
Bracelets of Submission

The Bracelets of Submission, also known as the "bulletproof bracelets," are a pair of indestructible arm enclosing vambraces. They are worn by Wonder Woman on her wrists and are able to deflect almost all incoming melee and ranged attacks. They can also be smashed against each other to create a shockwave strong enough to knock back beings as strong as Doomsday.


World War I[]

During Wonder Woman's final battle with Ares, the bracelets absorbed the Old God's immensely powerful divine lightning, allowing Wonder Woman to kill her brother by blasting Ares with his own lightning.

The Death of Superman[]

Battle with Doomsday[]

As Wonder Woman joins the battle against Doomsday, she arrives just in time to save Batman's life from Doomsday's lethal thermal blast, deflecting the beams with her indestructible bracelets.

War for Earth[]

Rescue at the Old Bailey Courthouse[]

Two years after Superman's death, Wonder Woman arrived at the Old Bailey Courthouse and saved the hostages with the Bracelets of Submission to prevent the Black Clad Alpha from killing them. After stopping the bomb and saving the hostages, Wonder Woman then declared herself a believer as she deflected the Alpha with her bracelets.

Skirmish under Gotham Harbor[]

Wonder Woman, along with the Justice League, fought Steppenwolf under Gotham Harbor when she used her bracelets to deflect him and saved the Flash from being carried away by the Parademons.

Fighting Superman[]

On Heroes Park, the Justice League fought Superman, Wonder Woman was about to use the Bracelets to stop the Kryptonian from approaching Batman; however, Kal-El sped up to Wonder Woman and grasped her bracelets, much to her shock.

Battle of Pozharnov[]

During the battle with Steppenwolf when he prevented Cyborg from separating the Mother Boxes and grabbed him by the throat, Wonder Woman struck one of her bracelets with her shield in front of the New God General as the bridge collapsed and they fell.

After Aquaman used his trident to swiftly hit Steppenwolf, Diana then used both the Bracelets of Submission to deflect him right above them that made him get slammed into a wall.[1]


The Bracelets of Submission, much like Wonder Woman's first and second shield, are virtually indestructible (although both show signs of minor damage), capable of deflecting even a tremendously powerful and destructive thermal attack from the monster Doomsday, creating a massive wave of energy outwards. In addition to deflecting energy, the bracelets are capable of absorbing energy as well.[2]

Virtually indestructible, the gauntlets are used in order to compensate for exploitable vulnerability to objects such as bullets. Also the Amazons can use the gauntlets as a shield to absorb energy blast such as Doomsday's heat vision.

  • Force-field generation: The gauntlets generate a forcefield that is capable of warding off even the most catastrophic attacks.
  • Energy wave: When clashed together, the gauntlets generate an energy wave powerful enough to repel even the most formidable foes.


The bracelets releasing blasts of energy

The bracelets releasing blasts of energy

The Bracelets deflects Doomsday's blast

The Bracelets deflects Doomsday's blast

Promotional images[]


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