
Time Travel

"Am I too soon? Ah! I'm too soon!"

Time Travel is the act of traveling non-linearly through the timestream.


A Warning[]

"Find us, Bruce. You have to find us!"

In 2015, Bruce Wayne received a mysterious visit from an unknown individual, warning him about how Lois Lane is the "key". Seeing Bruce confused, the individual mentioned that he was too soon, as he traveled too far back in time. Before disappearing, he ordered Bruce to find "us".[1][2]

Undoing the Unity[]

"Gotta go faster than the speed of light, far beyond the speed of light, you gotta break the rule, Barry, and you gotta do it now!"

After the Justice League failed to stop the Unity from forming, the Unity emits a massive explosion that destroys all life on Earth. However, the Flash managed to survive by phasing through the explosion. As an impulse, Flash attempts to run faster than the speed of light and eventually managed to reverse time, successfully undoing the explosion.[3]


"Well... time isn't linear. Right? At some point you probably saw a movie that told you that if you went back and changed the past, you'd create a kind of a branched timeline, right? Like, look. New present and new future. Well, time doesn't work like that. That's not how time works. When you go back and change the past you create a fulcrum. You put yourself on a whole bother strand of spaghetti. New future. New past. It's retrocausal. It goes both ways. Actually, it goes many ways. Maybe some other time."
Bruce Wayne[src]

To be added


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