Status HUD/Exposed

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Exposed is a Status Effect featured in Dead by Daylight that is applied exclusively to Survivors.


The Exposed Status Effect is a debuffing effect applied by various Unlockables, some Powers and Glyphs.

Survivors suffering from Exposed are extremely vulnerable to a Killer's Basic Attack, putting them into the Dying State with a single hit.


The following Unlockables either inflict or interact with the Exposed Status Effect:


Garden of Rot A nude self-portrait in which Carmina depicts a rotting darkness growing outwards from within.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 4 seconds after repelling the Swarm.

"I see no salvation in the rot." — Carmina Mora

Iridescent Coin A glass-like coin moulded from The Fog itself.
A payment to the bounty hunter for the services rendered.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect while speared by The Redeemer, if shot from at least 12 metres away.

"Deals made in desperation are paid for in madness."

Iridescent Pendant A glass-like pendant moulded from The Fog itself.
There is a portrait of Madeleine Deshayes upon it, though something about her depiction seems unsettling.
  • Crushing Victor while Charlotte is in control causes the Survivor to suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 45 seconds.

"Your binding is no curse, my loves. It is your strength to draw upon." — Madeleine Deshayes

Iridescent Umbrella Badge A glass-like badge moulded from The Fog itself.
It represents a corporation that pushed far beyond ethical and humane science.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 60 seconds after using a Vaccine.

"Commitment, honesty, integrity. These are the core values that create the foundation of Umbrella Corp." — Doctor Matt Gorkis

Iridescent Uroboros Vial The perfect bio-weapon.
Decades of research have led to this.
  • Causes all Survivors to start the Trial infected with Uroboros.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds when they reach Critical Infection.

"The entire world will be infected. A new Genesis is at hand and I will be the creator!" — Albert Wesker

Iridescent Wooden Plank Once the journalist's blood stained the wooden boards of the stage, everything was set into motion for The Dredge's arrival.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for the last 12 seconds of Nightfall.

"She came here to poison your minds with fear! Do not let the fear in!" — Otto Stamper

Knight's Contract The original document contracting Tarhos to Vittorio's employ.
The laws of man could not stand up, though, to natural law.
  • Causes a Guard to linger around for 8 seconds after completing a Guard Order, triggering a Hunt, should he detect a Survivor in that time.

"I fear he has left me here to die." — Vittorio Toscano

Redhead's Pinkie Finger The prized pinkie finger of a redhead.
Faintly fragrant.
Tastes of potpourri and varnish.
  • Survivors hit directly by Bottles suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for as long as they are affected by Intoxication.
  • Reduces the number of carried Bottles to 1.
    • This number cannot be modified by other Add-ons.


Pink Glyphs


Dragon's Grip Dragon's Grip Performing the Damage Generator action on a Generator activates Dragon's Grip for the next 30 seconds:
  • The first Survivor interacting with the damaged Generator will scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds, and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Dragon's Grip has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.

"Such potential in this compound... even the slightest trace causes unnatural effects." — Journal of Talbot Grimes

Dramaturgy Dramaturgy When people bring you on to their project, they do so because of the unexpected magic you bring to your performance.

Whenever you are Healthy, Dramaturgy activates:

  • While running, press the Active Ability button to run with knees high for 0.5 seconds to gain a +25 % Haste Status Effect for 2 seconds, followed by one of the following effects:
    • Suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 12 seconds.
    • Extend the duration of the Haste Status Effect for another 2 seconds.
    • Scream, but without notifying the Killer.
    • Receive a random Item of Rare Rarity, with a random selection of Add-ons attached to it, automatically dropping any previously held Item.
  • The same effect cannot happen twice in a row.
Dramaturgy causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Dramaturgy cannot be used when Exhausted.

"Take the part. It's a good movie, he says. What's the worst that can happen?" — Nicolas Cage

Friends 'til the End Friends 'til the End You will kill anyone who gets between you and your target.

When you hook any Survivors that is not the Obsession, the following effects apply to the Obsession:

  • Their Aura is revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.
  • They suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 20 seconds.
When you hook the Obsession, the following effects apply to a random Survivor:
  • Causes the Survivor to scream and reveal their location to the Killer.
  • They become the new Obsession.
You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"I got some fresh meat lined up, and I'm not gonna let you spoil it, not this time!" — Chucky

Hex: Devour Hope Hex: Devour Hope A Hex rooting its power on hope.
The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger.

Whenever a Survivor is rescued from a Hook while you are at least 24 metres away, Hex: Devour Hope is granted +1 Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens:

  • 2 Tokens: Grants a 3/4/5 % Haste Status Effect for 10 seconds after 10 seconds of having hooked a Survivor.
  • 3 Tokens: causes all Survivors to suffer from a permanent Exposed Status Effect.
  • 5 Tokens: grants the ability to kill all Survivors by your own hand.
All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.

"If you do nothing, you have their blood on your hands. If you save them, her hunger grows."

Hex: Haunted Ground Hex: Haunted Ground Two trapped Hex Totems will spawn in the Trial Grounds.
  • When either Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 40/50/60 seconds.
  • The second Hex Totem will immediately turn into a Dull Totem.

"Her home become profane."

Hex: No One Escapes Death Hex: No One Escapes Death A Hex rooting its power on hope.
You are animated by the power of your Hex Totem when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping.

Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is still a Dull Totem remaining in the environment, Hex: No One Escapes Death activates and lights it:

  • Grants a 2/3/4 % Haste Status Effect.
  • Causes all Survivors to suffer permanently from the Exposed Status Effect.

Hex: No One Escapes Death remains inactive if no Dull Totems are available.

Once the Status Effect is revealed to Survivors, Hex: No One Escapes Death reveals the Aura of its Hex Totem to all Survivors within 4 metres and gradually expands that range to 24 metres over the course of 30 seconds.

All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.

"And the beast became faster and more powerful as if The Entity's shadowy whips were lashing at its back."

Hubris Hubris You show no mercy, especially to those foolish enough to resist.
  • Whenever you are stunned by a Survivor, that Survivor suffers from the Exposed Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds.

Hubris has a cool-down of 20 seconds.

"You have made a grave mistake, standing in opposition to me this day." — Tarhos Kovács

Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden increases your Locker Search speed by 30/40/50 %.

Survivors who exit a Locker suffer from the following afflictions:

  • Scream and reveal their location to you for 4 seconds.
  • Suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds.
"This is no place for cowards." — The Legion
Make Your Choice Make Your Choice Whenever a Survivor is rescued from a Hook, while you are farther than 32 metres away, Make Your Choice activates:
  • Causes the unhooking Survivor to scream and reveal their location to you.
  • Causes them to suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 40/50/60 seconds.

Make Your Choice has a cooldown of 40/50/60 seconds.

"You'd be surprised what tools can save a life." — Amanda Young

Rancor Rancor Each time a Generator is completed, the following effects apply:
  • Reveals your Aura to the Obsession for 5/4/3 seconds.
  • All Survivors' locations are revealed to you for 3 seconds.

Once the Exit Gates are powered, the following effects apply:

  • You are granted the ability to kill the Obsession by your own hand.
  • The Obsession suffers from a permanent Exposed Status Effect.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Shoulder the Burden Shoulder the Burden Born to be a disciple. Ready to submit to a greater cause. This is your calling.

Once per Trial, and while you are not on Death Hook, press the Active Ability button while standing in front of a Hooked Survivor to unhook them and trigger the following effects:

  • Trade 1 Hook State with the other Survivor to their benefit.
  • Causes you to scream.
  • Causes you to suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

"It's not your time yet. Now go on!" — Taurie Cain

Starstruck Starstruck Your unmatched showmanship dazzles all.

When carrying a Survivor, Starstruck activates:

  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect while in your Terror Radius.
  • The Status Effect lingers for 26/28/30 seconds after leaving your Terror Radius.

After hooking or dropping the carried Survivor, Starstruck deactivates:

  • The Status Effect persists for 26/28/30 seconds for any Survivor inside your Terror Radius at that moment.

Starstruck has a cool-down of 60 seconds once the Survivor is no longer being carried.

"Enjoy this moment, few get so close." — Ji-Woon Hak

Vigil Vigil You look over your friends even in dire situations.

Vigil extends its effect to all Survivors within 8 metres of your location and lingers for 15 seconds.

"I am gonna be here when you wake up. You are gonna make it." — Quentin Smith


Evil Within III
Night Shroud


Hillbilly Team Skill
  • During a Chainsaw Sprint, all Survivors coming within 10 metres of The Hillbilly suffer from the Exposed Status Effect until he ends the Chainsaw Sprint.


Heal You, Expose You!


  • Newer Players often believe that Exposed means that their Aura is being revealed.