Xudarians are the dominant species of the planet Xudar in Sector 2813. They are humanoid, but scaly with a pronounced beak and head-fin.
In different instances, the Xudarians housed a Green Lantern native of their world, Tomar-Re being their prime hero.
Years after Tomar-Re's death, a Xudarian city and its inhabitants were stripped from their planet and established on Oa, as part of the a mad Guardian's Mosaic World. To ensure their safety, John Stewart was appointed to oversee the patchwork community of aliens. Shortly, Hal Jordan met Tomar-Tu, the son of the Xudarian Green Lantern. At Hal's invitation, Tomar became the second Xudarian Green Lantern.[1]
Tomar-Tu was presumed death when Hal Jordan became Parallax and destroyed the Green Lantern Corps.[2] The Xudarians honored their two Green Lanterns by building monuments in their honor, as well as one for John Stewart in gratitude for safeguarding them in the Mosaic World.[3]