Tyyde (Prime Earth)
Fleet Admiral Tyyde is a member of the Triumvirate of Sea Gods, a group of ancient and powerful sea gods who originate from other galaxies.
Powers and Abilities
- God Physiology
- Amphibian: Tyyde is capable of speaking and breathing under water.[1]
- Hydrokinesis: Tyyde is able to command water with her mind. When one of her soldiers vexed Tyyde, she used hydrokinesis to suck all of the water out of his body. This action killed the soldier instantly.[2]
- Immortality: Tyyde has lived for at least several millennia, as she met the ancient hero of Atlantis Arion while the city still stood above the surface.[1]
- Power Absorption: Fleet Admiral Tyyde was able to steal the telepathic power of Aquaman, absorbing them into herself.[2]
- Power Distribution: After taking Aquaman's power, Tyyde was able to transfer the ability into Black Manta, giving him the power over the seas.[2]
- 8 Appearances of Tyyde (Prime Earth)
- 5 Images featuring Tyyde (Prime Earth)
- Quotations by or about Tyyde (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Tyyde (Prime Earth)

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."