August 25, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 100) - Image 7

  • ️Mon Aug 25 1941

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CTI V I I --!S

Much Ado About Much.





Plenty To Do-
And Study, Too!


- - -

Eligible Freshmen

Open Season!

At Smoker


Activity Tryouts Must Have 'C' Average
Plus One 'B' Grade To Be Eligible;
Will Get Valuable Experience
Second-semester freshmen who earned a "C" average plus at least one
grade of "B" or better in their first semester of work here will find over a
100 different extra-curricular activities open to them.
Transfer students holding ran above that of freshmen may be granted
a certificate of eligibility for activi ies in their first semester of residence if
admitted to the University in good standing.
Ranging all the way from membership in a classical language society to
working on a daily newspaper, extra-curricular activities offer one of the
most important parts of student life at Michigan. They give those who take
part in them both valuable experienceI

Over 100 Varied
Attract Freshmen
Fifteen Campus Leaders Will Explain
Activities Of Their Organizations;
Refreshments To Be Served
Fifteen campus leaders will explain activity life on the Michigan campus
to eligible freshmen at the Michigan Union's Annual Activities Smoker today
in the main ballroom of the Union.
The smoker will begin at 8 p.m., according to Douglas Gould, '41, presi-
dent of the Union, who will act as master of ceremonies and introduce the
speakers. Each of the activities represented will have a booth and a display
to demonstrate the work involved. A special supplement to The Daily on
Tuesday will explain the nature of all campus groups.
Over 500 Inen are expected to attend, to hear the talks by campus leaders,
- and to ask questions of the represen-

and an opportunity to meet and work
with people.
Sponsored by the Union in coop-
eration with The Daily, this supple-
ment attempts to show freshmen how
great is the variety of activities from
which they may choose.
Elsewhere in the supplement are
descriptivestatements of the majority
of active campus organizations and
their functions. On page three of the
supplement is a list of the organiza-
tions and representatives of the or-
ganization who may be reached for
further information about the groups.
Addition copies of this activity
supplement which was published
through the cooperation of the
Union and Daily may be obtainedj
at the Union's Activity Smoker
which will begin at 8 p.m. todayj
in the main ballroom of the Union.
Speakers from various campus or-
ganizations will discuss the func-
tions of their groups with eligible
freshmen and sophomores interest-I
ed in participating in the extra-
curricular life of the campus.
Eligibility cards must be obtained
to participate in any public activity.
As defined by University regulations,
a public activity is "any service of
any kind on a committee or publi-
cation, in. a public performance or
a rehearsal, or in holding office or
being a candidate for office in a class
or other student organization."

Cold Water

Unfortunately your Committee's
efforts 'toward maintenance of ade-
,uate vital statistics are restricted
rather A 'rrowly to the recording of
'rths. The reason is obvious: stu-
-lent organizations are born to a
blare of. trumpets; they expire un-
ostentatiously with scarce an aud-
ible sigh. Annual bills of mortality
would be both interesting and valu-
-Professor L. A. Strauss
Editor's Note: Professor Strass served
as charman of the Student Activities
Committee for an extended number of
years. Those were the days before
there was a Dean of Students' office.
Religious Association
Welcomes Freshmen
The freshman program of the Stu-
dent Religious Association is deter-
mined largely by the members of
that class. A freshman Advisory
Committee is established, its purpose
being to determine activities in which
freshmen will find interest and value.
For five consecutive weeks during
the past semester the Association
held round-table discussions in which
freshmen could become acquainted
with members of the faculty and up-
perclassmen and talk over problems
of interest with them. Tloe Fresh-
man Advisory Committee hopes to
continue something similar to Round-
table during the Spring semester.
Social service agencies in Ann Ar-
bor have been approached, and a
program of community projects will
soon be started. Trips to other com-
munities such as Detroit, Toledo, and
Chicago, will be conducted by com-
petent guides, so that students will
gain a concrete picture of life in a
larger community.
Freshmen are welcome to attend
other functions of the Association.
Every Thursday evening students
gather around the fireside in Lane
Hall for a chat with a member of the
faculty or some outstanding visitor.
The Association will sponsor several
more lectures during the Spring se-
mester. Its book review group will
continue to meet every other Tues-
The Interguild Council, a body rep-
resenting the various Church guilds,
the Catholic Church, and the Hillel
group offer valuable services.

p. ..

Smiling Now, But-

Interfraternity Council
Open To Sophomores
Having as its aims to promote the
interests of the University and its
fraternities, the Interfraternity Coun-
cil is the central governing body for
the Greek letter organizations. The
council purposes to insure coopera-
tion among the fraternities and be-
tween them and the college author-
ities to the end that the condition
of the fraternities and the relations
with the college may be improved.
Functions of the Council include
a pledging banquet in the fall, an
initiation banquet in the spring, the
Interfraternity Ball, the Interfratern-
ity Sing, publishing the Interfratern-
ity Directory and maintaining rec-
ords on new freshmen and unaffil-
iated men.
Any sophomore fraternity man who
is eligible may tryout for the I.F.C.
Tryouts, which are called late in the
Local ASME Boasts
170 Student Members
The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E.
constitutes the first grade of mem-
bership in the parent society, which is
the nationl mechanical engineering
To add to the student's acquain-
tance with the practical side of the
field of mechanical engineering and
to enable the student to establish
fraternal contact with his fellow stu-
dents and faculty in engineering are
the organization's purposes.
All students in Mechanical engin-
eering or allied fields are religible for
membership. The fee is 3.50, which
includes a subscription to "Mechan-
ical Engineering" and a membership
pin. At present the local student
branch is reported to have the largest
membership of any branch in the
United States-170.
Regular meetings are held every
two weeks, usually on Wednesday eve-
nings. The programs consist of lec-
tures, 'motion pictures, slides, or dem-
onstrations presented as a rule by
technical men from the outside on
subjects of interest to mechanical
engineering students.
In addition, inspection trips, ban-
quets,- and joint meetings with other
societies are participated in. An es-
__n. _rv_ mcti a a _ ,_ll Q A a ui-

The Reply.
'Verbum Sapienti Satis
Est,' Says Touchstone, t
The Daily Sage
If you want to know what thet
word activities means, and probablyT
you don't but there has to be an
excuse for supplements on accountt
of they are a form of activity, well
get this, kids, I am writing two-
count 'em-two columns today,t
which will take up my entire after-
noon, and I would rather be out int
the sun or practically anywhere but
here right now. Here is the dope
on activities. They are somethingt
you do, principally, instead of
studying, but don't let that fool
you because Oh baby-how you
will have to study at the end of
every semester if you want to keep,
on having activities. They are
something that should look import-
ant and have a page in the 'Ensian
(out next May, price five bucks),t
but not be important because then
they would be more important than1
going to college which they some-
times become-witness the mortality
rate on The Daily staff.
There are many forms of activity.1
You know some of them, and to'
those I will add what seem to me
to be the most praiseworthy. After
diverse years on the Michigan cam-
pus (I won't say how many be-,
cause then you will know how old
I am and might figure I am just
going sour), I feel safe in saying
that the most important thing you
can do in the extra-curricular line
here is to learn how to play bridge
because that way you will always
have something to do that won't
hurt you and you will meet a lot
of nice people at the Parrot and
you will dress five hundred per
cent better than the average publi-
cations man and won't have to spend

Phi Eta Sigma Is
reshman Honor Group
The society of Phi Eta Sigma wast
founded for the purpose of giving
recognition to the work of outstand-c
ing freshmen and to serve as an en-k
couragement for the continuance of
good first year records. The members
of the society hope that it will alsot
urge incoming students to put forthC
their best efforts toward successful
years in college.t
Eligibility for membership is based
on scholarship. Any male student whot
receives a grade better than half
A and half B during his first semes-
ter may become a member, and those
who do not meet this requirementt
the first semester may become eli-1
gible at the end of the year by at-
taining a half A and half B average.
Meetings are held each month, us-
ually with a dinner at the Union. The
programs include the business of the
society, discussions and an occasional
guest speaker. A smoker is givent
at the beginning of each semester.
Marching Band Wins t
All-American Honors
Voted All-American band by thet
nation's sportswriters for the second
consecutive year, the University
Marching Band won increased laur-
els this year for its performances on
the gridiron, both as a musical unit
and as a highly polished drill or-1
Numbering over 130 pieces, the
band followed the football team to
Cambridge, Mass., in the east and
to Minneapolis in the west, receiving
unanimous approval no matter what
the place of its appearance.
Under the direction of Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli the band has been
steadily growing in size and musical
prestige since its inauguration. But
music isn't the only field in which the
band excels.
For it's superiority in formation,
the band owes much to Lt.-Col.
Robert Kunz, who drilled the band
for the past year. Formations are
planned months in advance, and each
formation receives over five hours
of diligent practice by the full band
before it is presented between the
halves on Saturday.

With this activities supplement{
The Daily in cooperation with the
Union opens the vista on extra-.
curricular activities on the Michiganr
campus to the freshman class, eli-I
gible for the first time to participate
in them. Take another look at the r
cartoon, read Touchstone's column
(he doesn't believe in commas) andf
then page through the supplement.
It's up to you from there on. We've1
done our best to warn you of the
trials and vicissitudes of activity life..
Good luck and if you find time you
might even start a new organization
in spite of the warnings of the good
Pro fessoi 'Strauss.
Campus Cooperatives
Serve More Than 300l
Cooperation to the "nth" degree is
the watchword of the student cooper-
ative houses on the campus servingr
upwards of 300 men and women with1
board, room and companionship.
The Inter-Cooperative Council is
the central directing body of the co-
operative houses and its function is tot
coordinate and organize the activi-
ties of the houses.
Two representatives from each of
the 12 houses make up the Council
and from it the officers are chosen.t
Central personnel, education and
purchasing committees as well as theI
individual houses are the active
agents of the Council in executing
the policies formulated by the Coun-
There is absolutely no racial, reli-
-dous or class bar to membership in
the cooperatives. The central per-
sonnel body attempts to apportion
ipplicants evenly to all the houses,
but the individual houses exercise
the final authority in accepting new
Room and board costs range from
two dollars to five dollars per week
in the men's houses and up to six
dollars a week in the girls' houses.
Cooperation, of course, extends be-
yond the above mentioned to such
,ctivities as parties, picnics and
Scabbard And Blade
Is Military Organization
The preamble of the Constitution
of Scabbard and Blade exemplifies
the purpose of the Society:
"Believing that military service is
an obligation to citizenship, and that
the greater opportunities afforded
college men for the study of military
science place upon them certain re-
sponsibilities as citizens, We, Cadet
Officers in various Universities do
form this Society and adopt this Con-
stitution in order to unite in closer
relationship the military departments
of American Universities and Col-
leges; to preserve and develop the
essential qualities of good and effi-
cient officers; to prepare ourselves as
educated men to take a more active

tatives of the activities.
Over 20 activities will be represent-
ed by booth displays. The Sailing
Club will exhibit a 12-foot, completely
out-rigged sail boat and will show
movies of the Club's races after the
Following the speeches refresh-
ment will be served and freshmen
will be able to talk privately with ac-
tivity representatives who will ex-
plain in more detail their activities.
Names of the speakers and the or-
ganizations they represent, as an-
nounced by William Slocum, '42,
chairman of the Smoker, follow:
Dick Schoel, '43,.. .of.. Alpha J-i
Omega; Congress president. William
Hearne Rockwell II, '41; Gargoyle's
Bernard Bloom. '42; President Jim
Harrison;'41, of the Inter-Fraternity
Managing editor. Hervie Haufler,
'41, of The Daily; Karl Kessler, '41
representing the editorial staff and
Brad Williams, '42, the business staff
of The Daily; Jack Corey, '41, of the
'Ensian; the Michigan Technic's
Seymour Furbush, '41; Union secre-
tary, Charles Heinen. '41.
Jim Gormsen, '42, of Mimes;
"Commodore" Ray Jones, '41, of the
Sailing Club; President William
,Muehl, '41, of the Student Religious
Association; and Fred Tietzel, '42,
of the Gliding Club.
Other organizations that will be
represented at the Smoker include:
the Glee Club, Transportation Club,
Sigma Rho Tau, Varsity. Band and
the Student Senate.
Master Of Ceremonies

When you come to her office this
spring for an eligibility card you'll
receive the same treatment as the
hundreds of students she meets-a
curt, business-like glance that
means you had better possess a 'C'
average or else.
Junior Honor Engineers
Form Triangle Society
Triangle, junior engineering honor
society, attempts to aid in the de-
velopment of the College of Engineer-
Members are chosen with regard to
outstanding scholastic and extracur-
ricular activity in their freshman


Foundation Is

Jewish Student Center
The B'Nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
serves as a cultural and social center
for Jewish students on campus. The
Foundation, which is under the direc-
tion of Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, is
governed by a student council headed
by Jerome W. Mecklenburger, '41E.
The Foundation is located at 1102
Oakland and has numerous physical
facilities which include a fine li-
brary which is used by all university
students, chapel, lounge, offices, rec-

President Douglas Gould, '41, of
the Michigan Union, will act as
master-of-ceremonies of the Ac-
tivities Smoker at 8 p.m. today in
the main ballroom of the Union.
Aeronautical Institute
Promotes Air Science
The Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences on the Michigan campus is
a student branch of the national or-