

Poseidon, also known as Neptune, was the Old God of the Sea, Earthquakes and Storms, as well as a brother of Zeus, worshiped by the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Atlantean civilizations.

He was, however, be slain by his nephew Ares in the War of the Gods, while attempting to help protect humanity from him.


Poseidon was named ruler of the sea, earthquakes and horses. Since Greece happened to be a nation with a lot of coastline and inhabited islands, Poseidon became a prominent figure in Greece's everyday life.[1]

Honored by the People of Corinth[]

Poseidon became the chief God of the City of Corinth. The people within the city would pray to him for their ships to reach a safe voyage. Some would even sacrifice horses in his honor.[1]

Honored by the Atlanteans[]

At some point, the material Poseidon steel was named after Poseidon, which was then used to forge the Trident of Atlan.[2]

War of the Gods[]

Ares kills Gods

Poseidon faces Ares during the War of the Gods.

Poseidon despised his nephew Ares for his extremist views and hatred of humanity, and therefore helped Zeus protect humanity from the God of War. Ares, however, violently rebelled, starting the War of the Gods on Olympus, which resulted in him facing and ultimately slaying Poseidon in battle, along with all other Old Gods.[3]


Poseidon, according to Ares, like the other Old Gods, didn't share the latter's insight into humanity's darker traits, and Poseidon therefore attempted to protect them from Ares during the War of the Gods.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Old God Physiology: As an Old God, Poseidon is a phenomenally powerful divine being, being one of the most powerful Old Gods of all, surpassed only by his brother Zeus. Indeed, Ares was only able to face Poseidon in combat when greatly enhanced by the violence of the War of the Gods.
    • Immortality: Poseidon, due to him being an Old God, has lived for millennia without visibly aging, with him far predating the creation of humanity and the Amazons by his brother Zeus.
    • Super Strength: Poseidon had a tremendous level of physical strength, apparently on par with that of a violence-enhanced Ares during the War of the Gods.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Poseidon, as an Old God, is immune to death by normal superficial means. However, he can be slain by other gods, given as how Ares was able to kill him.
    • Omnilingualism: Poseidon, as an Old God, has the ability to fluently speak, read, and understand all human languages, even currently dead ones.
  • Hydrokinesis: Poseidon was the Old God of the Seas, able to control the movement of waves, creating all manner of aquatic phenomena, such as massive tidal waves and hurricanes.


  • Master Combatant: Poseidon is an extremely skilled and formidable combatant (particularly at wielding his trident in battle), though seemingly not quite on par with Ares, as the latter was able to defeat and slay him in the War of the Gods.


  • Beings of Equal Power: Poseidon, when fighting other Old Gods (such as his nephew Ares), is more vulnerable, as they are powerful enough to injure and even kill Poseidon, notably when Ares was ultimately able to slay him.


  • Trident: Poseidon's primary weapon, which, due to its nature, is one of the extreme few weapons that can actually injure an otherwise invulnerable Kryptonian,[4] in addition to also being able to help Poseidon summon and generate massive waves.





  • Neptune, the eighth planet of the Solar System, is named after Poseidon's Roman name.


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