
IDF Diabetes Atlas

Diabetes Atlas
11th Edition 2025

Get ready for a new edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas,
featuring the latest global, regional and national diabetes data.
Available in April!

IDF Diabetes Atlas Reports

A deeper look into the state of type 2 diabetes in Indigenous Peoples, type 1 diabetes in children and adults, the impact of COVID-19, diabetes foot-related complications and diabetes and kidney disease
View the reports

537 million adults are living with diabetes

Diabetes is spiralling out of control

1 in 10 adults are living with diabetes in 2021. Almost half are undiagnosed

3 in 4 people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries

Diabetes hits the poorest hardest

Over 3 in 4 people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries

783 million adults with diabetes in 2045

The more we know, the worse the picture

The number of people living with diabetes today is fast approaching the predictions for 2030 made by IDF 10 years ago.