
Home | DNA Methylation Age Calculator

New Online DNAmAge Calculator

Thank you for visiting the DNAmAge epigenetic clock calculator. The site is now operated and maintained by the Epigenetic Clock Development Foundation. Please visit the NEW and IMPROVED online calculator at the following link: https://dnamage.clockfoundation.org


This webpage contains information on how to calculate DNA methylation (DNAm) age based on data measured using the Illumina Infinium platform (e.g. EPIC, 450K, or 27K data).

The age calculator presented below automatically outputs the estimated DNAm age and optionally various measures of age acceleration, predictive accuracy, and data quality. After uploading the data, the function will return an Excel file whose rows report the estimated DNAm age of each subject and optionally additional information. If you only submit DNA methylation data, then you will only obtain an estimate of DNAm age.

If you want to obtain various measures of age acceleration and array quality, then you need to upload an additional sample annotation file as described below.

DNA Methylation Data

The calculator is only applicable to DNA methylation data that come with an identifier for CpG probes measured on the Illumina platform.

The first column must be CpG probe identifiers (cg numbers) such as the following: cg00000292, cg00002426, cg00003994...

The first column must be CpG probe identifiers (cg numbers) such as the following: cg00000292, cg00002426, cg00003994...

Please save the methylation levels (beta values) in a comma delimited text file (e.g. an Excel .csv file). Optionally, you can compress the comma delimited file (. csv files) into a file that ends either with .zip or with .bz2. Other compression formats can not yet be used. The first row should contain the CpG probe identifiers (cg numbers). The remaining columns correspond to samples. The file should contain a header (e.g. starting with "ProbeID", "Subject1", "Subject2",...).

Methylation Data Example: MethylationDataExample55.csv
Sample Annotation Example: SampleAnnotationExample55.csv


Citing The Software

If you use the R function in your published work, please cite it as follows:

The method and R function is described in

  • Horvath S (2013) DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types.


Please email Steve Horvath and the Clock Foundation team with any questions (info@clockfoundation.org; shorvath@mednet.ucla.edu), subject heading: DNAmAge. SH gratefully acknowledges the many researchers who made their DNA-methylation datasets publicly-available and responded to his email requests.