
United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, simply known as the United Kingdom, Britain, or the UK, is a small island sovereign state in Europe. It is one of the wealthiest and most influential countries in the world, at one point being the center of the largest empire in human history, with the British Empire governing a quarter of the globe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


World War I[]

The United Kingdom was one of the major nations that mobilized during World War I. It was a dominant force in the Allied Powers which fought, and triumphed over the Central Powers. Its capital, London, was the first place that Diana Prince visited after leaving her home of Themyscira; she also departed for the frontline of the war from Dover. Kent Nelson was known to have watched several RAF warplanes fly off from the United Kingdom to fight during the war. The sight often made him mournful as he felt he could glean the ultimate fate of the pilots once they reached their respective targets.

After the war ended Diana, returned to London with several of her companions and was present at the Armistice Day celebrations at Trafalgar Square.[1][2]

World War II[]

During World War II, British fighters fought against Japanese forces in Singapore and the Malaya area, altough the island came under Japanese occupation until the island was recaptured by the British near the end of the war.

Superman's Testing Flights[]

When Superman was learning to fly after being taught his powers in a scout ship by his father Jor-El's hologram, he flew across the White Cliffs of Dover in the nation's south.[3]

Rescue at the Old Bailey Courthouse[]

While primarily based across the channel in Paris, in recent times Wonder Woman also operated in the United Kingdom, especially in London. Prior to the return of Steppenwolf, she intervened during a terrorist attack on the Old Bailey Courthouse.[4]

Notable British[]

Historical British[]



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