Fragile Wheeze

Fragile Wheeze is a Rare Add-on for Spencer's Last Breath.

Icon Description Cost

The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell.
Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Survivors hit with a Special Attack suffer from the Mangled Status Effect for 70 seconds.


Icon Description
The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell. Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Adds 2 additional Chain Blinks.
  • Moderately reduces the maximum Blink range.
  • Slightly reduces the Chain Blink window.
Icon Description
The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell. Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Adds 1 additional Chain Blink.
Icon Description
The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell.
Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Reduces the Recharge time of Power Tokens by -0.6 seconds.
Icon Description
The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell.
Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Survivors hit with a Blink Attack suffer from the Mangled Status Effect until fully healed.
Icon Description
The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell.
Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
  • Survivors hit with a Blink Attack suffer from the Mangled Status Effect for 70 seconds.

Change Log[]

Patch 1.1.2[]

  • Buff: removed the downsides.
  • Nerf: reduced the additional Chain Blinks from +2 to +1.

Patch 3.3.0[]

  • Rework: now reduces the Blink Recharge time by -0.6 seconds per Charge.

Patch 6.5.0[]

  • Rework: now applies the Mangled Status Effect on successful Blink Attacks.

Patch 7.6.0[]

  • Nerf: Mangled no longer applies until the Survivor is healed, but is now timer-based.
    • This change was motivated by a general change in design-philosophy for the Mangled Status Effect.