Showdown in Wayne Station
- "I cannot let you win. I gave the Bat a fighting chance, but he was not strong enough. If man won't kill God... the Devil will do it. An ancient Kryptonian deformity! Blood of my blood! Born to destroy you! Your Doomsday!"
- ―Lex Luthor to Superman[src]
The Showdown in Wayne Station was a conflict that occurred between Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman against Doomsday, a mutant created by Lex Luthor. This battle concluded with Superman sacrificing himself to defeat Doomsday. As the world mourned the loss of the world's most powerful hero, this inspired Wayne and Prince to form the Justice League.
Creation of Doomsday[]
- "Advising: action forbidden. It has been decreed by the Council of Krypton that none will ever again give life to a deformity so hateful to sight and memory. The desecration without name."
"And where is the Council of Krypton?"
"Destroyed, sir."
"Then proceed."
"Very well. Preparing chrysalis and commencing metamorphosis." - ―Kryptonian Service Android and Lex Luthor[src]

Through political manipulation, Lex Luthor was given complete access to Scout Ship 0344 and General Dru-Zod's corpse. Removing the body's fingerprints with a shard of Kryptonite, Luthor placed them on his own hand to unlock access to the ship. There, Luthor placed the body in the Genesis Chamber, using some of his own blood to repair it. Though the ship's artificial intelligence warned him that the abomination he was attempting to create had been banned by the Council of Five, Luthor continued the procedure, eventually creating a cocoon in which Doomsday would be created.[1]
Batman and Superman Alliance[]
- "Luthor. He wanted your life for hers. She's losing time. [...]"
"They need you at that ship. I'll find her."
"My mother needs me."
"Wait. I'll make you a promise. Martha won't die tonight." - ―Superman and Batman[src]

As the final part of his plan, Lex Luthor captured and kidnapped Martha Kent and Lois Lane, manipulating Superman into killing Batman in exchange for sparing Martha. Superman quickly went to Gotham City to seek Batman's cooperation, but Batman was reluctant to listen, leading to a lengthy battle. About to kill Superman with a Kryptonite Spear, Batman was shocked when his opponent pleaded with him to save Martha. Confused by the memory of his mother's name, Batman realized Superman's true human nature, realizing that he was even more human than he was.

Batman allies with Superman, promising to save Martha Kent.
After promising Superman to save Martha so he could deal with Luthor, Batman boarded the Batwing and was advised by Alfred Pennyworth, who tracked Anatoli Knyazev's cell phone to an abandoned warehouse where Martha was being held captive. There, Batman fiercely engaged Knyazev's contractors and mercilessly employed some of his extensive weaponry and combat skills. Ultimately, Batman successfully rescued Martha, leaving her in the care of the Gotham City Police Department.[1]
Unleashing Doomsday[]
- "Now God is good as dead."
- ―Lex Luthor to Superman[src]

Once Superman arrived on Scout Ship 0344, Lex Luthor was waiting for him while mocking his inability to defeat Batman in order to save his mother, when Batman contacted him informing him that Martha Kent was safe. Refusing to accept defeat, Luthor stated that "if man won't kill God, the Devil will do it," finally revealing the Kryptonian deformity he was working on, Doomsday. After emerging from its cocoon, the creature attempted to attack Luthor, only to be stopped by Superman and taken off the ship to Heroes Park.

Doomsday threw Superman through his statue, before landing atop LexCorp Tower and preparing to destroy Metropolis. When confronted by military aircraft, Doomsday released a large energy blast that destroyed the aircrafts and surrounding buildings. Watching the event from the news, Diana Prince decided to abandon her flight and prepare to help confront the monster. Meanwhile, Superman returned to the fight and began to pull Doomsday into the atmosphere. Watching this, the President of the United States ordered Calvin Swanwick to launch a nuke at the two, knocking out both Doomsday and Superman.[1]
Arrival of Wonder Woman[]

Doomsday begins to mutate on Stryker's Island.
Despite being hit by the missile, Doomsday fell onto Stryker's Island, where he began to regenerate the bones protruding from his body. He then released another, much stronger blast of energy, which was observed by Batman in his Batwing. Realizing that the only way to kill him was by using the Kryptonite Spear left in Gotham City, Batman set out to lure Doomsday back to Gotham, however, due to the Batwing being damaged, it became an open target for the monster. At the same time, a horribly weakened Superman began to be exposed to the sun, causing him to quickly begin to recover.

Wonder Woman saves Batman from Doomsday.
Back on Gotham, Doomsday fired his heat vision at the Batwing, causing the ship to plummet out of the air. Cornered by the creature, Batman was nearly blasted by Doomsday's rays, when fortunately, Wonder Woman deflected the monster's beams with her Bracelets of Submission, before striking the monster back. At that, Superman returned to throw Doomsday into a chemical silo and cause a huge explosion. When Doomsday rose once more, the trinity of heroes united, ready to face the creature together. Meanwhile, Lois Lane, seeing the creature, dove into a deep pool in search of the spear she had thrown earlier.[1]
Sacrifice of Superman[]

Soon, Doomsday set off another blast, resulting in the building Lois Lane was in collapsing, trapping her in the pool. Meanwhile, Superman and Wonder Woman proceeded to attack the monster together, with Superman firing his heat vision and Wonder Woman attacking his lower body, cutting off part of his leg. Furious, Doomsday threw a car at it, which she was able to easily cut in half with the Sword of Athena. Superman then attempted to lunge at Doomsday, who grabbed his legs and proceeded to throw and kick him several meters.

Both Superman and Wonder Woman continued to ferociously attack Doomsday, who released his heat vision beams, which pushed her back without apparent harm. Likewise, Superman began to attack Doomsday with his heat vision, who ended up greatly outmatching him until he was defeated. Immediately afterward, Doomday observed Batman, trying to catch up to him ferociously. Batman employed his grapple gun to try to dodge Doomsday's attacks, attempting to expose him to a grenade laced with Kryptonite smoke. However, Doomsday managed to easily overpower the heroes every time they attempted to take him on one-on-one.

Wonder Woman before cutting off Doomsday's arm
Returning to the fight, Superman heard Lane's voice drowning in the pool, and rushed to her rescue. Knowing what she was trying to do, Superman dove in and retrieved the Kryptonite Spear, despite knowing that it would weaken him. As he watched Wonder Woman and Batman try to fight Doomsday off and give him time, Superman realized that this couldn't last long. Wonder Woman then confronted the monster head on, using her sword to fend off his attacks and proceeded to cut off part of his arm. However, Doomsday's arm quickly began to grow a large, extremely sharp, bony protrusion in its place.

Determining that the only way to stop Doomsday was to stab him with the spear, Superman told Lane that "she was his world", before grabbing the spear and preparing to impale the monster. As Doomsday began to mutate again, Wonder Woman managed to temporarily stop him with her Lasso of Hestia, while Batman weakened him with his final Kryptonite grenade. Superman proceeded to impale the monster with the spear, but because the spear failed to fully pierce its body, Doomsday used his bony protrusion to mortally wound Superman, who used his last remaining strength to drive the spear further into Doomsday, ultimately killing each other.[1]
Arrest of Lex Luthor[]
- "The bell's already been rung, and they've heard it. Out in the dark, among the stars, ding dong, the God is dead. But a beel cannot be unrung! He's hungry. He's found us. AND HE'S COMING!"
- ―Lex Luthor to Batman[src]

Luthor is arrested at Scout Ship 0344.
While aboard Scout Ship 0344, Lex Luthor learned from the ship's amassed Kryptonian archive of over one hundred thousand alien worlds, including the New Gods of Apokolips, Steppenwolf, and Darkseid. Shortly after Superman's death, Luthor linked up with a liquid geo projection of Steppenwolf who showed him the three Mother Boxes. However, a SWAT team entered the ship to arrest him, severing the connection to the alien. Offering no resistance, Luthor was incarcerated at Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary, where he was tried and shaved bald.

Unexpectedly, while being backed up against a wall, Luthor was visited by Batman, who angrily threatened him with his branding ring, revealing that he had requested that he be transferred to Arkham Asylum so that he could keep an eye on him. Luthor, however, claimed that now that Superman was gone, someone more powerful and hungry would be coming. After slamming the ring against the wall, Batman disappeared, only for Luthor to warn of Steppenwolf's arrival and imitate the sound of bells.[1]
Funerals at Smallville and Metropolis[]
- "I failed him in life. I won't fail him in death. Help me find the others like you."
"Perhaps they don't want to be found."
"They will, and they'll fight. We have to stand together." - ―Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince[src]
Clark Kent's body was brought to Smallville, where a funeral was held at the Kent Farm attended by Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Lois Lane, and several acquaintances. There, Martha Kent presented Lane with a letter containing an engagement ring, Clark's dying wish. During the burial at Smallville Cemetery, which was paid for by Wayne anonymously, Father Daniel Leone delivered a eulogy containing the Biblical resurrection prophecy from Isaiah 26:19.

Wayne asks Prince for help in finding the Metahumans.
Wayne and Prince remained at the cemetery, with Wayne, feeling guilty for having failed Kent in life, asking Prince to help him honor his heroic sacrifice by helping him gather a group of metahumans to fight together in case another great threat arise. When Prince asked him why, Wayne replied that he had a feeling, though it was actually due to the time traveler's warning in his dream and the threat Luthor foresaw.

Superman's coffin at Heroes Park.
Although Superman's body was laid to rest in Smallville, a memorial service was held at the same time at Heroes Park, now bearing the words "If you seek his monument, look around," emphasizing Superman's sacrifice for all of humanity. While several people paid their respects to the man who saved them multiple times and unanimously recognized him as a hero, Superman was supposedly buried with a black coffin bearing a silver House of El emblem.[1]
Return of Wonder Woman[]
- "Now I know that only love can truly save the world. So, I stay, I fight, and I give, for the world I know can be. This is my mission now. Forever."
- ―Diana Prince[src]

Prince returns as Wonder Woman.
Returning to her job at the Louvre Museum in Paris, Diana Prince received a suitcase from Wayne Enterprises containing the original photograph of the Wonder Men during World War I, recalling her time in the war and her time with Steve Trevor. Inspired by Superman's sacrifice, Prince realized that man could still change despite Ares' influence, and so she decided to come out of her nearly century-long retirement to operate as Wonder Woman once again.[2]
Formation of Task Force X[]
- "What if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House, and grab the President right out of the Oval Office? Who would have stopped him? [...] What happens if the next Superman becomes a terrorist? Amanda Waller has a plan."
- ―Dexter Tolliver[src]

Waller discussing Task Force X.
With the world now defenseless against another "Superman," Amanda Waller appealed to A.R.G.U.S. to recruit Task Force X, comprised of extremely dangerous criminals and metahumans with impressive abilities, who would carry out high-risk missions for the United States Government. Following the Battle of Midway City, Bruce Wayne discovered Waller's plans, and decided to cover for her if she would give him files on the metahumans he sought, such as Barry Allen and Arthur Curry, in order to pave the way for the formation of his team.[3]
Steppenwolf's Invasion[]
- "Victor's father activated a Mother box more than a year ago, when Superman was still alive. Didn't call out to Steppenwolf. None of the Motherboxes did."
"Not until Superman died."
"It's like they were afraid of him."
"Yes. They were afraid of him. This is the only way. There are six, not five. There is no "us" without him." - ―Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince and Barry Allen[src]

Themyscira's Mother Box awakens.
As he was impaled by Doomsday, Superman's agonizing screams caused the three Mother Boxes scattered across the planet in Themyscira, Atlantis, and the Stone Residence to awaken from their millennia-long slumber and begin to glow, summoning Steppenwolf. Seeking redemption from his master Darkseid and his long-awaited return to Apokolips, Steppenwolf traveled to Earth via a Boom Tube to begin his search for the Boxes, which he would unite and synchronize to form the Unity and turn the planet into a carbon copy of Apokolips.
Although the newly formed Justice League attempted to confront Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons, they soon realized that they could not confront the threat without Superman's help, and so they planned to use the Mother Box Victor Stone had in his possession to bring him back to life. In Scout Ship 0344s Genesis Chamber, due to the short circuits caused by Lex Luthor and the creation of Doomsday, Barry Allen shared some of his Speed Force-provided energy to the Mother Box, resulting in the Kryptonian's successful resurrection.[4]