
Flambats are fiery, bat-like demon spirits in Devil May Cry 2. They attack in groups and emit fire by sucking out the souls of nearby beings.[1] Dante encounters them first in Mission 2 while Lucia first sees them in Mission 5.


They are very small and very weak, unable to enter Devil Trigger even in Dante Must Die mode. They can be eliminated by the Submachine Guns quickly. Their only attack consists of charging up and ramming into either Dante or Lucia to send them flying back.


Enemy file.

Enemy file.


The name may be a play on Flambé, a type of cooking that results in high flames briefly leaping from a dish, or a portmanteau of the words "flame" and "bat."

See also[]


  1. Devil May Cry 2, Enemy File — Flambat: "A bat-shaped spirit that emits fire by sucking the soul from a living being. They are dangerous to fight when in groups."
Devil May Cry 2
Playable Dante - Lucia - Trish
Non-playable Arius - Matier
Bosses Argosax (Griffon) - Bolverk (Freki & Geri) - Furiataurus - Infested Chopper - Infested Tank - Jokatgulm - Nefasturris - Noctpteran - Orangguerra - Phantom - Tartarussian & Plutonian - Tateobesu - Trismagia
Lesser Demons Blade - Demonochorus - Erupt Gel - Finis Demon - Flambat - Infestant - Goat Clan - Mancer Demon - Msira - Puia - Sargasso - Savage Golem - Secretary - Spicere
Dante Merciless - Rebellion - Vendetta - Ebony & Ivory - Missile Launcher - Shotgun - Submachine Guns
Lucia Cutlaseer - Klyamoor - Zambak - Bow Gun - Cranky Bomb - Darts - Throwing Daggers
Trish Bare Knuckle - Sparda - Luce & Ombra - Nightmare-γ
Other concepts
Techniques Devil Trigger (Devil Hearts, Ultimate Devil Mode) - Rain Storm
Items Arcana - Key Items
Objects Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals
Locations Dante's Office - Demon World - Vie de Marli - Human World
Organizations Protectors - Uroboros
Miscellaneous Bloody Palace - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Guidepost - HD Awards - Jackpot - Transcript - Walkthrough
Related Media
Music Original Soundtrack - Sound DVD Book - Dance With The Devil
Other 2002 TRIAL ver. - 3142 Graphic Arts
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