Benutzer Diskussion:Polarlys – Wikipedia

  • ️Tue Nov 19 2024

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Die Ein- und Austragung für Wikipedia-Aktuelles ist hier möglich. Nachricht versandt von MediaWiki message delivery im Auftrag von -- Toni 01:56, 19. Nov. 2024 (CET)Beantworten

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-11-19. Missed the previous one? See issue #653


Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • DBLP to Wikidata - This tool is for adding scholarly articles to Wikidata utilizing data from DBLP. It also provides article authors with a tool to enhance Wikidata with associated entities, such as missing co-authors or conference proceeding entities. Demo video & Github repo

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • [BREAKING CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT] wbformatvalue API will no longer accepts most options
  • Wikibase REST API: We are looking into how to do search in the REST API.
  • Special:NewLexeme: We merged the full migration from the Wikit to the Codex design system.
  • EntitySchemas: We are polishing the patches to make it possible to search for EntitySchemas by label when linking to an EntitySchema in a new statement.
  • Wikidata support is now available to Tulu Wikipedia and Tulu Wikisource

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-12-02. Missed the previous one? See issue #655



  • Upcoming:
    • Wikimedia Deutschland is providing a total of 15 participation scholarships for Wikimania 2025 (7 individual and 4 tandem scholarships). Further information is available on this page. An overview of all questions in the application form is here. Apply here. Closes 8 December 2024.
    • Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—December 4, 2024. The time is 17:00 CET
    • Tomorrow / 3rd December 2024: Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session @ 9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm UTC / 6pm CET. If you would like to attend, please fill out the Etherpad form to ensure all necessary materials are provided for you.
    • Deadline for the Central Asian WikiCon 2025 scholarship application is December 30, 2024. We encourage you to make Wikidata-related submissions (the deadline for submission is March 22, 2025.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • LoRiS - Generate natural-language descriptions of SPARQL queries via LLM's.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Wikidata:WordGraph: Google released the WordGraph dataset as a belated present for Wikidata’s 12th birthday. The dataset contains 968,153 forms in 39 languages.
  • Product Manager: Wikibase Suite: Wikimedia Deutschland has an open and exciting vacancy for a Product Manager of Wikibase Suite. Apply!
  • Tools or bots which use the wiki replicas (such as Quarry) will observe outdated data for up to 8-10 days, as a result of necessary database maintenance (T367856). Tools or bots which use the APIs will not be affected. (This was previously announced 2024-11-11 but didn’t actually take place yet.)

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on making it possible to search for an EntitySchema by its label or alias when making a new statement linking to an EntitySchema.
  • PropertySuggester: We have updated the script that generates the suggestions and will update the suggestions next.
  • Lexicographical data: We fixed a visual issue with search results on the Codex-based Special:NewLexeme (phab:T370057)
  • Vector 2022: We are working on designs to fix the remaining issues with the skin on Wikidata.
  • Wikibase REST API: We are finishing the prototype for supporting search in the API.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2024-12-09. Missed the previous one? See issue #656


  • New requests for permissions/Bot: KlaraBot - Task(s): Append a human's lifespan to descriptions when they can be authoritatively sourced.
  • Closed request for comments: Audio transcription (P9533) - Closed with no consensus. The discussion is ongoing on the Property P5933 talk page.


  • Past: Amical Wikimedia, the Catalan-language and culture focused thematic Wikimedia Organization organized the Celebrem Wikidata (Let's celebrate Wikidata) project to celebrate Wikidata's 12th anniversary, from November 10 - 30. This included a Wikidata introduction workshop to equip participants with the editing skills to tackle the project's main aim. This was presented as a game to delete duplicate info on Wikidata and Catalan Viquipèdia infoboxes, in three areas: protected buildings, officers' positions and data related to sports teams players. At the end of the event, ~200 Wikidata-fed infoboxes and Wikidata items were improved and many Wikipedia editors edited Wikidata for the first time!
  • Upcoming events:
    • (Deutsch)Wikidata for Legal Historians - Tue. 10 December, 3pm - 7pm (UTC+1). This presentation explores Wikidata as a key platform for LOD, explains its Semantic Web foundation, introduces FactGrid (a Wikidata-based platform for historical research). Highlights potential of both platforms using examples and encourages discussion for legal historical research. Register here.
    • Today (09.12.2024) is the last chance to submit an Abstract for the Wikidata and Research conference (5 - 6 June 2025). If you are interested in participating, please review the submission acceptance format before submitting here.

Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • CAT🐈: Metrics computing simple metrics (number of labels, number of descriptions, number of sitelinks, number of statements) for item matching a simple claim.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Template:Image properties New template listing properties that link to images.
  • Let's Connect invites you to get involved in helping spread awareness and knowledge of Wikidata, potentially help organise a Wikidata Learning Clinic. Are you interested in participating? Please sign-up on this registration form.

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


Weekly Tasks

Die Ein- und Austragung für Wikipedia-Aktuelles ist hier möglich. Nachricht versandt von MediaWiki message delivery im Auftrag von -- Toni 23:13, 1. Jan. 2025 (CET)Beantworten

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata in the
week leading up to 2025-02-24. Missed the previous one? See issue #667



Press, articles, blog posts, videos

Tool of the week

  • The WikidataDiffAnalyzer is a Ruby gem designed to parse and analyze differences between Wikidata revisions, providing detailed statistics on changes to claims, labels, descriptions, aliases, site links, and more, while also supporting analysis of merges, redirects, and other edit types.
  • German Political parties and politicians tracked on the Fediverse - Powered by Wikidata, this Fediverse tracker aggregates social media links to official channels of German politicians. (toot)

Other Noteworthy Stuff

Newest properties and property proposals to review

You can comment on all open property proposals!

Did you know?


  • Hosting the Data Reuse Days
  • Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on a search endpoint for the API (phab:T383126)
  • Search: We are continuing to work on the search field that lets you search other entity types as well and not just Items (phab:T321543
  • Mobile editing: We are designing prototypes for first testing sessions

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Weekly Tasks

  • Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
  • Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
  • Govdirectory weekly focus country: Uganda
  • Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
  • Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
  • Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
  • Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]

Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.

Neuigkeiten für Autoren

  • Administratoren können nun mit Spezial:CommunityConfiguration/Babel anpassen, wie die Babel-Funktion Kategorien erstellt. Sie können Sprachkategorien umbenennen, auswählen, ob sie automatisch erstellt werden sollen, und andere Einstellungen anpassen. [1]
  • Das Portal wurde aktualisiert – und erhält laufend Verbesserungen – um die Zugänglichkeit unserer Portalseiten zu modernisieren und zu verbessern. Es bietet jetzt bessere Unterstützung für mobile Layouts, aktualisierte Formulierungen und Links sowie eine bessere Sprachunterstützung. Darüber hinaus unterstützen alle Portale des Wikimedia-Projekts, wie beispielsweise, jetzt den Dunkelmodus, wenn ein Leser diese Systemeinstellung verwendet. [2][3][4]
  • Ein neues Wiki wurde erstellt: ein Wiktionary in Santali (wikt:sat:) [5]
  • Wiederkehrende Meldung Sieh dir alle 30 von der Community eingereichten Tasks an, die letzte Woche gelöst wurden. Beispielsweise wurde ein Fehler behoben, der das Anklicken von Suchergebnissen in der Weboberfläche bei einigen Android-Telefonkonfigurationen verhinderte. [6]

Treffen und Veranstaltungen

  • Das nächste Treffen der Sprach-Community findet bald statt, am 28. Februar um 15:00 MEZ. Das Treffen dieser Woche umfasst: Highlights und technische Neuigkeiten zu Tastatur und Werkzeugen für die samischen Sprachen,äge der Bahasa-Lampung-Community in Indonesien und technische Fragen und Antworten. Wenn du teilnehmen möchtest, melde dich einfach auf der Wiki-Seite an.

Technische Nachrichten, erstellt von Autoren für die technischen Nachrichten und per globalen Nachrichtendienst verteilt • Mach' mit • Übersetzungen • Hilfe • Rückmeldung geben • Abonnement verwalten.

MediaWiki message delivery 01:38, 25. Feb. 2025 (CET)Beantworten