had with the Justice League and they are willing to co-ordinate and share information. After they leave, Peacemaker calls Amanda Waller and tells her that the Titans refused the offer, just as she predicted.
They return to the Tower, and find a spot of blood at the entrance. They head inside and follow a trail of bloody footprints down into the main computer room; where they find Wally's body and the words "SOLVE IT" on every screen.
Appearing in "Out of the Shadows"
Featured Characters:
- The Flash/Wally West (Alternate Future) (Single appearance; dies)
- Titans
Supporting Characters:
- Alternate future characters
- Irey West (Single appearance) (Cameo)
- Jai West (Single appearance) (Cameo)
- Linda Park-West (Single appearance) (Cameo)
- Oracle (Barbara Gordon) (Phone call only)
- Tempest
- Amanda Waller (Behind the scenes)
- Titano
Other Characters:
- United States Army
- The Flash (Wally West) (Cover only)
- Justice League (Mentioned only)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Mentioned only)
- President of the United States (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Brother Eternity (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Garfield Logan's Mindscape
- Hypertime
- Alternate Future (Wally West is murdered) (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Central City
- Keystone City
- West House (Cameo)
- Alternate Future (Wally West is murdered) (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- Earth
- United States of America
- Bludhaven
- Unnamed Nuclear Plant (Single appearance)
- Themyscira (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- Tamaran (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed Tamaranean Moon (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Speed Force
- Sphere of the Gods
- Earth 0
- As it seems that Wade West is not yet born, the events of this story may take place between the epilogue of the One-Minute War in The Flash #796 and The Flash #798 which featured Wade's birth.