Devil Breaker

The Devil Breakers (デビルブレイカー Debirubureikā?) are a series of cybernetic arms used in Devil May Cry 5. They were created by Nico Goldstein to replace Nero's Devil Bringer arm, after it was ripped off by a mysterious hooded man. Some of the Devil Breakers are created using fragments of defeated demons to bestow them with certain abilities, such as slowing down time.

There are eight types of Devil Breaker the player can unlock in the the base game, with additional five types being offered as DLC.


A Devil Breaker is a specialized artificial appendage that has eight different models (not including DLC models) that adds to Nero's arsenal. Each Devil Breaker connects to the base of his arm, making them easily replaceable. The base of the Devil Breaker contains the wire which is used for the Wire Snatch ability, which behaves exactly as the Devil Bringer's Snatch ability: it pulls small enemies onto Nero but pushes Nero toward larger enemies. This move is available by default even if Nero has no Devil Breaker equipped.

Nero is capable of charging up each Devil Breaker to perform their "Break Age" move. This allows him to perform more powerful attacks but causes each Devil Breaker to immediately shatter afterwards.

Nero is able to detonate his Devil Breakers using the "Break Away" move, which can harm nearby enemies, evade attacks or free him from certain enemy grappling moves. The Devil Breakers are noted as being quite delicate and will shatter if Nero is attacked while using them or while charging Break Age.

On lower difficulties, Devil Breakers can be found through the missions, said to be scattered by Nico for Nero. However, they can be destroyed if enemies come into contact with them (though they do not actively seek them out). Nero can also replenish or change his magazine before any mission, or when interacting with the van or a Divinity Statue during a mission.


Devil May Cry 5 promo site, Character - Nero[1]
Devil Breaker
New power for a broken hunter
A weaponized prosthetic arm made by Nico to replace Nero's missing limb. High output performance makes them break easily, so Nero usually carries multiple Devil Breakers into battle, swapping out broken arms for new ones.
The base of the Devil Breaker contains the Wire Snatch ability, which pulls smaller foes to him or sends him rocketing towards larger targets, living or otherwise.

List of Devil Breaker Models[]

Preview Name Description Obtained
Overture The first Devil Breaker built by Nico. A comparably orthodox weapon compared to other arms, damaging enemies with electric bursts. Its name is derived from this straightforward functionality. The first Devil Breaker available in the game, this arm is easy for starting players to use.[1]

Nico made it from a part of a Blitz.[2]

Mission 01 completed
Gerbera A Devil Breaker that launchers shockwaves from its petal-shaped complex reverberatory furnace. The recoil can be used for instantaneous movement, and converging the shockwaves makes it fire a high-output energy beam. Beautiful design belies tremendous firepower.[1] Mission 01 completed
Punch Line Rare demonic minerals give this Devil Breaker jet propulsion power, packing incredible destructive force behind each blow. The arm can detach to fly around autonomously, during which Nero can ride it. Slam into demons in this mode for even more damage.[1]

Nico made Punch Line from a sample of Goliath's horn.

Mission 02 completed
Helter Skelter The helix of sharp metal gives this Devil Breaker incredible penetrating power. Spread its blades to pulverize unlucky foes.[1] Mission 02 completed

Soup up your sword or gun by linking them up to this Devil Breaker. The boost in power comes at a loss of control so handle with care.[1] When activated, it also changes Red Queen combos.

Mission 05 completed
Buster Arm Nico tried to recreate Nero's lost demonic arm, resulting in a powerhouse capable of throwing enemies with devastating force. This brute strength comes at the price of reduced durability, but the chance to toss around massive demons is well worth it.[1] Mission 05 completed
Rawhide This beauty was crafted out of demonic metals, unfurling into a metal whip of impressive length. Use Rawhide to increase the power of your Snatch technique.[1]

Rawhide is made from a sample of Gilgamesh's demon metal.

Mission 06 completed
Ragtime This arm was crafted from special materials obtained from a powerful foe. Creates special force fields that warp and slow the flow of time for all within them. Convenient for taking on multiple foes at once, the utility of this Devil Breaker varies based on your play style.[1]

Ragtime is made from a sample of the Elder Geryon.

Mission 06 completed
Mega Buster A weapon that recreates Mega Man's legendary Mega Buster. Boasting a unique silhouette, it's designed for long-range attacks. Equipping it activates special variations on the side roll and jump moves. DLC
Sweet Surrender A Devil Breaker created by Nico to relieve Kyrie's tension.

Nero is too rough to do the job without hurting Kyrie, so this device is made of soft materials. Its vibration feature is especially effective at alleviating shoulder and hip pain.

Pasta Breaker A Devil Breaker that makes pasta extra easy to eat. Created by Nico for clumsy Nero from Helter Skelter and Punch Line parts. Aside from the easily recognizable revolving fork on the end, the Pasta Breaker has no particularly useful function in combat. When used, it rotates the Devil Breaker order. DLC
Gerbera GP01 A special Devil Breaker inspired by the legendary creator Shoji Kawamori. Fires shockwaves from its five fingers, which can be controlled freely on the ground or in the air. Similar to the standard Gerbera but not identical. DLC
Monkey Business A Devil Breaker with a banana motif. Who knows what possessed Nico to build this? The bunch rotates, but is mostly useless.

Note: Initially was only available as a download code from[3] Some codes were also given out for free for random users on Xbox One. On May 7, 2019 it became available as a free DLC for all regions and platforms.[4]



Action Command (PS4) Command (PC) Command (XONE) Description
Devil Breaker Press / / to attack with your Devil Breaker. Taking damage during this attack will destroy your current Devil Breaker.
Break Age Hold then release Hold then release Hold then release Charging an attack will make that attack more powerful, but destroy the Devil Breaker after only one use.
Break Away Sever and detonate your arm, losing a Devil Breaker in your magazine.
Scapegoat Press while getting attacked, or get attacked while holding with a Devil Breaker equipped Press while getting attacked, or get attacked while holding with a Devil Breaker equipped Press while getting attacked, or get attacked while holding with a Devil Breaker equipped} Attacks won't stagger you while using a Devil Breaker, or while preparing to use Break Age. You still take some damage, and your current arm will be destroyed.
Wire Snatch + + + Extend a wire from the right arm to reel in foes from a distance. Large or heavy enemies cannot be pulled in.
Wire Bound + (Targeting a Grim Grip) + (Targeting a Grim Grip) + (Targeting a Grim Grip) Latch onto a Grim Grip to travel long distances in a heartbeat. Using Wire Snatch against enemies that cannot be pulled in will execute a Wire Bound instead.


  • Written on the edge of the arm are the words "Devil Breaker System".[5]
  • When switching between Devil Breakers, Nero calls out their names, similar to how Dante does while switching styles.
  • Depending on the Devil Breaker currently equipped, Nero will perform one of two reloading animations for the Blue Rose's Color Up ability. If a Devil Breaker possesses a hand, he will simply load the bullets. But if does not (take Rawhide for example), he will instead tuck the revolver under his right arm and reload it using his left hand.


Devil May Cry 5
Playable Dante - Nero - V (Griffon, Nightmare, Shadow) - Vergil
Non-playable Eva - Kyrie - Lady - Patty Lowell - Machiavelli - Malphas - J.D. Morrison - Nico - Soldier - Trish - Urizen
Bosses Artemis - Cavaliere Angelo - Elder Geryon Knight - Gilgamesh - Goliath - King Cerberus - Nidhogg - Qliphoth Roots
Lesser Demons Baphomet - Behemoth - Chaos - Death Scissors - Empusa - Empusa Queen - Fury - Green Empusa - Hellbat - Hell Antenora - Hell Caina - Hell Judecca - Lusachia - Nobody - Proto Angelo - Pyrobat - Red Empusa - Riot - Scudo Angelo
Nero Devil Bringer - Red Queen - Blue Rose - Summoned Swords
Devil Breakers: Overture - Gerbera - Ragtime - Punch Line - Helter Skelter - Buster Arm - Tomboy - Rawhide - Mega Buster - Sweet Surrender - Pasta Breaker - Gerbera GP01 - Monkey Business
Dante Devil Arms: Balrog - Cavaliere - Cavaliere R - Devil Sword Dante - Devil Sword Sparda - King Cerberus - Rebellion
Guns: Coyote-A - Double Kalina Ann - Dr. Faust - Ebony & Ivory - Kalina Ann - Kalina Ann II
V V's Cane - Griffon - Shadow - Nightmare
Vergil Yamato - Beowulf - Mirage Edge - Mirage Blades
Styles Gunslinger Style - Royalguard Style - Swordmaster Style - Trickster Style
Other Break Away - Buster - Charged Shot - Checkmate - Devil Trigger - Gun Stinger - Judgement Cut - Jump Cancel - Rain Storm - Real Impact - Sin Devil Trigger - Trick Action
Other gameplay concepts
Items Blue Orb Fragment Locations - Key Items - Purple Orb Fragment Locations
Objects Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals
Locations Dante's Office - Demon World - Qliphoth - Red Grave City (Alberton Graveyard - Burrow Market - Clustonbury Theatre - Il Chiaro Mondo Hotel - Pawn's Avenue) - The Void
Miscellaneous Awards - Bloody Palace - Cameo System - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Cutscenes - Demo - Extra Bonus - Jackpot - Marketing - Steam Trading Cards - Transcript - Walkthrough - Xbox Exclusive Demo
Related Media
Albums Original Soundtrack - Special Edition VERGIL Sound Selection - Special Edition Vergil's Rebirth Sound Selection
Singles Crimson Cloud - Devil Trigger - Legacy - Subhuman - Bury the Light
Other Before the Nightmare - Downloadable Content - Official Art Works - Visions of V - Pachislot
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