Victor Stone (Prime Earth)
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As a result of the New 52 in 2011, the entire line of DC characters was relaunched, incorporating properties belonging to the company's imprints: Wildstorm, Milestone, and Vertigo. As such, elements of this character's history have been altered in some way from the previous incarnation. For a complete list of all versions of this character, see our disambiguation page. |
Victor Stone is Cyborg, a high school student merged with a Mother Box when he was injured.

Before the accident
Victor Stone was a high school athlete at odds with his brilliant scientist father Silas Stone.[1] As the New God Darkseid initiated an invasion of Earth, Vic was caught in an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs when a nearby Fatherbox detonated.[2]
Vic's father saved his life by using experimental technology to turn him into a cyborg in the Red Room. Dr. Stone injected his son with nanites and installed experimental robotic parts . These included a Promethean skin graft, Dr. Will Magnus' Responsometer, Professor Ivo's A-maze operating system, the classified and prototypical B-maze operating system, and graduate student Ryan Choi's White Dwarf Stabilizer, as well as the energies from the Fatherbox. This allowed Vic to access the vast New Gods data library and discover Darkseid's true invasion plans.[3]
When Vic first woke up after the accident, he could not move his legs and discovered his new robotic body. The Red Room was attacked by a group of Parademons; before they could hurt Sarah Charles, Cyborg's defense system's reacted automatically, causing his arm to shift into a sonic cannon. He destroyed the creatures, along with half the building. Vic, mortified at what his father had turned him into to save his life, escaped through the hole in the wall, with his father's calls to stay falling on deaf ears.
New 52
Forming the Justice League
Main article: Justice League: Origin

Cyborg, founding member of the Justice League
While roaming the streets, Vic saved a woman being attacked by Parademons; in the process, he also absorbed some of the Parademon's components, giving him access to Boom Tube technology. This new ability automatically transported him to the site of a major battle, where he met the young heroes Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Superman and Wonder Woman while trying to control his new powers.[4]
In the middle of the alien invasion, he helped them fight Darkseid and his Parademon army.[5] Cyborg tapped into the alien technology to close their portal after Superman hurled Darkseid back to Apokolips. Due to the crisis, superheroes were finally accepted by the public, and the seven champions became the first public superhero team—"the Super Seven", later to be rebranded "the Justice League."[6]
Following the cosmic upheavals of the late Rebirth period, Victor Stone's status as a founding leaguer is somewhat unclear. The league was now founded following a battle with Appellaxians, as it was on New Earth, and Victor is not depicted as taking part in this event; moreover, with the restoration of the 'missing time' stolen by Doctor Manhattan, this would make Victor significantly older than depicted.
Afterwards, Vic was a frequent member of the Teen Titans, going so far as to live in Titans Tower alongside team-mate Starfire.[7][8]
Throne of Atlantis
Main article: Throne of Atlantis

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Trinity War
Main article: Trinity War
The Justice League was eventually put into conflict with Amanda Waller's anti-Justice-League Justice League, the Justice League of America. While the two groups fought, Superman supposedly killed JLA member Doctor Light, causing a controversy. However, Cyborg and the Martian Manhunter performed an autopsy on Light's body to prove that his death was not Superman's fault.[9]
Tensions continued to rise as the Justice League butted heads with the JLA and the Justice League Dark over the mysterious woman Pandora, who begged heroes to open her box. [10] Upon opening it, however, a portal was unleashed that allowed the evil Crime Syndicate of Earth 3 to enslave the world.
Upon the Crime Syndicate's arrival, Cyborg's body was taken over by a sentient computer virus called Grid. It rejected Vic's human body, expelling his organic components from the technology keeping him alive. On the verge of death, Victor was kept alive by Green Lantern, who suspended him in green energy.
However, the Crime Syndicate defeated most of the Justice League by absorbing them into the Firestorm Matrix. Only Batman was able to escape with Cyborg's failing human body. [11]
Forever Evil
Main article: Forever Evil
After his organic body was rejected by Grid, Victor was taken to S.T.A.R. Labs by Batman and Catwoman in the hopes that Silas could help him. Silas was at first hesitant to turn his child once more into Cyborg, to which Victor pleaded that he should stop protecting him and that it was his decision to be transformed into Cyborg this time; he must help stop the Crime Syndicate. Cyborg's new armor was crafted after Victor told his father to take him into the real red room, which he knew about since he went on-line for the first time. The armor was made slimmer since he would rather to look more human like than a tank; jump jets were also installed so he wouldn't rely solely on Boom tubes. He noted that being off-line; it was quiet and that he wasn't being bombarded by information.[12] Cyborg goes to enroll the assistance of Doctor Will Magnus so he could revive his metal men to help him fight against the Crime Syndicate. Magnus initially refuse to revive his Metal men as he deemed them failures, however Cyborg persuades him to do so.[13]
With the group once again revived and united they're led against The Grid who Cyborg lured away from the Watchtower. Grid summoned members of the Secret Society but they were quickly dispatched by the Metal Men under the command of Victor. Cyborg and Grid both enter the digital world where they fight with one another. Grid initially had the upper hand after using Victor's human side as his weakness. However Cyborg expresses that he has grasped his tech side and that he is the bridge between human and technology and he controls the digital universe, then, severing the Grid's connection with the outside world, Cyborg traps him inside the body.[14] Receiving Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth from Steve Trevor, Victor travels to fallen Watchtower where he helps Batman utilize Wonder Woman's rope to free the Justice League groups from the Firestorm network.[15]
After-which, the League underwent a paradigm shift introducing a few new members onto its team. That being a recently depowered Captain Cold, a youthful new ward empowerd by divine magic; who incidentally nearly started an international incident Shazam and finally a well known villain who'ed recently turned over a new leaf, Lex Luthor.[16] While he and Shazam were on Monitor duty searching for Power Ring's missing ring, he suggested the new leaguer to try using his magic. Which instead ended up in him conjuring a ping pong table they could play while they worked.[17] When the New Power Ring went on a tear through Portland; Oregon, The Justice League intervened to try and quell the situation. But tensions quickly skyrocketed when the Doom Patrol had came with intentions of their own regarding the ring. When he tried to interface with the ring that Volthoom inhabited, doing so fused his circuits and fried all of his systems rendering him unconscious as a result.[18]
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Victor was getting looked over by his father Sylas. As Shazam eagerly wished to zip over to Metropolis to aid Superman and Lex in they're battle against a rampaging Gorilla Grodd, Cyborg himself couldn't head out because his bionics were all but derezzed due to his interaction with the alien ring's computer.[19] But more than gave his consent to head out in his place, in the meantime he would go over the visions he saw of the entity that destroyed the Crime Syndicate's earth. Suggesting to take another dive into the ring to find out more, only for his dad to advise against it given he might be trapped inside it if he did that again.[20]
Robin Rises
Main article: Batman and Robin: Robin Rises
An incident occurred revolving around the forces of Apokolips searching for something called a Chaos Shard which is sought after by Glorious Godfrey and his Parademon horde. While he and the rest of the League managed to drive them off and save Batman's life, he was cross with them as they let them get away with the sarcophagus carrying both the body of his deceased son and a fragment of the Chaos Crystal that was hidden within it.[21]
While he and the rest of the crew stand strongly against Bruce's desire to infiltrate the domain of Darkseid, given that his territory is a huge X-Factor which the act of such an undertaking could lead to incredibly dire consequences. Batman hijacked Vic's teleportation apparatuses and beamed his way up into the Watchtower to procure a powerful armament he and the rest of the Justice League had a hand in building for him.[22] Which in turn took next to the entire Justice League just to dissuade his impossible task, for a time. After a distraction set by Batman was initiated in the form of solid holographic projections appearing as some of the JL's most dangerous enemies. Batman once again made off with the Hellbat to the destopian world of Apokolips.[23]
When called upon to the Batcave, Cyborg is misled by Batgirl, Red Robin and Red Hood into believing they need help with the holo-villains projected to distract him and the League prior to Bruce's departure to what is essentially Hell. He jacked himself into the Batcomupter in order to disable the rogue programs only to fall prey to The Batman's contingency devised to incapacitate him should the need arise.
The program they immersed him in would keep Victor docile and power down his defensive systems until Barbara could hot wire his Mother Box in order to get the Boom Tube working. As the three make it through the tube as soon as it activates, Cyborg soon awakes from his programmed sleep mode to witness their transition between dimensions. Being more than a little peeved at the Bat-Family for using him the way they did, he would jump in after them with Titus following after as he bit onto his leg.[24] Just making it through the portal with brief seconds to spare, Cyborg votes the crew just find and help batman now and save the admonishment of responsible parties for later. Just as they are beset by the dregs of Armegetto when Darkseid's son Kalibak discharges his Chaos Cannon.
Cyborg and the Bat Kids enter into a small skirmish between the starving pit feeders and the Apokoliptian Dog Cavalry. The battle is quickly ended with Cyborg blasting the enemy combatants with his sonic cannons, leaving behind a better morsel for those who attacked them to feed upon as they make their escape.
Eventually finding the Dark Knight battling the nightmarish planets heavily armed special forces, Bruce's Family reminds him why he initially came to enemy territory in the first place while Cyborg leads the charge into Kalibak's citadel to take back The Chaos Shard and his Son's body.[25]
As the Batman and his crew led the assault on Kalibak and his forces, Cyborg immediately went to work dismantling his Chaos cannon. Tearing it clean in half with his bear hands, but he was hit with a crippling systems feed back when he tried to interface with the cannon's main power station. Frying and fusing most of his circuitry.[25] Due to his systems being disrupted, Victor was left mechanically catatonic. Barely even able to lift his head up, as Batman battled Darkseid while Red Hood and Tim fought off Parademon's and the rest of the Apokoliptian horde. Vic talked Barbara through opening his chest to rewire the Mother Box in it manually again. Succeeding in opening up a Boom Tube they vacated to the portal with due haste.[26]
It's later revealed that Cyborgs systems were infected with a virus however, reasoning as to why the Boom Tube wasn't closing. When Jason and Tim tried to assist him, his auto defense systems kicked in zapping them both. Stating it would take him some time to purge his systems and initiate a reboot in order to regain control of his Boom Tube protocols. Eventually working to get systems back online, just as Batman rammed a Batplane into Kaliback back through an Open portal.[27] Afterwards Cyborg heads out to inform the rest of the league of everything that had happened.
Main article: Amazo Virus

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Cyborg 2.0
Main article: Cyborg Vol 1

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Darkseid War
Main article: Darkseid War

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DC Rebirth
New Adventures
Main article: DC Rebirth

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Invasion of the Dark Multiverse

Cyborg vs. the Murder Machine
Due to Batman investigating suspicious connections throughout the world, he accidentally unleashed a portal to the Dark Multiverse, a portion of the greater multiverse where everyone's darkest fears existed and died. A league of evil Batmen called the Dark Knights invaded Earth and terrorized it in the name of their dark leader Barbatos.
During the invasion of the Dark Multiverse, Cyborg was captured and tortured by the Murder Machine, an evil version of Batman from the Dark Multiverse that became a hyper-advanced cyborg like Victor. Victor and the rest of the League were trapped in dangerous "Batcaves" designed by the Dark Knights to torture them, but Cyborg lead their escape thanks to his internal Mother Box.
Due to the efforts of all the League members, Earth was freed from Barbatos' clutches and the Dark Knights were defeated.
Justice Lost

Cyborg, leader of the Justice League, against Red Lion
The Justice League began to lose public favor when the American government put them on trial to investigate their unregulated autonomy; their case was not strengthened when one of their super fans dressed up like Batman and murdered an investigator.[28] Cyborg stepped up as leader of the League[29] and tried his best to relieve tensions politically, though this was borderline fruitless.
The Justice League Watchtower fell to Earth a second time, landing in Africa and destroying the League's reputation there. Cyborg and League were forced to defend their technology from African warlord Red Lion, who wanted to use their tech to wage war on other African nations. Red Lion, not giving up on his powerplay, attempted to extort the US government for a large sum of money for their connection to the Justice League and how poorly they were perceived to be handling the conflict in Africa. The Justice League, under Cyborg's leadership, were forced to pull out of Africa and accept that they were incapable of solving all the world's issues.
No Justice
Main article: Justice League: No Justice Vol 1
With the source wall broken during the Dark Multiverse's invasion, a species of alien giants known as the Omega Titans were unleashed. Due to the Titans threatening his home world of Colu, Brainiac came to Earth and assigned some of Earth's greatest heroes and villains to four teams to help him stop their terror. Cyborg was assigned to Team Wisdom.

In order to stop the Wisdom Titan from destroying Colu, Cyborg and his team attempted to weaken the Tree of Wisdom on the planet. However, according to Brainiac 2.0, the original Brainiac had deceived them all. Brainiac 2.0 tried to correct his predecessor's ruse, but the damage was done. Earth's heroes failed to stop the Wisdom Titan from destroying Colu and returned to Earth to defend themselves from the next Titan.
Upon returning to Earth, unsure how to stop them from consuming their world, Cyborg realized the way to defeat the Titans was to supercharge the Tree of Entropy's Cosmic Seed that Brainiac 1.0 had planted and put it within the hungry Entropy Titan. Following his plan perfectly, the Justice League shot the cosmic seed into the Entropy Titan; its' three brothers could not resist the need to feast upon him and Entropy was destroyed. Earth was saved yet again.
Justice League Odyssey
Main article: Justice League Odyssey Vol 1

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Doomsday Clock
Main article: Doomsday Clock Vol 1
After Superman is framed and rendered comatose, Cyborg joined the group of heroes heading towards Mars to confront their mysterious enemy. The heroes meet and engage Doctor Manhattan, but they are easily defeated.[30]
Infinite Frontier
Cyborg, along with his teammates Raven, Beast Boy, Nightwing, Donna Troy and Starfire formed an academy in honor of Roy Harper to train new Titans.[31]
Dark Crisis
Main article: Dark Crisis

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Dawn of DC
Main articles: Cyborg Vol 3 and Titans Vol 4
Following the disbandment of the Justice League and the destruction of Titans Academy, the Titans reformed in Bludhaven as the world's premier superhero team.[32] Cyborg would split his time between Bludhaven and Detroit, before temporarily returning to his hometown when he learned of his father's death from a heart attack. When visiting his childhood home, Victor was shocked to discover an android claiming to be his father.[33]
Victor discovers that before his father Silas' death, he worked with Victor's former classmate Markus Wilcox to bankroll Solace, a company intent on bringing the next generation of technology to Detroit. The two would develop an electro-myographic device, which transferred a user's brainwaves into code, which is what preserved Silas' consciousness. Silas discovered that the living code was being used as an algorithm to run Solace, and he transmitted himself into an android body in order to find Victor.[34]
Cyborg breaks into Solace Headquarters in order to upload his father's consciousness back into its servers and rescue the other A.I.'s, but is apprehended by A.T.L.A.S., a former foe and current Solace security detail. He learns that Markus Wilcox is being controlled by his A.I. counterpart Solace, and recruits controversial online journalist Estelle Greene to help bring Solace down.[35] They leak the intel, leading to Wilcox's arrest, and the two go on a date, bonding over their roles in the city and the superhero community, before being interrupted by an army of Solace Synths attacking a public park and freeing Wilcox and the Fearsome Five from custody.[36]
Cyborg brings in the Titans to fight the Five while he confronts Solace with his father's digital copy to stop him from killing Wilcox. The Stone men reconcile as Cyborg enters the digital world and deletes Solace's code, in turn deleting his father. He returns the Solace data to its users for their own use, and returns to the Titans with a newfound acceptance of his life and his abilities.[37]
Beast World
Main article: Beast World

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Powers and Abilities
- Cybernetic Enhancement: Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor are an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier/white noise cannon, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.
- The Grid (Formerly): Vic, alongside Batman, created a program to prevent himself from being distracted while on duty, because he is constantly bombarded with endless influx data streaming into his system. The program selectively focuses on high-priority items and filters out other received data. This app helps him to create a complete database of every metahuman/superhuman on Earth.[38]
- Superhuman Strength: Vic's cybernetics afford him greater strength than the average human and in some cases few extraterrestrials. Initially able to bench 5 tons at his peak, constant upgrades to his system has caused it to fluctuate over time.[25] His latest upgrades allow him to take down the likes of Mammoth with his blows and keep a collapsing building from falling down.[39]
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Durability: His bones are reinforced with molybdenum-steel while his outer body is laden with Promethium skin grafts.
- Superhuman Speed: Thanks to his cybernetics Victor can move faster than the fittest human and his computer calculated that he could run from the outskirts of Detroit to S.T.A.R. Labs in six minutes and 32 seconds.[40]
- Superhuman Sensory Array: Due cybernetic enhancements Stone's five senses were increased to superhuman levels.
- Enhanced Hearing
- Enhanced Vision
- Tracking/Homing Systems
- Physiological/Medical Scanners
- Mechanokinesis
- Computer Interfacing
- Shape-Shifting: He can reshape parts of his body into various weapons and technological equipment. His arsenal includes a finger laser attachment, telescopic eyepiece, sonic disruptor, electric shockers, laser cannons, ice cannons, grappling hooks, winches and electromagnetic pulse cannons.
- Fatherbox: During his transition into a Cyborg, Victor had assimilated a fatherbox from Darkseid's invading forces.[3]
- Boom Tubes: Cyborg has the ability to open boom-tubes to and from most any point towards anywhere, be it in the universe or the multiverse, but it isn't perfect however due to the amount of mass weighing heavily upon transport capability; for every one in a thousand jumps can accidentally lead him straight to Apokolips.[41]
- Hush Tubes: After having tinkered with his internal workings, Victor has found a way to promenade undetectable transport. Its effects are such that not even Superman can detect them.[42]
- Technorganic Restoration: Cyborg showcases self-regenerative capabilities as not only are his technological parts able to reintegrate after destruction but recently, his damaged flesh has also been shown regenerating beneath and around his cybernetic systems.[43]
- Resurrection: Once, after an encounter with a deadly alien race, Cyborg's body was viciously ripped apart with him left for dead and dying soon afterwards. Then a new systems function kicked in, restoring him to life again and even reintegrating old flesh with the new circuitry on his being.[44]
- Force Field: He can use the motherbox or fatherbox to create a protective shield around him.
- Solar Energy Absorption: During a fight againt Livewire Cyborg has displayed the ability to recharge himself with solar energy after being drained of power.[40]
- Multiversal Force Manipulation: After completely merging with his Mother Box, Cyborg became a conduit for the entire multiverse. This allowed Victor to draw power from its energies.[45]
- Cosmic Awareness: Boasting a vast, cosmological type of positioning system allows Cyborg to navigate the infinite possibilities of existence.[45]
- Dimensional Travel: Cyborg is capable of transporting himself and others into hypertime from a direct angle, something even the Flash couldn't use the Speed Force to do.[45]
- Flight-Field Projection: He can use the energies his upgrades provide to sheathe others in an oxygenated environment aura to fly along side himself.[45]
- Magic: Cyborg learned a bit of rudimentary magic from Zatanna.[46]
- Multiverse Empowerment: Cyborg can draw on the energies of the Multiverse itself through use of Element X to make himself and his tech stronger.[45]
- Psychic Link[45]
- Genius Level Intellect: In addition to his mechanical enhancements, Stone possesses an "exceptionally gifted" level of intelligence; his IQ has been measured at 170.
- Athletics: Vic was an accomplished high school football player, winning many games for his school's team, who was being scouted.
- Expert Combatant: Victor has received combat training from Batman and Wonder Woman.[47][48]
- Multilingualism: Cyborg has knowledge of American Sign Language.[40]
- Leadership: Cyborg has served as interim Chairman of Justice League.[49]
- Vulnerability to Magic: Both its mechanical and physical parts can be affected by magic. During a battle against the Fearsome Five part of his body was transformed into liquid metal by Jinx.[50]
- Mind Control: Apparently his cybernetic part doesn't provide resistance against mental control be it telepathic or psionic in nature.[51] [52]
- Missing Eye
- Cyborg was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, first appearing in DC Comics Presents #26. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Cyborg first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Justice League (Volume 2) #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee.
- Cyborg was merged with Changeling, to form an amalgam named Cybeast. They apparently split again offscreen, as he is not in this state when Dark Crisis occurs.[53]
- Victor Stone (Prime Earth) appears as Cyborg (Prime) a playable character in the Infinite Crisis video game.
- Victor's birthday is in May.[54]
- Cyborg has a Fatherbox integrated into his body he can open a Boom Tube extra-dimensional point-to-point travel portal to teleport him and his companions. However, when transporting groups his transporter can get overloaded, roughly one out of every 1,000 times, and ends up transporting all those teleported to Apokolips.
- Cyborg once dated Zatanna.[55]
- 625 Appearances of Victor Stone (Prime Earth)
- 460 Images featuring Victor Stone (Prime Earth)
- 24 Quotations by or about Victor Stone (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Victor Stone (Prime Earth)
External Links
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #1
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #2
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Justice League (Volume 2) #3
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #4
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #5
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #6
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 4) #54
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #1
- ↑ Justice League of America (Volume 3) #6
- ↑ Justice League of America (Volume 3) #7
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #23
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #27
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #28
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #29
- ↑ Forever Evil #7
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #30
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #31
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #32
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #33
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #34
- ↑ Robin Rises: Omega #1
- ↑ Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #33
- ↑ Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #34
- ↑ Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #35
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #36
- ↑ Batman and Robin (Volume 2) #37
- ↑ Robin Rises: Alpha #1
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 3) #34 - #38
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 3) #39
- ↑ Doomsday Clock #9
- ↑ Teen Titans Academy #1
- ↑ Titans (Volume 4) #1
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #1
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #2–3
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #3
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #4
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 3) #5–6
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #18
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Cyborg (Volume 3) #1
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 DC Power: A Celebration #1
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #8
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #19
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 3) #41
- ↑ Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 Justice League (Volume 3) #33
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 2) #17
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 2) #19
- ↑ Dark Nights: Metal #1
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 3) #39
- ↑ Justice League (Volume 3) #11
- ↑ Death of Hawkman #5
- ↑ Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5
- ↑ Teen Titans Academy #14
- ↑ Secret Origins (Volume 3) #5
- ↑ Cyborg (Volume 2) #17

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