Mendez et. al v. Westminster et. al’s Impact on Social Policy and Mexican-American Community Organization in Mid-Century Orange County

  • ️Jared Wallace


Several years before the famous Brown v. Board court case, Mendez v. Westminster challenged the long-held school segregation of Mexican-American students in Orange County, California. In the years following Mendez, parents of the Mexican-American students continually pressured the Orange County school districts to ensure that their children received the equal education the law had permitted. During this struggle, the Mexican-American community had a surge in political leadership and involvement. These triumphs allowed Mexican-American community members to desegregate other institutions throughout Orange County and begin a new era of race relations with their Anglo neighbors.

Recommended Citation

Wallace, Jared (2013) "Mendez et. al v. Westminster et. al’s Impact on Social Policy and Mexican-American Community Organization in Mid-Century Orange County," Voces Novae: Vol. 5, Article 8.
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Since April 26, 2018