Bare Knuckle

Bare Knuckle is Trish's signature hand-to-hand combat style involving lightning-infused punches and kicks, and, occasionally, the Sword of Sparda.


Bare Knuckle made its official debut in Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition. In Devil May Cry 2, Trish has a similar, unnamed fighting style that is a match to Dante's hand-to-hand and Ifrit fighting styles.

In Devil May Cry 2, Trish can use punches and kicks during Round Trip, or after planting Sparda in the ground. Compared to Sparda, her hand to hand combat has less range, but the moves are stronger and raise Stylish Rank more. She has access to Magma Drive, which can be charged, Kick 13 and Jump Kick, and those moves function like they did in Devil May Cry, down to having a fire effect.

In Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition, it's Trish's main method of combat. All of its attacks can be charged for extra damage (although only one level high), and the moveset will change depending on whether or not Sparda has been thrown.


Action Command Description Preview
Bare Knuckle Combo A ,,, Pound your enemy with lightning-charged kicks, then finish with a series of shockwaves from Sparda.
Maximum Over Drive Hold  on the forth part of Bare Knuckle Combo A Unleash additional shockwaves after Bare Knuckle Combo A.
Bare Knuckle Combo B , - rapidly tap  Slash your way through enemies with this combo featuring kicks and Sparda.
High Voltage ​​++​ Dazzle your enemies with lightning charged rising kicks.
Rolling Thunder ​​++ Flatten enemies with rolling pinwheel kicks, followed by an electric heel stomp.
Rolling Thunder 2 ​​+​+ A more powerful version of Rolling Thunder with a lightning finish.
Bare Knuckle Combo C During Round Trip, press ,,, Get your helicopter on with this spinning kick whirlwind combo. Charge any of the first three attacks by holding.
Electrical Dance After Bare Knuckle Combo C, rapidly tap  Max out the number of additional spinning kicks you can chain in for Bare Knuckle Combo C.
Bare Knuckle Combo D During Round Trip, press , - ​​​​​​​​​​,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Dazzle the enemy with rapid-fire kicks, then take to the skies with a flashy rising uppercut.
Thunder Blow ​​During Round Trip, press ​​​​​​​​+​+​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Get in your enemy's face and deliver a lightning charged blow. Hold to increase power.
Collider During Round Trip, press ​​+​+​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Strike the ground with your fist to send lighting bolts through the earth. Hold to up the voltage.
Inazuma ​​​​​​​ (Mid-air) Swoop down from above with a kick that leaves lightning in your wake.
Inazuma 2 ​​​​​​​ (Mid-air) This improved version of Inazuma features more lightning trails.
Spark Dish out pain to those in the way of your lightning-charged jumps.


DMC4SE Action Unused "Draw" move (Trish)

The unused Bare Knuckle move.

  • Interestingly, High Voltage launches Trish up in the air higher than her regular jump would do. The only other move that does that is Level 3 EX High Roller.
  • The game files for Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition include a tutorial video that shows an unused move for the Bare Knuckle. In the clip, Trish is shown performing a move similar to Gilgamesh's "Draw".
  • "Inazuma" (also read as "inadzuma/inaduma" in Kunrei-Shinki) means "lightning flash" in Japanese, though it also literally means "rice plant wife" (稲妻), referencing Japanese folklore where if lightning bolts hit plants, then a good harvest is believed to be coming akin to a healthy pregnancy.
  • "Bare Knuckle" is the Japanese name of the series known as Streets of Rage in the West.


Trish Bare Knuckle Moveset

Devil May Cry 2
Playable Dante - Lucia - Trish
Non-playable Arius - Matier
Bosses Argosax (Griffon) - Bolverk (Freki & Geri) - Furiataurus - Infested Chopper - Infested Tank - Jokatgulm - Nefasturris - Noctpteran - Orangguerra - Phantom - Tartarussian & Plutonian - Tateobesu - Trismagia
Lesser Demons Blade - Demonochorus - Erupt Gel - Finis Demon - Flambat - Infestant - Goat Clan - Mancer Demon - Msira - Puia - Sargasso - Savage Golem - Secretary - Spicere
Dante Merciless - Rebellion - Vendetta - Ebony & Ivory - Missile Launcher - Shotgun - Submachine Guns
Lucia Cutlaseer - Klyamoor - Zambak - Bow Gun - Cranky Bomb - Darts - Throwing Daggers
Trish Bare Knuckle - Sparda - Luce & Ombra - Nightmare-γ
Other concepts
Techniques Devil Trigger (Devil Hearts, Ultimate Devil Mode) - Rain Storm
Items Arcana - Key Items
Objects Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals
Locations Dante's Office - Demon World - Vie de Marli - Human World
Organizations Protectors - Uroboros
Miscellaneous Bloody Palace - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Guidepost - HD Awards - Jackpot - Transcript - Walkthrough
Related Media
Music Original Soundtrack - Sound DVD Book - Dance With The Devil
Other 2002 TRIAL ver. - 3142 Graphic Arts
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Devil May Cry 4
Playable Dante - Lady - Nero - Trish/Gloria - Vergil
Non-playable Agnus - Credo - Kyrie - Sanctus
Bosses Bael & Dagon - Berial - Containment Room - Echidna - The Savior
Lesser Demons Alto Angelo - Assault - Basilisk - Bianco Angelo - Blitz - Chimera Seed & Chimera - Cutlass - Fault - Frost - Gladius - Mephisto & Faust - Scarecrow
Nero Devil Bringer - Red Queen - Yamato - Blue Rose - Summoned Swords
Dante Gilgamesh - Lucifer - Rebellion - Yamato - Coyote-A - Ebony & Ivory - Pandora
Vergil Beowulf - Force Edge - Yamato - Summoned Swords
Lady Handguns - Kalina Ann - Shotgun
Trish Bare Knuckle - Sparda - Luce & Ombra - Pandora
Styles Dark Slayer Style - Gunslinger Style - Royalguard Style - Swordmaster Style - Trickster Style
Other Block Cancel - Buster - Charged Shot - Distortion - Devil Trigger - Gun Stinger - Judgement Cut - Jump Cancel - PF594: Argument - Rain Storm - Real Impact - Sin Devil Trigger - Teleport Cancel - Trick Action
Other concepts
Objects Chrono Slicer - Hell Gate - Laser Barriers - Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals - Strange Tree
Locations Dante's Office - Fortuna (Fortuna Castle (Containment Room) - Mitis Forest)
Lore Angel - Ascension Ceremony - Devil Hunter - Jackpot - Order of the Sword
Miscellaneous Achievements - Bloody Palace - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Cutscenes - Key Items - Special Edition Awards - Special Edition Steam Trading Cards - Transcript - Walkthrough
Related Media
Albums Original Soundtrack - Special Soundtrack - Special Edition Premium Music Selection
Singles Lock and Load - Out of Darkness - Shall Never Surrender - Sworn Through Swords
Other 2008 TRIAL Ver. - 3412 Graphic Arts - CR - Deadly Fortune - Devil's Material Collection - Downloadable Content - Pachislot - Refrain - X: The Last Judgement
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  1. Devil May Cry 2 Official Complete Guide. p. 246.