Datei:Euro exchange rate to INR.svg – Wikipedia

  • ️Sat Mar 13 2010
# gnuplot script for plotting eurofxref-hist.csv as obtained from
# download and unzip data if not available - delete eurofxref* to force new download.
# remove or comment out these lines in Windows/MacOS.
! [ -f eurofxref-hist.csv ] || wget
! [ -f eurofxref-hist.csv ] || unzip
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set datafile missing 'N/A'
set datafile separator ','
set key top left
set style data lines
set grid
set xdata time
set format x '%Y'
set xrange ['2009-01-01':*]
set mxtics 6
#set xlabel 'Date'
set ylabel 'INR'
set format y '%.0f'
## gnuplot for SVG - gnuplot 4.2 / Ubuntu 8.10 
set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,10"
set outp 'Euro exchange rate to INR.svg'
set style line 1 lt rgb 'blue' lw 1
#available currencies:
#first one is $2, second $3 and so on
plot 'eurofxref-hist.csv' usi 1:($34) title '1 Euro in INR' ls 1