Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness is the opening song of Devil May Cry 4, performed by Aubrey Ashburn, and seen in-game being sung by Kyrie during a sermon for the Order of the Sword. It serves as one of the leitmotifs of the game, heard in the background of the Divinity Statue menu, while viewing the History of DMC video, and numerous other times throughout the game.


Artist: Aubrey Ashburn
Listen to my voice calling you,
Calling you out of darkness.
Hear the devil's cry of sin,
Always turn your back on him.
With the wind you go,
Still I dream of your spirit leading you back home.
I will give my gifts to you,
Grow your garden, watch it bloom.
The light in your eyes an angel up high,
Fighting to ease the shadow side.
Hearts will grow though having to bend,
Leaving behind all things in the end.
Listen to my voice calling you,
Calling you out of darkness.
Hear the devil's cry of sin,
Always turn your back on him.
On him...
On him...


  • As it is sung by Kyrie within Devil May Cry 4 itself, this makes it one of two songs to exist in the world of Devil May Cry; the other being "Devils Never Cry".
  • Because the lyrics reference a figure being "called out of darkness", "turning [his] back on [the devil's cry of sin]", and "fighting to ease the shadow side", the song can be interpreted as a hymn praising the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda, who the Order of the Sword worship as their savior.
Devil May Cry 4
Playable Dante - Lady - Nero - Trish/Gloria - Vergil
Non-playable Agnus - Credo - Kyrie - Sanctus
Bosses Bael & Dagon - Berial - Containment Room - Echidna - The Savior
Lesser Demons Alto Angelo - Assault - Basilisk - Bianco Angelo - Blitz - Chimera Seed & Chimera - Cutlass - Fault - Frost - Gladius - Mephisto & Faust - Scarecrow
Nero Devil Bringer - Red Queen - Yamato - Blue Rose - Summoned Swords
Dante Gilgamesh - Lucifer - Rebellion - Yamato - Coyote-A - Ebony & Ivory - Pandora
Vergil Beowulf - Force Edge - Yamato - Summoned Swords
Lady Handguns - Kalina Ann - Shotgun
Trish Bare Knuckle - Sparda - Luce & Ombra - Pandora
Styles Dark Slayer Style - Gunslinger Style - Royalguard Style - Swordmaster Style - Trickster Style
Other Block Cancel - Buster - Charged Shot - Distortion - Devil Trigger - Gun Stinger - Judgement Cut - Jump Cancel - PF594: Argument - Rain Storm - Real Impact - Sin Devil Trigger - Teleport Cancel - Trick Action
Other concepts
Objects Chrono Slicer - Hell Gate - Laser Barriers - Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals - Strange Tree
Locations Dante's Office - Fortuna (Fortuna Castle (Containment Room) - Mitis Forest)
Lore Angel - Ascension Ceremony - Devil Hunter - Jackpot - Order of the Sword
Miscellaneous Achievements - Bloody Palace - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Cutscenes - Key Items - Special Edition Awards - Special Edition Steam Trading Cards - Transcript - Walkthrough
Related Media
Albums Original Soundtrack - Special Soundtrack - Special Edition Premium Music Selection
Singles Lock and Load - Out of Darkness - Shall Never Surrender - Sworn Through Swords
Other 2008 TRIAL Ver. - 3412 Graphic Arts - CR - Deadly Fortune - Devil's Material Collection - Downloadable Content - Pachislot - Refrain - X: The Last Judgement
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