
Peacemaker (TV series)/Season One

"You know, lately I'm just thinkin' I'm a fucking maniac. I don't know, I'm havin'... feelings about things."
Peacemaker to Vigilante[src]

The first season of Peacemaker premiered on January 13, 2022 on Max.


Peacemaker is a live action series that follows Christopher Smith AKA Peacemaker, an extremist murderer who believes he's on a quest for peace, killing anyone and everyone to achieve his ultimate goal.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Stars[]


Chris watches his brother's death traumatized

Chris is traumatized after killing his brother.

In the past, Chris lived happily with his older brother Keith despite being children of the cruel supremacist Auggie Smith, leader of the Aryan Empire, who repeatedly forced them to fight each other for his own benefit, just as Auggie forced Chris to learn to kill clandestinely. One day Chris and Keith were listening to music, until his father forced them to fight where Chris accidentally killed his brother after his father encouraged him to hit harder, the event left Chris scarred for life.

Eventually, Chris developed a mental instability that convinced him to keep the peace in the world in an extremist manner, eventually adopting the alias Peacemaker. During his journey as a hero, Smith stopped the villainous Kite-Man ending his reign of terror, as well as, working together with multiple heroes, including Vigilante.

At some point, the aliens known as butterflies had to leave their planet after it became uninhabitable, led by queen Eek Stack Ik Ik, they would set out to conquer the earth, while one of them, Ik Nobe Llok, revealed himself to his species in favor of saving humanity, upon arriving on Earth, Ik Nobe Llok had to kill the worst person he encountered, Clemson Murn, using his body and adopting his identity. Meanwhile, the butterflies began murdering and adopting the bodies of multiple celebrities and politicians as hosts, including Eek Stack Ik Ik who snuck into Royland Goff. The butterflies eventually began working on teleporting the cows to Earth who provided them with food, as well as beginning to use the Glan Tai Bottling Plant as a distributor.

After having carried out multiple murders in the name of peace, Chris would be arrested in Belle Reve, where he would have to serve a 30-year sentence, but reducing it by joining the Task Force X where he would have to fulfill the mission of Corto Maltese, Smith betrayed Colonel Rick Flag and was nearly killed when a building fell on him, but Waller's team saved him by still having plans with him. Likewise, Waller sent Harcourt and Economos after betraying them by helping Task Force X in unauthorized manners, they eventually discovered that Murn was a butterfly. Waller also enlists her daughter Leota Adebayo in the mission after she lost her job, asking her to secretly plant a diary in the Peacemaker's house when she gets the chance.

Smith talks to the team

Peacemaker acepts to join agrees to join the mission.

Five months after the Mission in Corto Maltese, Smith is released from hospital and he leaves while the nurses contact Murn to alert him of Peacemaker's whereabouts. When Chris arrives at his house he's stopped by Murn's team, who offer him to join operation butterfly or else he should return to Belle Reve, Peacemaker then agrees. Remaining on probation, Chris goes to visit his father Auggie again, when Chris arrives he is treated very coldly by him, shortly after Chris asks him to meet again his pet Eagly. At night, Chris arrives at Fennel Fields restaurant to meet the team as they discuss the mission. Peacemaker later finds Harcourt at O'Rourke's Sports Bar so he tries to talk with her while Harcourt gets annoyed and leaves, there Smith meets Annie Sturphausen and strikes up a relationship with her by going to her apartment to have a sexual encounter, however she discovers that Smith had knowledge of the Project Butterfly and attempts to kill him, but he manages to fight back and kill her.

Peacemaker calls Harcourt for ransom after the Evergreen Police Department arrives, he is discovered but manages to escape with the help of Harcourt and Adebayo. When Murn asks Economos to change the registrations of Chris's car so as not to be arrested, he ends up changing them to his father's, so Murn scolds him, while the policemen visit Auggie's home for questioning. Having returned to the facility in Henenlotter Video, Murn and Harcourt discuss how Sturphausen was able to discover them, causing Smith to confess what happened and Murn scolding him and asking Leota to bribe the Calcaterras, who were witnesses.

Peacemaker promo - P and V

Peacemaker and Vigilante have fun in the woods.

Peacemaker shortly after returns to his home to cry when he saw that everyone hated him and then discover that Vigilante was spying on him through the window, Smith was scared to see him but shortly after Vigilante tries to comfort him when Peacemaker feels bad for having killed many people, he proposes to go out to celebrate his release from prison, immediately afterwards Peacemaker and Vigilante begin to play destroying old appliances with their weapons while Adebayo bribes the Calcaterras. When the Calcaterra are questioned by the police, they blame Auggie Smith, causing them to go to arrest him. Peacemaker later discovers that an artifact he stole from Sturphausen was a spaceship.

The next day, the team heads to their first mission where Murn explains how they should kill Senator Royland Goff, upon arrival the team prepares their facilities, while Smith and Harcourt stay to wait for Goff's arrival, when Vigilante appears Murn asks Smith that he should stay with them to not risk the mission. The Goffs later arrive so the team begins to spy on them discovering that the whole family were butterflies, Murn asks Peacemaker to kill them however he doubts, Vigilante asks Smith to let him shoot so he takes it upon himself to kill the mother, son, and daughter.

Peacemaker and Vigilante watch a butterfly fly off

Peacemaker and Vigilante see a butterfly come out of Goff's head.

When Vigilante was about to kill Goff, Judomaster attacks them until they are weakened and kidnapped, while Harcourt fell far being stopped by Goff's bodyguard, Adebayo arrives and points at him, Harcourt asks her to kill him but Adebayo hesitated, so Harcourt kill him herself. Chase and Smith are taken to a basement where Goff asks Smith to reveal everything he knows about butterflies or else Chase would suffer in a torture chair, Peacemaker refuses to reveal as Goff inflicts pain on him. The team enter the Goff residence in search of Smith and Chase and discover the basement along with a cocoon which they explode. Meanwhile, Economos discovers in the facilities that Judomaster was leaving, so he decides to run him over and hit him with a crowbar. The explosion caused Peacemaker to free himself and kill Goff, when he freed Chase they observed how a butterfly came out of Goff's body.

Peacemaker & Judomaster - The Choad Less Traveled Promo Still

Peacemaker fights Judomaster.

The next day, Smith and Chase go to Auggie's house in search of several helmets, however when leaving Smith's neighbor tells him that Auggie was arrested, Peacemaker calls Murn annoyed and comments that he feels betrayed, Peacemaker goes to visit his father in prison to explain what happened, Auggie then threatens Chris to reveal what happened when he gets the chance while Adebayo manipulates Vigilante into killing Auggie. Chase intentionally gets him arrested, upon entering the prison Adrian approaches the Auggie group to incite a fight, however Smith refuses to fight for the security cameras. Judomaster who was tied up and unconscious, wakes up and manages to escape Economos surveillance, so Peacemaker arrives to stop him, however during the fight Judomaster was shot by Adebayo but still with life. Later, Peacemaker returns to his house to get depressed remembering Keith and Flag, while pulling a jar containing Goff's butterfly out of his backpack, while the team is in charge of freeing Chase from prison for which Harcourt withdraws, Adebayo soon discovers a card from Sturphausen with an address to Glan Tai so she tells Murn.

John kills Charlie the Gorilla

John Economos kills a gorilla to save the team.

For the next mission, Murn asks the team to head to Glan Tai to check for the amber fluid the butterflies fed on, while Auggie asks the cops to check his fingerprints revealing him to be innocent. Arriving at Glan Tai, the team discovers how the amber fluids were tied as well as the place was infected by butterflies in human hosts, when the butterflies discover them they try to defend themselves however a butterfly gorilla begins to attack them, for the luck of the Economos team arrives to kill the gorilla with a chainsaw, the team having completed the investigation returns to their facilities now being all friends. Meanwhile, Waller sends mercenary Caspar Locke to infiltrate the Evergreen Police Department as a captain to make sure Auggie stays in prison instead of Peacemaker.

Later Smith invites Adebayo to his house to celebrate as well as have friendly talks, but when Peacemaker goes to the bathroom, Adebayo takes the opportunity to plant the diary in Smith's house as her mother asked but feeling bad about her actions. To relax, Adebayo decides to return to the team facility where Murn was working, playing with Peacemaker's helmets Adebayo discovers that Murn is a butterfly and he begins to chase her, Harcourt arrives and meets with Murn to tell Adebayo about the secret. Meanwhile Peacemaker visits a school where he talks to the children about his heroic adventures after Jamil's request.

Chase of Peacemaker and Vigilante

Peacemaker and Vigilante escape from the police.

Sophie Song carries orders framing Peacemaker as the culprit of Sturphausen's murder so Auggie is released and begins planning to kill his son, while Locke tells him that she has no idea what is at stake, however Song decides anyway to go to Peacemaker's house to arrest him, so Locke contacts Murn to let him know. Peacemaker and Vigilante were trying to talk to Goff's butterfly, however they are called by Murn who tells the situation, they try to escape but the police arrive so they decide to go out through the roof by climbing on a tree branch, however Vigilante falls to the ground and is discovered by Sophie but the jar opens and the butterfly enters Song's body killing her, while Peacemaker, Vigilante and Eagly escaped, the officers find Peacemaker's diary but Locke saves it. The team meets and Economos finds that the origin of the amber fluid comes from the Coverdale Ranch.

At night, Song's butterfly sees the butterflies arrive in their spaceships and together they head towards the Police Department to infect all the policemen and prisoners. At his house, Auggie Smith heads to put his White Dragon suit back on while his aryan followers idolize him. Having possession of the diary, the butterflies posing as the police reveal the diary to the press, publicly framing Peacemaker for multiple murders and conspiracies.

The White Dragon Death

White Dragon is killed by Chris.

Peacemaker sees this on television and escapes with Economos, Vigilante and Eagly intending to kill the cow, however they are ambushed by the White Dragon. While trying to escape, Murn's butterfly is killed by the queen Eek Stack Ik Ik causing Harcourt and Adebayo to worry and then having to fight Judomaster. Auggie tries to kill his son causing him to hurt Eagly, however he is helped by Vigilante and Economos who kill Auggie's aryan henchmen, Peacemaker then reconsiders and sees that all the problems in his life are his father's fault, so who decides to kill him. They immediately went to the vet to save Eagly's life, while the team met again to discuss the mission, at the Harcourt explained how they should go to the Coverdale Ranch to kill the cow before the butterflies managed to teleport her.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the ranch, they realize that there are many butterflies, so Leota calls her mother to ask for reinforcements however she says that it's impossible, the team then creates a plan to take the Sonic Boom helmet to the ranch to activate it via a radio communicator as they try to get Eagly to leave the helmet at the ranch, but he leaves it in the middle of the woods. After finding it, the team convinces Economos to infiltrate to leave the helmet, he accomplishes but gets scared when he sees the cow and tries to run away causing suspicion among the butterflies who finally discover and chase him.

Peacemaker and Vigilante charge at the Butterflies

Peacemaker and Vigilante attack the butterflies.

The team activates the helmet causing multiple explosions that collapse the basement causing the teleporter to be destroyed, the butterflies leave Economos and try to save the cow, so the team takes advantage of the distraction to attack the butterflies from behind. When Chris tries to go to the basement to kill the cow, it falls to the ground while Vigilante and Harcourt are knocked out, so Adebayo goes to save them, meanwhile Song's butterfly tries to convince Chris of their intentions by reminding Smith of his vow of peace, however Chris rejects and activates the helmet to kill the cow but leaving the butterfly with whom he befriended to live. The injured team then retreats, but the Justice League arrives late for which they are criticized by Smith.

Leota unmasks the truth - Its Cow or Never Promo Still

Leota Adebayo publicly reveals Task Force X secrets.

The next day, Harcourt, Economos and Vigilante are treated at the hospital, while Adebayo apologizes to Smith for publicly revealing that the diary was false, as well as betraying her mother Amanda Waller by revealing how the United States government used Task Force X for years to complete missions in exchange for reduced sentences. Economos soon returns to work in Belle Reve, while Peacemaker is visited at home by the butterfly he feeds while having hallucinations with his father.


Episode Image Title Director Writer Airdate
A Whole New Whirled James Gunn January 13, 2022
After making a miraculous recovery, Peacemaker returns home–only to discover that his freedom comes at a price.
Best Friends, For Never James Gunn January 13, 2022
After Peacemaker’s hazardous escape, tension and mistrust build within the team. Later, as Peacemaker grapples with his new assignment, he receives a surprise visitor.
Better Goff Dead James Gunn January 13, 2022
On their first official mission to assassinate suspected “butterflies,” Economos and Murn bond, and Peacemaker and Harcourt reach an understanding. But the whole job goes sideways with the arrival of Judomaster.
The Choad Less Traveled Jody Hill James Gunn January 20, 2022
Following a somewhat successful mission, Murn recruits Vigilante. Meanwhile, after learning that the team helped land his father in prison, Peacemaker confronts his complicated past.
Monkey Dory Rosemary Rodriguez James Gunn January 27, 2022
The team scouts the apparent hub for the aliens’ food supply, only to come face-to-face with a full-fledged invasion. Meanwhile, Auggie’s attempt to sell out his son to the police is complicated by Murn’s mysterious contact.
Murn After Reading James Gunn February 3, 2022
Murn reveals his deepest secret; Auggie is set free; the botched arrest of Peacemaker sends alien Goff into an unexpected new host.
Stop Dragon My Heart Around Brad Anderson James Gunn February 10, 2022
Harcourt, Murn, and Adebayo find themselves surrounded by an alien force, while Peacemaker squares off against his father with help from Vigilante and Economos.
It's Cow or Never James Gunn February 17, 2022
With Peacemaker and Adebayo at odds, can the team kill the cow once and for all – or will their fracture give the aliens the opening they need to complete its teleportation?


Song title Artist Location(s)
Do Ya Wanna Taste It Wig Wam
  • DC FanDome Teaser
Push Push (Lady Lightning) Bang Camaro
  • Official Trailer (first half)
Kickstart My Heart Mötley Crüe
  • Official Trailer (second half)
Welcome to the Church of Rock and Roll Foxy Shazam
  • Red Band Trailer (first half)
Come On Come On Nashville Pussy
  • Red Band Trailer (second half)


Title sequence[]

Peacemaker - Opening Title Sequence - HBO Max


Peacemaker - Peacemaker Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Murn Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Harcourt Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Adebayo Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Vigilante Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Economos Teaser - HBO Max


Peacemaker - Official Teaser - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Official Trailer - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Official Red Band Trailer - HBO Max


Peacemaker - Exclusive Clip - HBO Max

Peacemaker - "Reflecting on Rick Flag" Clip - HBO Max

Adebayo Meets Peacemaker's Best Friend Eagly - Peacemaker - HBO Max


Peacemaker - BFFs Featurette - HBO Max

Peacemaker - "The Story So Far" Featurette - HBO Max

Peacemaker - "Danielle Brooks Explains DC Comics" Featurette - HBO Max

Peacemaker - "Dramatic Comic Book Reading with Chuk" Featurette - HBO Max


‘Peacemaker’ Creator James Gunn, Star John Cena, and His Costars Reveal the Best Dancer

Peacemaker - Cast Interview - HBO Max

Peacemaker - James Gunn Interview - HBO Max


Peacemaker - Peacemaker Is Better Than... - HBO Max

Peacemaker - Peacemaker Reads Mean Tweets - HBO GO

Peacemaker - "Opening Title Sequence" Behind the Scenes - HBO Max


External Links[]