
Wonder Woman's Invisible Plane

The Invisible Plane is Wonder Woman's primary mode of transportation for long distance travel. While Diana was gifted with the power of flight, situations that required transporting groups of people or cargo made the jet exceptionally useful, even in space travel.



It is not known who created the invisible Robot Plane, but Queen Hippolyta knew where to find it. Giving her daughter Diana (Wonder Woman) the instruction with the directions of where to find its parts lost around the world, the brave princess faced the challenges and located the three parts of the plane, placing them together. On the plane itself it was written that it would respond to the voice only of the one who successfully joined its parts, which made Wonder Woman the only one who could command the Amazon Plane, a wonderful help for her to fight crime and injustice in Man's World.[1]


Wonder Woman's invisible plane was originally the winged steed Pegasus transformed into a plane by Athena so that Wonder Woman had her own and fast means of transportation during her mission in Man's World.[2]

New Earth

Wonder Woman's first plane was a product of the Lansinarian Morphing Disk, gifted to her by the Lansinarians. The subterranean technology could transform into a number of transparent items, and both Diana and Hippolyta used it to create a plane during their tenures as Wonder Woman. The disc eventually lost sentience, and was locked in plane shape.[3] It was, however, nonfunctioning.

One year later, Batman provided Wonder Woman with a jet that had the latest in stealth technology. It was not as invisible as the Lansinarian technology, but still fit her purposes.[4]

Prime Earth

The first Wonder Woman's invisible plane was a modified U.S. aircraft piloted by Steve Trevor and repaired and made invisible by Amazon science after Steve accidentally crashed down on Paradise Island.[5] This plane disintegrated when it landed on a US beach bringing Diana and Steve from there.[6]

Later Wonder Woman owned at least two other models of invisible planes whose origins were unknown.[7][8] The Batman Who Laughs claimed that her invisible jet is composed of Eighth Metal, the purest form of metal used by gods, on worlds where she had one.[9]

At one time she had a single invisible jet that had been destroyed in Leviathan's attack on A.R.G.U.S., but at Diana's request, Steel (Natasha Irons) rebuilt the jet from a small remnant at the Steelworks. This fragment, according to Natasha, had characteristics of active camouflage based in light-bending polymers.[10] The jet can also respond to its owner's telepathic command.[11]

The Invisible Jet gained the ability to change from invisible to completely visible, apparently through Diana's mental control or will.[12]


Depending on its version, the Invisible Plane may have a wide range of capabilities:


Onboard Equipment

  • Electronic Mist Beam: A powerful light ray that penetrates the dense clouds that hide Paradise Island, allowing Diana to land on the island with the Invisible Plane.[17]
  • Omni-Screen[1]


See Also

Links and References