Brotherhood of Light
"When the Brotherhood of Light — a regiment of Rakkis-era Zakarum militants — razed outlying Ivgorod after playing at diplomacy, they earned the sobriquet "Oathbreakers"."
- Lore(src)
The Brotherhood of Light was a sect within the Rakkis-era Zakarum militants, presumably led by Lord Martanos.
During the Zakarum Crusade, Lord Martanos was assigned with purging Ivgorod and its outlying areas of heretics. He carried his loyal and fellow zealots to complete the task. During the course of this expedition, the Brotherhood of Light besieged Mount Zavain, raiding villages whose residents refused to convert.[1] The Veradani temple on the mountain and its monks proved to be a great obstacle to their "divine commission".[1][2]
With the release of the Black Mists, the forces of the Brotherhood of Light were decimated. Their hatred of all heretics was so great that their souls clung to their bodies.
To this day, the undead remnants of the Brotherhood of Light haunt their burial grounds upon Mount Zavain. The undead remnants are