Red Empusa

Red Empusas are lesser demons that appears in Devil May Cry 5. They are a variation of the basic Empusa.


Red Empusa are very similar in appearance to the basic variety, but have recessed red crystals covering their abdomen and forming a crown-like structure on their head. They move differently to their cousins, tending to scuttle on all fours rather than walking on their hind legs, and are much faster.

They should not be confused with a regular Empusa with a filled-up abdomen: while the abdomen of the latter is red, a real Red Impusa's abdomen is dark with red crystals, and only about half the size.


If left alone, Red Empusa will simply scuttle around aimlessly, avoiding conflict where possible. They are largely passive, preferring to run away from threats and burrow into the ground when they feel they are out of danger, but may lash out at an attacker if cornered.


Nico's Enemy Report - Red Empusa

Ooh mama, this is a rare 'un.
Just goes to show the power o' blood—this one's sucked up so much of the red vino that it's crystallized its body. You could probably knock some of the crystals off with a few hits, or take this guy down and get the whole lot.
Trouble is, from what I've seen, these shy lil' monsters are mighty skittish. First sign o' danger and they're outta there. Better work quickly if you want the big payoff.


Red Empusa are effectively a mobile Red Orb Fountain, but follow slightly different rules. Rather than having a limited time to destroy them, the player must keep pressure on them to stop them burrowing away. They do not get stunned or staggered unless at very low health, and also cannot be knocked into the air, grabbed with the Wire Snatch or Snatch (Nero will instead be pulled to them) or hit with the Buster Arm or Buster unless they are in such a state. Their entry into this state is telegraphed by an animation of them standing up on their back legs.

On lower difficulties Red Empusa will not attack at all, but on Son of Sparda and above they have a small chance of swinging their abdomen around. This only deals minor damage, but it can ruin a Style Rank if the player is not aware it can happen.

There is an end-of-level Extra Bonus associated with killing Red Empusa, and a smaller one associated with allowing them to escape.

During Mission 18, killing all three Red Empusa that spawn after the first fight with Shadow will spawn a Blue Orb Fragment.



  • Memorial photo caption – “A rare specimen.”


Concept art from the official DMC5 art book

Concept art from the official DMC5 art book





See also[]

Devil May Cry 5
Playable Dante - Nero - V (Griffon, Nightmare, Shadow) - Vergil
Non-playable Eva - Kyrie - Lady - Patty Lowell - Machiavelli - Malphas - J.D. Morrison - Nico - Soldier - Trish - Urizen
Bosses Artemis - Cavaliere Angelo - Elder Geryon Knight - Gilgamesh - Goliath - King Cerberus - Nidhogg - Qliphoth Roots
Lesser Demons Baphomet - Behemoth - Chaos - Death Scissors - Empusa - Empusa Queen - Fury - Green Empusa - Hellbat - Hell Antenora - Hell Caina - Hell Judecca - Lusachia - Nobody - Proto Angelo - Pyrobat - Red Empusa - Riot - Scudo Angelo
Nero Devil Bringer - Red Queen - Blue Rose - Summoned Swords
Devil Breakers: Overture - Gerbera - Ragtime - Punch Line - Helter Skelter - Buster Arm - Tomboy - Rawhide - Mega Buster - Sweet Surrender - Pasta Breaker - Gerbera GP01 - Monkey Business
Dante Devil Arms: Balrog - Cavaliere - Cavaliere R - Devil Sword Dante - Devil Sword Sparda - King Cerberus - Rebellion
Guns: Coyote-A - Double Kalina Ann - Dr. Faust - Ebony & Ivory - Kalina Ann - Kalina Ann II
V V's Cane - Griffon - Shadow - Nightmare
Vergil Yamato - Beowulf - Mirage Edge - Mirage Blades
Styles Gunslinger Style - Royalguard Style - Swordmaster Style - Trickster Style
Other Break Away - Buster - Charged Shot - Checkmate - Devil Trigger - Gun Stinger - Judgement Cut - Jump Cancel - Rain Storm - Real Impact - Sin Devil Trigger - Trick Action
Other gameplay concepts
Items Blue Orb Fragment Locations - Key Items - Purple Orb Fragment Locations
Objects Red Orb Cache (Locations) - Red Orb Crystals
Locations Dante's Office - Demon World - Qliphoth - Red Grave City (Alberton Graveyard - Burrow Market - Clustonbury Theatre - Il Chiaro Mondo Hotel - Pawn's Avenue) - The Void
Miscellaneous Awards - Bloody Palace - Cameo System - Cheat Codes - Clear Bonus Art - Cutscenes - Demo - Extra Bonus - Jackpot - Marketing - Steam Trading Cards - Transcript - Walkthrough - Xbox Exclusive Demo
Related Media
Albums Original Soundtrack - Special Edition VERGIL Sound Selection - Special Edition Vergil's Rebirth Sound Selection
Singles Crimson Cloud - Devil Trigger - Legacy - Subhuman - Bury the Light
Other Before the Nightmare - Downloadable Content - Official Art Works - Visions of V - Pachislot
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