
Vaccine is a Limited Item.

Icon Description Cost

Limited Item

A vaccine that helps reverse the effects of a T-Virus infection.

  • Press the Use Item button to cure yourself or another Survivor from the T-Virus Infection.
  • Can be found in Supply Cases located in the environment.
The Vaccine has 1 Use.

Limited Items are consumed on use.
They cannot be brought back to the Campfire after a Trial and are removed by The Entity upon exiting the Trial.


Change Log[]

Patch 7.0.0[]

  • Change: Limited Items now have their own slot, allowing Survivors to carry Regular Items in addition to a Vaccine.

Patch 7.4.0[]

  • Change: updated the animation for the Vaccine.
    • Instead of using a generic self-heal animation, Survivors now inject the Vaccine into their shoulder.



  • A render of the Vaccine item

    A render of the Vaccine item