Turtle II (Prime Earth)
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As a result of the New 52 in 2011, the entire line of DC characters was relaunched, incorporating properties belonging to the company's imprints: Wildstorm, Milestone, and Vertigo. As such, elements of this character's history have been altered in some way from the previous incarnation. For a complete list of all versions of this character, see our disambiguation page. |
The Turtle is the opposite of the Flash. As a conduit of the Still Force, he is super-slow.
The Turtle grew up in an abusive household, however this didn't stop his intellect from shining. The boy graduated from school far earlier then any of his classmates and quickly became a leading scientist. One day he met a woman and fell in love. The boy married this woman and had two children: a boy and a girl. The scientist spent most of his time with his family, slowing down his scientific advancements and allowing his peers to surpass him.[1]
Growing jealous of his peers, the scientist began experimenting with a mysterious energy force that he believed kept the universe moving forward. In his jealously the scientist rushed the experiments, hoping to prove his genius again. His experiment quickly meandered out of control and the scientist was caught in an explosion.[1]
The explosion accelerated the scientist's age, giving him the body of a feeble old man. Furthermore his movement was slowed and he stopped aging physically or mentally. His family helped him through the recovery process and soon enough he could once again move like his old self, however he still kept the appearance of an old man.[1]
He experimented with this energy force for decades, discovering he could negate any form of motion, including the progression of life. Eventually he became disillusioned with human life as he knew that he would outlive everyone he loved, this led him to kill his family with his powers as he saw them as a needless distraction from his work. Eventually he began going by the name "Turtle", most likely because of the motion negating powers he now possessed.[1]

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Powers and Abilities
- Still Force Conduit: The Turtle is a conduit of the Still Force, a cosmic energy force based around entropy and inertia. When the Turtle uses his powers he taps into the Still Force and expends it. Initially the Turtle had little understanding of his abilities but as he researched the Still Force he began to harness the force with greater understanding.[1]
- Energy Absorption: The Turtle is able to use the Still Force to drain life-force energy from others, which in turn empowers him.[1]
- Energy Construct Creation: The Turtle can use the Still Force to create green constructs such as chains.[1]
- Energy Negation: The Turtle has the power to negate motion in any way feasible. He can halt physical objects such as people, bullets and cars and return them to their natural state if he wishes.[2] He can also negate the power of Speed Force conduits seeing as their power source is based off of motion.[3] He can also drain the forces that push life forwards, effectively making him capable of draining a person's life until they're dead.[1]
- Immortality: After gaining a connection to the Still Force the Turtle's aging process essentially halted, making him physically and mentally immortal.[1]
- Superhuman Strength: The Turtle is strong enough to rip a car to pieces with his bare hands.[4]
- The Turtle was the first super-villain the Flash ever fought.[1]
- The Turtle is aware that Barry Allen is the Flash because of the Force connection he shares with him.[1]
- 31 Appearances of Turtle II (Prime Earth)
- 16 Images featuring Turtle II (Prime Earth)
- 2 Quotations by or about Turtle II (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Turtle II (Prime Earth)

Flash Villain(s)
This character, team, or organization, has been primarily an enemy of any or all of the various incarnations of the Flash. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Flash Villains."

Legion of Doom member
This character is or was a member of the Legion of Doom, a team of supervillains called together for the purpose of conquering the world and defeating the Super Friends, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Legion of Doom members" category.

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."