Wisdom (Prime Earth)
The Omega Titan Wisdom embodies one of the four fundamental energies of sentient life — Wisdom — and will consume the world where that energy is dominant.
Wisdom was as old as the universe, and implanted early worlds with Cosmic Seeds with the hope that the Titan would consume them at the end of time, and be proven superior to its three brother/ mother Omega Titans.[1] But when the Source Wall was prematurely cracked[2], Wisdom and the other three Titans were released, and sought the energy necessary to repair the Wall and keep Perpetua contained.[3]
Wisdom found that the first world ripe for consumption was Colu, where the Tree of Wisdom bloomed far brighter than any other; blooming out of the largest source of Wisdom in the universe - the Coluan Central Data Bank.[4] Despite the best efforts of the Justice League — and a terrifying moment while a massive Starro tried to dominate the Titan's will but was torn in half — Wisdom's armor opened and spread around Colu and the planet was devoured.[5]
Hearing the call of the Cosmic Seed that Brainiac had planted on Earth, Wisdom followed the other three Omega Titans to Earth, where the Tree of Wisdom sprouted on S.T.A.R. Labs. But the largest fundamental energy on Earth was represented by the Tree of Entropy, and it was that Omega Titan that prepared to engulf the planet, while Wisdom stood by.[6]
The Justice League radically changed the focus of the Titans by creating a Cosmic Seed containing all four energies which Green Arrow fired into the heart of Entropy - raising the hunger of Wisdom and its brothers who devoured Entropy. Satiated, Wisdom wandered the universe until the Green Lantern Corps used a Cosmic Seed from the Tree of Wisdom to track the Titan down. Ganthet chained Wisdom with Willpower and drew him to the Source Wall, where Starman was assembling all Titans in order to seal the crack, and Starman claimed that one function of the Omega Titans was to repair the Wall.[3]
But Brainiac's interference caused the catastrophic failure of the Wall, and Wisdom's last act was to reach out to Hawkgirl for help, before being consumed in the explosion.[3]
Powers and Abilities
- Alien Physiology: Wisdom's true form was implied to be made of pure energy.[7]
- Energy Absorption: As it did with Colu, Wisdom consumed planets by opening its armor and pulling planets within, absorbing the collected Wisdom energy from the world.[1]
- Interstellar Travel: Wisdom was large enough to remain outside of the atmospheric envelope, when standing on a planet, and the Omega Titan could transit space near instantaneously between planets.
- Invulnerability: Lacking a physical body, and encased in impregnable armor, Wisdom could not be harmed by conventional means.[7]
- Immortality: Wisdom was older than the universe, and awaited its end.[7]
- Size Alteration: At times Wisdom appeared the size of a city, and at others the Titan was as large as a planet.[4][5]
- Indomitable Will: Wisdom was so driven to fulfill its universal function that the Titan resisted the influence of a gargantuan Starro, scarcely noticed the attack of Superman and turned and ate its brother/mother Titan Entropy when Green Arrow fired a Cosmic Seed replete with Wisdom energy.[6]
- Technological Reliability: Wisdom's weakness was not an Achilles heel — it was still a Titan —but the only time the Titan was at all vulnerable was when it had to open its armor to consume a world.[6]
- 10 Appearances of Wisdom (Prime Earth)
- 2 Images featuring Wisdom (Prime Earth)
- Quotations by or about Wisdom (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Wisdom (Prime Earth)

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."